Effects of Isolation on Mental Health

Exploring the Unseen Effects of Isolation on Mental Health: A Look at the Dark Side of Separation

There are many Hidden Effects of Isolation on mental health. When experts study isolation’s causes and impacts, they distinguish between social isolation and loneliness. Social isolation is an objective lack of social relationships or infrequency of social contact. Loneliness is a subjective feeling of isolation. A person can be socially isolated but not feel lonely. …

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The dark triad personality traits

The Dark Triad Personality How To Protect Yourself From The 3 Most Dangerous Personalities

The dark triad personality traits are three closely related yet independent personality traits that all have a somewhat malevolent connotation. The three traits are Machiavellianism (a manipulative attitude), narcissism (excessive self-love), and psychopathy (lack of empathy). The dark triad has traditionally been assessed with three tests different tests, each of which had been developed individually. …

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What is splitting borderline personality disorder?

What is Splitting in Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)?

Splitting borderline personality disorder in Hindi i.e. dissociative identity disorder (DID) is called those mental disorders where a more distinct personality is seen within the same person. Every personality of a person is different from other personality in every respect of thought, feeling and activity. This type of problem is especially seen more in those …

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What are blackouts?

Blackouts Causes, Side Effects, and Prevention How to Deal with It

Many times while walking, we start seeing everything blurry or else the body or mind becomes numb for some time. During this we do not have any kind of consciousness nor are we able to control ourselves. This often happens with those people who have lack of water or lack of blood. Because of this, …

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