If you are going through the process of Kundalini and Chakra awakening, then you must know about Overactive root chakra warning signs. When we do the activity of Muladhara Chakra Awakening, then due to the flow of energy, the chakra can become either more or less active.
During Chakra Awakening, it is very important to pay attention to the balance of flow of energy in each chakra. We may have different experiences in case of excess flow and less flow.
Most of the seekers go through such unwanted experiences during Kundalini awakening which make the practice even more difficult for them.
The biggest reason for this is the unbalanced flow of energy. In such a situation, it is very important for you to know about the Overactive root chakra warning signs because only then you can move forward in your practice.
In the process of chakra awakening, Muladhara chakra comes first. This chakra has a direct connection with the physical world. The actions we do while living in the material world are related to this chakra.
During Awakening, if the flow of energy in this chakra increases, then some of its side effects are seen, about which we are going to talk in this article.
Let us know what happens when the flow of energy in the root chakra becomes more than necessary and it starts becoming overactive.
Overactive Root Chakra
The first chakra located at the base of the spine is the Muladhara Chakra which is responsible for Experience of Safety, Security, and Survival.
When we are born on earth then we have some basic needs which are necessary for our living. The Energetic Blueprint and Primal Knowledge of what we have to do and how to move forward in life is linked to this cycle.
The work of Muladhara Chakra is to keep our physical and energy body connected with the earth element. Until we cross it, we remain trapped in illusion and cannot rise above our basic needs.
In the condition of balance of this chakra, we can be free from any fear. We have already shared the basic information related to this cycle in the previous article. Most of the people think that Muladhara Chakra is related to lust. Actually it is a part of Moh and Maya.
In this article, we will talk only about Causes of an Overactive Root Chakra and signs and symptoms of Overactive Root Chakra.
The Causes of an Overactive Root Chakra
First of all, you have to know about an overactive cycle. Over active means the energy flowing in your chakra is unbalanced and is vibrating at non-harmonic frequency due to excessive flow.
When our chakras are in a state of balance, then their vibrations connect us with others on harmonic frequency. In the absence of this, we cannot have the right experience.
Although there can be many other reasons for overactive root chakra, but the values ​​we get from our surroundings play an important role in this.
Our ideology is influenced a lot by the values ​​we get from home and family. Earth element keeps us balanced because it can balance any kind of energy.
When we move away from our original harmony and start working above the basic need then it can over activate the root chakra.
9 Signs of an Overactive Root Chakra
The biggest reason for the imbalance of any chakra is moving away from our basic needs and working on those things which cannot give us satisfaction.
The biggest reason for Muladhara Chakra being overactive is our getting trapped in material needs, adopting such belief systems which make us insecure in life.
To balance the chakra, first of all you have to identify the reasons which bring it into a state of imbalance. Today we have to face the most problems due to the imbalance of this cycle.
The 9 Signs of an Overactive Root Chakra shared here will help you identify such reasons so that you can remove the reason for any imbalance coming in the Muladhara Chakra.
1. You make decisions from a state of fear
Perhaps it is not easy for you to accept this but, if you take any decision with fear, then it is because of imbalance of your Muladhara Chakra.
Due to the lack of balance of the root chakra, our mindset gets surrounded by an unknown fear. We are not able to take any decision with self-confidence and the fear of unknown consequences remains in our mind.
Overactive root chakra warning sign / Due to Muladhara Chakra being overactive, we put most of our energy in life in such things which are necessary for living. There is a doubt in our mind that if we do not do this, we might not be able to survive in life.
Fulfilling physical facilities to give yourself comfort shows the condition of your Muladhara Chakra being overactive.
Identify the reason behind it and create a balance so that your decisions are determined by your inner voice and not by any apprehension of fear.
2. You struggle with depression
Stress is a dense energy state where we are surrounded by hopelessness and sadness. When we get trapped in materialistic pleasures, then such a belief comes to our house which limits us.
We limit our thinking and we think that material comfort is everything in life. In such a situation, our full attention is only on their fulfillment, which creates excessive tension within us.
We forget that material comforts can make our work easy but cannot give us self-satisfaction.
Limiting yourself to material comforts and material life creates an anger in you because most of us are not capable enough to buy all kinds of comforts.
In the condition of balance of Muladhara Chakra, we connect with spiritual energy and also aware of it which gives us self-satisfaction and we are able to move forward.
3. You feel heavy in your body
The feeling of heaviness in the body depends on many things. When we struggle with overactive root chakra, then our energy remains confined to one chakra, which can make us feel heaviness.
Habits associated with an imbalance of this chakra include overindulgence and hoarding of material goods which also contribute to this feeling of heaviness because you are constantly filling or surrounding yourself with unnecessary items.
