There are plenty of reason why you should beware about kundalini awakening symptoms side effects. Kundalini activation symptoms is a way of energy flow in the whole body which is already within us.
Due to not doing the practice properly, we go through some such kundalini awakening symptoms side effects which instead of going ahead in our practice become the cause of trouble.
There are many such spiritual practices which we should learn only by being in the company of a master or guru. Kundalini meditation is also such a spiritual practice in which we break all the limitations of our body and mind.
The reason for uncontrollable Kundalini energy can be anything, in which the biggest reason is the blockage of the chakras and energy centers of the body.
If there is a block anywhere in our body, then at the time of energy flow, it gets stuck on the block. In such a situation imbalance arises which is physical and mental.
If Kundalini energy is not able to flow freely in the body during practice, then it starts showing its effect on any one part of you.
You should know that the flow of Kundalini energy is much higher than normal practice and any kind of mistake in this situation can harm us physically and mentally.
To avoid this situation, it is very important that you have the right information about it. Let’s talk about Kundalini energy flow and side effects.
Kundalini awakening symptoms side effects
We all know that during the Kundalini awakening process, we have to go through many changes. During this, such a situation arises that we are not able to tolerate the energy.
If you are practicing Kundalini meditation directly instead of body purification, then you are ignoring some things due to which you may have to undergo Kundalini awakening symptoms side effects.
These side effects are some such changes which are generally very difficult to tolerate.
Those who go through this, they have conditions like problem in energy flow, heat, problem in stability. If you are also going through such a situation during practice, then you should pay attention to these things like
- Chakra cleansing
- energy center unblocking
- healing process
- Yoga and pranayama for physical and mental health
These are some such essential exercises which make our body and mind capable of accepting this condition.
If there is a block anywhere in your body, then it starts stopping the free flow of energy. In such a situation, we should follow the tips being shared here.
What to do when you are out of control?
If there is a problem in any practice, then it is very important to understand it. There are many sadhaks who complain about Kundalini awakening symptoms side effects and these unwanted experiences do not allow them to move forward.
It is not right to stop the practice without understanding it directly because it is not the solution. If you are facing problem in practice then stopping the practice is the right step but it is not right to stop it.
You can stop the practice and see where the problem is coming and how to solve it. There are many such simple and easy tips to follow through which you can solve the problem.
1. Stop the practice
If you feel that you are unable to tolerate the Kundalini meditation experience, then stop the practice at that very moment.
If you are not able to manage Kundalini awakening symptoms side effects then it would be better to stop the practice for some time.
Some people think that after tolerating the flow of energy for some time, we become worthy of it, but it is not so. Kundalini meditation is practiced only when all your Chakras and body energy centers are in active state.
If your chakras or energy centers are blocked then energy starts getting trapped there and this situation can get out of your control.
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2. Find a good spiritual healer
Only a Perfect spiritual healer can tell you how to proceed in practice and what to do next on the basis of experience, so seek a good Guru in time. Today we can get its solution by sitting at home through online counseling for meditation or spiritual healing.
Spiritual healers can easily solve our problems in live video sessions and you don’t even have to wander for it, but you will have to work hard to get a good guru.
3. Cover yourself with positive light
Many times we start having trouble with the energy of Kundalini Shakti because we are emotionally weak.
If you have read about Aura energy field, then you must know how it affects the chakras and Kundalini Shakti. Keep yourself positive as much as possible, with this you can manage any kind of Kundalini awakening symptoms side effects.
In the condition of balanced aura energy field, we find balanced not only the chakra but also the energy center.
If you feel that your aura is not strong and because of this you are not able to balance the Kundalini energy, then follow the Tips to balance aura energy field.
This will strengthen your aura and you will start feeling more and more energy centered.
In case of weakness of your Aura energy protection shield, when the energy flow does not happen properly then it is normal to face kundalini awakening symptoms side effects.
4. Be a spiritual devote
Most of the spiritual masters keep a picture of great master or saint, like spiritual guru or guide around them. Whenever they are in some kind of opposite situation or are troubled by negative emotion, they pray to them and feel positive.
They do this whenever they feel such a need and doing so calms them down. There are some Kundalini awakening symptoms side effects which affect your lifestyle.
Our Subconscious mind works behind all this.
We create some such situations which we keep in the Unconscious mind and when we remind them then our brain turns away from any kind of thoughts and focuses on only one thought.
5. Do breathing exercises
In case of uncontrolled Kundalini Shakti, you should pay attention that you are not ignoring Pranayama related to breath.
Whenever you feel that the energy centers of the body are getting out of your control, you should pay attention to plenty of exercise and fresh air. Pranayama and exercise make our body and mind fit and active.
Along with this, the energy centers of our body also start unblocking, due to which Kundalini energy flow starts happening in the whole body without any hindrance.
In such a situation, you can easily control the condition of kundalini awakening symptoms side effects.
6. Ground yourself in nature
There are many activities that connect us with nature. You can do activities that can keep you calm, such as
- Working with plants
- Walking barefoot on the grass or beach
- Work with young children
Doing this not only keeps you calm but you can also control yourself in any situation.
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7. Lead a balanced life
If you are not able to control the flow of Kundalini Shakti during practice, then one of the reasons may be that you are not able to keep balance in life.
There can be many reasons for the lack of balance in life, such as not having the right food or being surrounded by some kind of stress.
If you are doing spiritual practice then it is not right for you to take stress.
In such a situation, you should take a well-balanced diet with enough protein so that you can feel active and balanced. We have already told about Unwanted intrusive thoughts, negative emotion, negative thinking on our blog, you have to avoid all these.
8. Change in thinking
If you repeatedly feel mentally weak and are unable to control your thoughts, then the main role behind this is your thoughts. Make your thinking well, don’t keep bad thinking and don’t be mean.
Negative emotion blocks our energy center because we start stopping positive vibes from coming on our own.
You not only have to change your way of thinking but also start thinking about others. You can avoid Kundalini awakening symptoms side effects by bringing change in thinking.
When you do this then you can stop yourself from being mean. It is very important to bring a change in the thinking of a good lifestyle.
9. Correction in your meditation routine and/or daily life
It is not necessary that the same meditation technique should work on everyone in the same way.
Sometimes the method which works on others has no effect on us or it is not suitable for us. In such a situation, instead of getting upset, you should choose some other method.
In the condition like kundalini awakening symptoms side effects in practice, we should change our daily routine or meditation technique.
Until we find a method right for us, we should practice by changing the methods.
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10. God is always with you
In case of Kundalini energy being out of control, we should have faith in ourselves. We should not forget that God is always with us and He helps us to learn something new in every experience.
Prayer can play an important role in managing Kundalini awakening symptoms side effects if you believe in it.
We have to awaken our inner faith and at the same time there is a need to make it strong.
When we do this, then a positive vibes starts being created around us, which saves us from getting trapped in such a situation, as well as helps in keeping the Kundalini energy under control.
How to manage kundalini awakening symptoms side effects Conclusion
Everyone knows about Kundalini Shakti, it is not an external power but our own power which is dormant. There are some Kundalini awakening symptoms side effects which become unwanted experiences during Sadhana.
It is easy to awaken it but it is equally difficult to handle its velocity.
If the energy centers and chakras of our body are blocked, then this energy can make us mentally ill.
Out of control of this energy is unbearable for some people.
This is a spiritual practice, those who practice it become different even while living in the common world.
If you are faced with kundalini awakening symptoms side effects then you should follow the above mentioned tips.