The main purpose of Therapeutic Touch is to activate your healing process. Usually due to some kind of energy blockage, we feel many health related changes in us.
Skin touch therapy is a special type of energy healing process in which the provider initiates the therapy session by touching the body of the medium at a distance or through a light touch.
Through this therapy, we can feel changes in ourselves like deep relaxation response, reduction of pain and anxiety, and faster wound healing.
Although through this how we get benefits and how it changes in our body.
it has not been proved scientifically, but through this positive changes can be brought in mental condition, due to which the natural healing process is made fast. May go.
Today we are going to talk about Therapeutic Touch, how this process not only removes the energy blockage of our body but also strengthens the self-healing ability.
When our body prepares itself for natural healing ability, then it becomes easy to recover from mental or physical diseases.
In fact, this is not a miracle, but our body has its own healing ability, due to which we feel light, beyond the burden of thoughts and calm after the therapy session.
Let us know how this therapy works and what things you should know before starting its session.
What is skin touch therapy?
It is a part of broad category like energy healing in which healing like acupuncture, tai chi, and reiki is given.
Its main concept is that our body is surrounded by a natural energy field which maintains the mind-body connection and affects our wellness.
If energy healing theory is to be believed, then when energy flows completely freely in our body, then we feel completely healthy.
Somehow imbalances or disruptions become the cause of our illness, pain, mental health symptoms, and other distress.
Skin touch therapy practitioners manipulate the flow of energy through their hands, which is central to reiki or energy healing.
With this, we fix our healing factor to some extent and then our body starts healing itself.
Is this therapy like healing touch?
This is very difficult to understand because some people believe that it is a kind of Umbrella which is a group of many types of practices.
Some people believe that both healing touch (HT) and therapeutic touch (TT) are part of it. Whereas according to other people it is part of therapeutic touch.
Both of these were invented by a nurse, the only difference was that there were some different differences between these two therapies.
Now consider these two separately.
Therapeutic touch was invented by Dolores Krieger in 1970. In this, the practitioners do not touch you, but stand at a distance of a few inches.
They touch you only in some cases. Whereas
The healing touch was discovered by Janet Mentgen in the 1980s.
It is a combination of several types of energy healing practices which included practices like chakra connection and lymphatic release.
Practitioners see it as a treatment philosophy and not a specific technique and instead of standing nearby like skin touch therapy, the therapy is accomplished by touching.
It depends on which practice we are including in the technique. Touching the medium in healing touch depends on the comfortable level between the two. It works even if you want the practitioner not to touch you.
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What does skin touch therapy work for?
Our body has the natural ability of self-healing, it heals itself very quickly from any situation. However, wounds and bruises take some time to heal.
Skin touch therapy practitioner believes that energy healing is very effective in speeding up the process of self-healing.
Here we get to see many applications of treatment through touch such as
- Relieves anxiety and stress – Removes stress
- Help wounds heal faster
- Improve immune system function – Strengthens immunity.
- Pain can be reduced – reduce pain
- help reduce nausea, fatigue, and other side effects of chemotherapy
- improve symptoms of chronic conditions like fibromyalgia and lupus
- Helps in getting good sleep by removing tiredness – reduce fatigue and get better sleep
People who have taken skin touch therapy healing believe that after this they have made themselves feel calmer and more relaxed.
This therapy also works on those people who are on the last moment of their life. With the help of this, they pacify themselves even in terminal illness so that they can remain peaceful.
People have also claimed that they feel even more confident and self-aware after the reiki skin touch therapy session.
What happens during the session?
When you have your first appointment, then the practitioner collects some background information about you so that he can identify the symptoms that he had noticed. They start your therapy on the basis of how much time it has been happening with you.
It is also very important to know why you want to take this therapy and what is your purpose behind it so that the goal can be achieved in a planned way.
It is not necessary to remove clothes during the session, but if you wear such clothes during the session which are comfortable and you do not have problems then it is much better.
If you are a woman and do not want the practitioner to touch you, then clear this thing at the beginning of the session.
The process of healing can be made easy only when there is bonding between the two and not any kind of pressure, so in which you do not feel comfortable in yourself, clear it in advance.
The session of both healing therapy and skin touch therapy is around 20 minutes. In this, the time depends on your healing process or the symptom that you experience. In this treatment, the session is completed in the following steps.
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At the beginning of the session, your practitioner centers himself first. For this, they bring their complete awareness to one place and enter a semi-meditative state.
Mostly for this they use meditation techniques like deep breathing and similar grounding exercises.
This happens that they are able to keep themselves away from distracting thoughts and keep better focus on their treatment.
Healing touch practitioners are able to maintain this entire process for a long time until your desired goal is achieved.
In the session, when the processors are centered, they touch the medium’s body only a few inches above.
This whole process depends on the senses and during this time they try to sense the bio field of the medium.
