Sign and Symptoms of Kundalini Awakening and How to Handle Dark Side of Kundalini Awakening

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Have you ever experience any sign and Symptoms of kundalini awakening? Like Sensations of ‘energy’ moving or trapped within certain parts of the body, often involving the chakra points. This process may become in some way ‘visible’ to the experiencer. The energy feels unbearably strong or painful, often accompanied by shaking, jerking, or spasms.

Kundalini is considered to be a life-force energy, meaning it’s a major source of internal power. We all have it, but not all of us have experienced it as “awakening.”

“It’s your consciousness,” spiritual teacher and author of Transcendence Calling Monique Rebelle puts it. “Everything that you are, you think, you remember, that you can visualize anything that’s your consciousness,” That’s Kundalini.

Sign and Symptoms of Kundalini Awakening and How to Handle Dark Side of Kundalini Awakening

She explains that this energy, which is traditionally thought to be feminine (sometimes called Kundalini Shakti), is only able to flow freely when one’s chakras are totally clear and open.

“The chakras are like gates to the dimensions of perception,” noting that for many, blocked chakras do not allow Kundalini energy to flow.

Through the practice of enriching your spirituality and inner world, you may eventually become so neutral and so balanced

“that you know you’ve reached a place of total awakened-ness, she does not teach people to raise their Kundalini energy with an awakening as the goal and doesn’t think people should attempt it.

Symptoms of kundalini awakening

There are some sign and Symptoms of kundalini awakening like you have a feeling of freedom, from the ego and from the material realm.

After experience kundalini awakening you feel euphoric in the moment and have a sense of resounding peace. If you transcend the dual nature of the mind and are able to see that we consciously create our reality.

You feel love and compassion for all that is and recognize yourself as an intrinsic part of all. Your mind is noticeably more still, with a new ability to focus on one thought at a time. Your mind is able to witness, observe, and discern (thanks to an open crown chakra).

Old problems and even past trauma do not have the same effect on you anymore. You remember them, but they no longer bother you.

What is a Kundalini Awakening?

Put simply, a kundalini awakening is a form of energetic awakening that causes us to transform on the mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.

Kundalini itself is a Sanskrit word that means “she who is coiled” Symptoms of kundalini awakening refers to primordial life force energy contained at the base of the spine that is often depicted as a snake.

This serpentine energy, once awoken, travels up the various energy centers (or chakras) of the body and into your crown chakra where higher consciousness is triggered.

The result of this higher awareness is a greater understanding of one’s soul (or True Nature), life purpose, and the nature of reality itself.

15 Symptoms of the Kundalini Awakening

As divine feminine energy, kundalini usually lies dormant in the root chakra (base of the spine). However, there are a number of different situations and Symptoms of kundalini awakening where kundalini can be suddenly awoken spanning from trauma to drug use.

All the way to years of targeted practice (such as through tantric or kundalini yoga).

Below, I’ve divided kundalini awakening symptoms into two groups: “light” and “dark” signs. Please note that kundalini energy is neither good nor bad.

It’s a primordial force that simply lives within us. However, to the human mind, some of Symptoms of kundalini awakening are pleasant and others are extremely unpleasant:

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‘Light’ Kundalini Awakening Symptoms

  • You feel a spiritual connection with the Divine that transcends the ego
  • You are bathed in bliss and boundless love
  • You experience periods of Oneness where your compassion for humanity increases
  • You tap into extrasensory abilities (ESP) and/or develop extraordinary gifts
  • Pleasurable sensations pulsate through your body is light Symptoms of kundalini awakening.
  • You’re inspired to make big, life-altering decisions and authentic changes in your life
  • Synchronicity (i.e., meaningful or miraculous coincidences) increases tremendously
  • You have profound insights into your behavior and past experiences
  • Your empathic abilities strengthen and you can feel everything at a profound level
  • You begin to understand the nature of the mind and how it influences reality
  • You keep receiving big, cosmic “downloads” of information (soul communication)

‘Dark’ Symptoms of kundalini awakening

You experience intense, involuntary shaking of the body that can be alarming


Your nervous system becomes hypersensitive to external stressors (bright light, TV violence, loud noises) and shuts down or craves total solitude