If you are feeling the heaviness of the root chakra, then this is the only reason why Holistic view of body is included in your state of awareness.
Our body is made up of physical and energy body. In such a situation, if you remain limited only to the physical body, then it creates a state of imbalance for you. Identifying the energy needs of the body and taking yourself ahead of it and creating a balance between the two can make you balanced.
4. You may experience tunnel vision or limited focus
To be successful in life, it is very important to have your focus. Muladhara Chakra affects your ability to focus, so if you are facing problems in being focused in life, it means that your Root Chakra is overactive.
One of the Signs of an Overactive Root Chakra is your ability to be focused. You remain confined to limited thinking and lack of multidimensional perspectives prevents you from thinking better.
If even after being focused, you are able to think only till the basic needs or you are able to think only till giving yourself comfort, then you need to balance Muladhara Chakra.
5. Perpetually in state of wanting and feeling unsatisfied
You can never be satisfied in life if your chakras are not balanced. In the event of Muladhar Chakra being overactive, no matter how successful you become in life, no matter how many facilities you have, but you cannot feel satisfaction and happiness from inside.
We do not even know whether what we are achieving or trying to achieve is necessary for us or not. All this shows the Overactive root chakra.
We can get the thrill of achieving any success and the satisfaction in our way of working only when the Muladhar Chakra is balanced.
If your mind is not satisfied and feels disoriented then it is because of imbalance in Muladhara Chakra. No matter how successful you become in life, you will not enjoy in your mind and you will always feel lost from the path.
6. You are only focused on material objects and outer appearance
Today, with the help of technology, our comfort has increased a lot but, what if we put full focus only on giving ourselves comfort?
We can make work easy for ourselves with material comforts, but it is not necessary that it will also give us satisfaction.
There are other important things in life which may not be related to comfort but can give you happiness from inside. Things like helping others, being happy with less give you happiness from inside but you will not realize it until your Muladhara Chakra is not balanced.
Keeping yourself focused only on external appearances shows your Overactive Root Chakra Warning Signs. Our whole life remains confined to appearances.
7. You may tend to overindulge or have a habit of hoarding
When your Muladhara Chakra is unbalanced, then you focus more on material comforts.
In such a situation, you also make such a habit which makes you feel safe, such as adopting such a habit which is related to material comfort and separates you from others for some time.
These habits of yours include Overeating, Shopping and Storage Obsessions. Excessive shopping, eating and drinking and becoming addicted to anything to give yourself happiness, all these reflect the over active root chakra.
8. You may be forgetting to appreciate what is
In another Common Sign of Root Chakra Overactivity, you have to remain confined to material security only. Many times we ignore those things which we already have in the process of seeing external appearances or what others have.
Due to overactive root chakra, our attention remains on those things which are with others or after seeing others, this question comes again and again in your mind that I wish I had this too.
When you do this then somewhere you are ignoring those things which you have but others do not. You are influenced by external appearances and this does not allow you to be happy from within.
The reason for this may be to remain limited to your limit focus and make yourself limited only on material comforts.
9. You take from the earth without conscious consideration
Our existence is from the earth and we are dependent on the earth for all our basic needs. Key sign of an overactive root chakra is your lack of connection with the earth element.
When you are not aware of any of your activities or whatever you are doing, it goes on without any purpose.
Along with fulfilling your needs, it is important to take care that it is not harming the earth. If your eco system is being harmed due to any of your actions, then it shows imbalance.
Read :Â How to Handle These Kundalini Awakening Symptoms Side Effects without any Master Guide
How to Rebalance an Overactive Root Chakra
You can follow some steps to re-balance the Muladhara Chakra. Following are some of the main tips in this.
- Conscious Movement: Pay attention to how active you are in whatever activity you are doing throughout the day. Try that whenever you are doing something, feel your surroundings and your movement while being active.
- Practicing Meditation and Breath work Meditation keeps your consciousness in a state of balance and you stay away from unwanted thoughts. You yourself understand your needs better.
- Crystals work like an energy tool that balances your energy. Balancing and tuning your energy makes it easier to flow in the chakras.
These are some of the tips that you can follow.
How to overcome Overactive root chakra warning signs final conclusion
When energy flows correctly between the main chakras in the body, then we move forward in life by being in a balance state. When energy gets stuck on any one chakra then it gives us many signals.
If overactive root chakra warning signs are identified in time and the chakra is balanced, then we do not have to face the problem.
Since every chakra is associated with some element and imbalance in it creates problems related to that element, so if you are not able to stay focused or feel disconnected from the earth element, then understand that your Muladhara Chakra is not in balance. Is.
By following the tips shared here, you can balance the chakra again. For more information, do not forget to read our other article.