From head to toe, they sense your body and locate the place where energy flow blockage is taking place.
This area makes them feel differently which includes warm, cool, or tingly feeling.
If your problem is related to a specific area of ​​the body, then the practitioners practice only at that place such as chronic back pain in which the practice is focused only on your waist.
Here you should know that this exercise involves multiple techniques, so a slight touch can also be done but it is only part of the practice.
Trained touch therapists always check the new treatment techniques before applying them to see how it will affect you.
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When the practitioner comes to know that in which area of ​​your body is facing the problem of energy blockage and where there are issues in the flow of energy, then they start working on the right technique in their own way.
This process is as if the hair is coming out of the cloth.
The movement of their hands is on your body as if they are checking whether it is working or not.
This process is known as un-ruffling.
This process goes on till they start realizing that now there is no blockage left in that place in your body.
During this, visualization techniques can also be used so that direct positive energy can be transferred to the place where they are feeling the blockage.
After a few minutes, you yourself can experience an increasing sense of calm and relaxation during skin touch therapy . When these energy blockages are completely cleared then another quick assessment is done to check if there is any blockage left. When completely sure, then this session is ended.
- After the completion of this session, you can notice such changes in yourself like
- Getting rid of the burden of thoughts – brief emotional overwhelm
- Thirst – Feeling of hunger and thirst
- Light headed ness
Such changes show a positive session in you that it is working for you, but if you are noticing any kind of unpleasant or unwanted symptoms during or after this, then talk to your practitioner immediately about it.
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Does this really work?
How Reiki Skin touch therapy works can be surprising to some people.
How is it possible to remove someone’s problem by touching it? This therapy works on emotion and for this it is most important to make sense.
When you are able to feel the emotion of another person just by touching it, then you are able to manipulate his feeling in a better way.
The bio field of any person covers his emotional body and by influencing it, we can make the desired effect on the person.
Medical science also believes that through this we can make healing easier, such as a disease in which mental condition is most affected.
Many such research has come to the fore in which people have accepted that after healing skin touch therapy, they have felt a positive effect in their healing.
Even today how skin touch therapy might help people is difficult to understand or proof because after the session people experienced positive changes in themselves but it could not be proved scientifically.
This is the reason that even today it is difficult to understand skin touch therapy and other energy healing methods from the point of view of research-driven approaches.
Is skin touch therapy right for you?
Taking Reiki skin touch therapy session is not risky in any way because till date no complaint of any kind of side effect has been received from it. If you want to try it, then of course you can try it, but there are some things you should know and keep in mind that
If you are expecting some kind of miracle from this therapy, then stop because it can only help in relieve symptoms and not cure any disease.
It supports the natural healing of our body and does not make it. Our body does healing and not this therapy.
The same condition applies in mental health symptoms that this therapy can reduce your stress and not any kind of resolution because it can prevent or remove depression, mood swings, or thoughts of suicide.
Simply put, this therapy works only as a support for us, not our body does the main work of healing, which is based on accept or reject.
Some people have claimed that they experienced positive changes in mild pain, fatigue, and muscle tension after the skin touch therapy session, which their healthcare experts could not do.
This type of condition is associated with trauma or anxiety, so along with therapy, a mental health professional should also be consulted.
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You should remember all these things.
How to identify the right skin touch therapy provider?
If you want to try it, then only choose a certified practitioner for this.
For this you should note that the Healing Touch Provider should have a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner degree while the Therapeutic Touch Practitioner should have the Qualified Therapeutic Touch Practitioner qualification.
At the very beginning of the session, any doubts related to it should be cleared in your mind and it should be decided that you are able to complete it by being comfortable.
For this, it is very important for you to be comfortable, so do many visits, check and then start the session.
You should know that if your provider is not qualified then how they can harm you. This includes the following disadvantages such as
- You’re having emotional imbalance.
- Tampering with bio field and negative feeling
- We have already talked about the Psychic vampire. And you should be careful in such conditions especially when doing any exercise related to your Aura energy field.
- If your provider himself is not trained, then he may not be able to transfer his psychic energy on you properly, due to which negative energy can also affect you.
Although it does not harm us much but having emotional imbalance can trouble us. Therefore, whenever you take therapy, first solve your questions and doubts.
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Aura energy skin touch therapy healing final conclusion
We all know that energy therapy involves practices like reiki and skin touch therapy healing, in which we feel his bio field at some distance through the medium and affect his Aura energy field.
In this process, we do not heal the medium, but remove the blockage, due to which the energy flow becomes natural and the body of the medium starts healing any kind of problem itself.
Although till date no harm has been known about this therapy, nor does this type of energy therapy have any side effects.
it is better to know about your provider before taking it.
It must be known whether he is really professional or not. This therapy works only when you feel comfortable with yourself.