  • You struggle to sleep properly
  • You experience sudden and shocking moments of ego death
  • One of negative Symptoms of kundalini awakening is You have visual disturbances that can feel alarming (e.g., objects seeming to vibrate)
  • You experience intense heat, vibrations, or electricity surge through your body
  • It feels like you’re having a bad drug trip while sober
  • You struggle to distinguish what is real from imagined (psychosis) and feel like you’re going crazy

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Other symptoms of a kundalini awakening

The above kundalini awakening signs or Symptoms of kundalini awakening are fairly common. However, as someone who has experienced the energy of kundalini move through move, I can say that it doesn’t happen in the exact same way for everyone.

One of the most recent experiences I’ve had, for instance, was preceded by two weeks of low scale feelings of ‘impending doom,’ followed by the kundalini energy gently moving from my head and down through my body into my stomach.

The energy felt gentle, like a soft breath of wind, and when it reached my stomach, it felt like it was ‘working’ on something there. Then it melted away and vanished.

Here are some other, and perhaps less common, kundalini awakening symptoms:

  • Feeling shattered (fragmented) or like you have no center
  • Dreaming of snakes or seeing snakes everywhere (this is an alert from your subconscious mind)
  • Feeling raw and extremely vulnerable, like a newborn child is also a Symptoms of kundalini awakening.
  • Manic and exuberant energy or the opposite, chronic fatigue (sometimes alternating)
  • Frequent lucid dreams or vivid dreams
  • Seeing lights or hearing music that isn’t there
  • Tapping into your past life experiences (or other people’s)
  • Entering spontaneous yoga poses (known as kriyas), mudras (hand poses), or pranayama (yogic breathing)
  • Developing a Savior Complex or feelings of grandiosity
  • Feeling intense grief for the planet and all suffering beings
  • Out of body experiences where you (may/may not) connect with your Higher Self
  • Visual and hearing changes
  • Panic attacks and feelings of terror
  • Strange food cravings or aversions
  • Spontaneous orgasms
  • Developing strange, undiagnosable physical symptoms that may manifest as autoimmune conditions, digestive issues, nausea, etc.

Have you experienced Symptoms of kundalini awakening that has been mentioned above? Feel free to share your experience in the comments. This might help others who have undergone similar experiences to not feel alone.

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Spiritual Awakening vs. Kundalini Awakening – What’s the Difference?

While the two sound the same, they’re slightly different in nature.

The spiritual awakening process (or ‘spiritual ascension‘) tends to be emotional and psychological. Kundalini awakening, on the other hand, is energetic: it’s a surge of energy that may be either gentle and gradual, or sudden and intense.

While kundalini awakening usually comes further down the road after someone has experienced a spiritual awakening, it doesn’t always. As mentioned previously, kundalini can arise suddenly in response to psychedelic drug experiences, sexual encounters, or even traumatic situations.

All these Symptoms of kundalini awakening represent different condition of state of mind.

Another distinguishing factor is that kundalini energy is felt very physically whereas the spiritual awakening is usually more mind and heart oriented. So while intense vibrations and heat may be felt in the body during kundalini awakening, during spiritual awakening there is more of a soulful quality of deep questioning, insight, and transfiguration (some refer to this as spiritual alchemy).

Can someone experience both spiritual awakening and kundalini awakening at the same time?

Yes, absolutely. And it’s for this reason that both tend to lead to experiences of the Dark Night of the Soul (or the inevitable after-effect of having felt like one has ‘lost touch’ with the Divine). Ultimately, they are two sides of the same coin.

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5 Hidden Traps of Kundalini Awakening

Kundalini awakening is a life-changing mystical experience that can feel magical, ecstatic, and profound. And it is. But there are also many hidden traps we can fall into after we’ve emerged out of the other end.

If you feel Symptoms of kundalini awakening and unable to understand what going on with you.


Some of these traps involve:

  1. Spiritual superiority – seeing yourself as “more awake” than others and looking down on those who are not as advanced or still “asleep” (also known as the spiritual ego)
  2. Savior complex – adopting a disproportionate sense of self-grandiosity and specialness, believing that you’re sent to “save the world” (e.g., for those who have undergone kundalini psychosis, this can even mean believing they’re Jesus Christ or the next Buddha)
  3. Grasping and attachment – desperately trying to hold onto the blissful experiences of the kundalini awakening and being miserable (even entering crisis mode) when it’s inevitably lost (this can result in spiritual materialism)
  4. Spiritual nihilism – taking universal truths and misapplying them to a human level, e.g., “all is an illusion,” “nothing ultimately matters” which breeds a sense of dissociation, emptiness, and cynicism people often think them as a Symptoms of kundalini awakening.
  5. Avoidance – avoiding or spiritually bypassing everyday responsibilities and focusing only on “higher spiritual matters” (this is essentially a way for the ego to avoid growing up and integrating the experience at a human level)

How to Handle a Symptoms of kundalini awakening

If your kundalini has awoken and you’re feeling overwhelmed, here’s some guidance to handle Symptoms of kundalini awakening:

be gentle with yourself and take care of your nervous system:

likely, your nervous system is going into overdrive if you’re having a painful kundalini experience. Some ways to calm your nerves can include:

Taking a warm bath with essential oils like lavender (you can also try magnesium salts).

If a warm bath doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, try a cold shower. Be mindful and notice how your body and mind respond to the temperature of the water.

Find something/someone that brings you a feeling of safety.

This might be cuddling your dog or cat, asking your partner or friend to hold you, finding a cozy nook in nature, or relaxing in a corner of your house that brings you comfort. You can easily handle that kind of Symptoms of kundalini awakening.

Listen to calming music.

Try slow guided breathing using an app like Calm or Insight Timer. (Be mindful of how your body responds. At the first sign of discomfort stop immediately.)

Ground yourself outdoors in nature.

Eat grounding foods (potatoes, root vegetables, organic meat)

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Stop all spiritual practice temporarily

Yes, your spiritual practice might be amplifying the effects of your kundalini awakening.

If you feel unable to handle these Symptoms of kundalini awakening so stop. Let yourself rest. If you crave a replacement practice, try mindfulness as it helps to ground you in the present moment.

Read my article on the spiritual emergency for more helpful ideas.

Seek out compassionate help

If you still struggle with the kundalini energy being too intense, I strongly recommend seeking out the guidance of a transpersonal or depth psychotherapist.

The best guides are those who understand the importance of integrating the mind and spirit (or spiritual psychology).

There are also people who specialize in kundalini awakening help that you can find online – but tread carefully. Trust your instincts.

If you feel worse or if you get weird vibes about someone, you don’t owe them any explanation. Leave. Find someone else. You have the right to get the guidance you need.

What happens after kundalini awakening?

Usually, there is a period of long integration after the kundalini awakening experience. In other words, Symptoms of kundalini awakening takes a while for the mind, heart, and soul of a person to fully comprehend what they’ve been through and translate that into daily life.

For some (extremely) rare people, kundalini awakening results in liberation from the separate self and the realization of non-dual awareness (also known as ‘enlightenment’).

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How long does kundalini awakening take?

The answer is that it varies for everyone. Some people experience the awakening of kundalini early on their spiritual path (indeed, for some it actually triggers the spiritual search). For others, kundalini awakens after many years of spiritual practice.

There is no set in stone rule here: it depends on your unique energetic blockages, destiny, soul, and many other factors.

How to experience symptoms of kundalini awakening conclusion

Kundalini awakening can happen gradually and subtly or explosively and rapidly on our spiritual awakening journeys.

Known as the Serpent Power, the Inner Woman, and the essence of Shakti, kundalini energy can be a force of tremendous awakening or deep enslavement.

The key is to be mindful, practice spiritual discernment, trust in your soul’s strength, and seek help where needed.

Remember that the Symptoms of kundalini awakening and ultimate purpose of kundalini is to dissolve the inner knots that keep you small and limited, helping you to awaken to your Eternal, Primordial, and True Nature.

Have you had a kundalini awakening experience? What was it like? I’d be fascinated to hear below.

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