What is a psychic attacks symptoms? Your energy body is more complex than our physical body is. A total of 10 types of bodies together make up your body. In all this, our Aura body or Aura Energy Field holds the most importance.
A body made of energy that protects the physical body from any kind of external psychic vampire attack. Our emotion and thought control it, so many times it happens that we suddenly feel weak. There are many factors that directly affect our psychic energy.
In this post we are going to talk about those methods and techniques through which we can strengthen our aura area. All these techniques are not only natural but completely safe. If you stuck in psychic attacks you can easily heal yourself without any master help.
Although Psychic Medium or Reiki Healer can help you to strengthen your aura area, but it is better that you do it yourself because Self-healing is the best solution, due to which you can help yourself to emerge from any problem very quickly, Can prepare.
Whenever we do sattvik work, our aura area behaves positively and we start feeling ourselves full of enthusiasm.
Because of this, whenever our mind is disturbed, full of stress or we start getting affected by need through some external medium, then due to this the Aura energy field becomes weak or starts getting affected by negative energy.
You can take these measures to remove yourself from all kinds of external negative energy and become positive.
What is a psychic attacks?
A psychic attacks is the sending of negative energy with the conscious or unconscious intention to inflict harm upon a person or their family. Such harm can include the emotional, physical, spiritual, or mental state of a person.
These negative energies are typically projected in the form of thought, based on jealousy, envy, anger, and other emotions.
Although no scientific evidence indicates anyone is capable of launching a psychic attacks against another, behaving negatively toward others can have damaging effects on the targets.
A psychic attacks can be influenced by someone whom the person already knows, including friends or family members. When harmful thoughts are sent unconsciously, jealousy, envy, or anger is often the motivation.
A conscious attack occurs when someone deliberately means to harm another. It can be compared to black magic, witchcraft, and spell casting. It is widely believed that a psychic attacks is less about the victim than it is about the weakness of the attacker and is similar to bullying behavior.
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What is Psychic Energy?
We all know that apart from our physical body, there are many other bodies which together make us complete. We have read about all this in the previous post Know about your body.
There is a kind of covering around us which is known as Aura energy field.
This Aura is our Psychic energy which works to protect us from any kind of Psychic attacks. In simple words, it acts as a protection shield for us.
But we all should also know that the psychic vampire can target it to take over our physical and emotional body.
The aura region can be captured, as well as the emotion of any person can be controlled by weakening it. There are many ways through which we can make Aura energy field strong through protection shield.
In this, methods like Cleansing, Reiki, Purifying, and Smudge are common and are done.
Due to continuous use, we start feeling tired after some time, due to which this is the weakening of the aura area. By influencing Aura, any negative energy can fill you with weakness and stress.
Let us know how our psychic energy can be strengthened and protected.
Why Someone Might Attack
Several motivations influence attackers for psychic attack like
- The attacker is jealous. For example, the victim’s life is progressing while the attacker’s is stagnant.
- The attacker is envious of the victim’s looks, career, life partner, or environment.
- The attacker is living in their dark side at the moment.
- The attacker lacks self-conviction and is living in fear.
It is theorized that when negative energy is consciously sent to someone with the intention of inflicting harm, then what is sent is exactly what will be attracted by the sender. The universal law of karma states that what goes around comes back around, multiplied.
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Symptoms of a Psychic attacks
Here are examples of what may be experienced by a psychic attacks. These symptoms, however, can result from a wide range of common illnesses and conditions, and the chances that any of them result from psychic attacks are slim to none.
If you experience these symptoms for any length of time, consult your health care provider as soon as possible:
- Having nightmares: Having frightening and unpleasant dreams
- Seeing the attacker front and centre: Seeing the attacker in a devilish way, either in dreams, meditations, or thoughts
- Experiencing fatigue: Feeling tired and depleted of energy constantly, for no reason
- Feeling pain: Having aches in the same place and time on a regular basis
- Feeling weakness: Experiencing illness or pains in areas of weakness that the attacker is aware of this kind of psychic attack can see in everyday life.
- Being lethargic: Experiencing a lack of concentration and laziness regarding daily tasks
- Having severe headaches: Having unusually painful headaches accompanied by vomiting or dizziness
- Feeling doubtful: Questioning or doubting direction in life, even after having been aware of direction beforehand
- Sensing being watched: Having the feeling of being watched and seeing shadows from the corner of the eye, even when alone
- Feeling suicidal: Having feelings similar to a heart attack or the desire to commit suicide
Our mental energy and our aura field are one and the same. It is governed by our thoughts and feelings, due to which our aura area works as we think.
Factors that weaken mental energy
There can be many reasons due to which our aura area becomes weak or gets affected due to some external energy.
These psychic attack affect our spiritual health. You control some of psychic attacks with them.
- The environment around you, especially the environment full of negative energy
- The people living around you and your behavior with them as well as you’re being influenced by them.
- Your own behavior How do you live and what do you think?
- People being jealous of you or not being able to match you.
- Not being conscious or careless about your own aura area.
- Always be surrounded by emotional and negative thoughts.
All these factors not only weaken your Aura energy field, but also give a chance to any external factor to dominate you very quickly.
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1. Psychic Tools to Protect and Cleanse Your Energy
It is very important for you to keep your aura area clean, protective, and active because it creates a healthy aura. In the daily life routine, you can use some such tools which can work to strengthen your aura along with doing the day’s work.
Any of these steps can help keep your psychic energy healthy and cleansed. It does not matter whether you have any kind of psychic ability or not because this technique works to protect you from negative energy and psychic attacks.
Whatever psychic vampire are around you, they work to suck your mental energy. If you want to protect yourself, then you should use one of these techniques.
2. White Light
There is no other source of sattvik energy than a white ray. This light is completely positive, free energy that you can get without any effort. By taking the right amount of it, you can connect yourself to the spiritual guide and become sattvik. You should try to keep accepting this white light as much as possible.
Some people promote light blue light instead of white energy. You can start the visualization process for this. For this you should imagine that a blue light is being illuminated from your navel centre which is slowly covering your whole body.
The way this light is covering you, in the same way you are feeling peaceful. It is effective way to keep psychic attacks away.
If you are doing this exercise, then you should be careful and along with increasing the positive energy, work has to be done to capture the negative energy as well.
You have to feel that the bubbles of your energy are imprisoning these negative energies out of your body.
This whole process is a kind of cleaning process which is another form of Reiki or Healing.
3. Quartz, Crystals, and Other Stones
There are many such physical substances with the help of which we can heal ourselves.
Quartz is very effective in increasing positive energy and keeping negative energy away. It enhance your aura energy that keep psychic attacks away.
It not only removes the negative energy or psychic vampire around you but also makes the environment around you full of positive energy.
Apart from this, there are many such crystals and stones, with the help of which we can keep ourselves positive.
- Ruby
- Amethyst
- Tiger’s Eye
- Aventurine
- Many more
With the help of all these, you can protect yourself from psychic vampire attack.
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4. Burning Sage
For the purification of any place or environment, the process of Havan and incense sticks is done there. The elements used in Havan and incense sticks i.e. herbs leave their effect. Â Burning smudge is a common effective way to keep psychic attacks and evil eye away.
Due to these, the environment there becomes positive, but do you know that it not only makes the environment around you sattvik but also makes your Aura energy field strong.
Always try that whatever sunlight you use is natural. Even today natural herbs can be found at the grocer’s shop. Therefore, try to use only the natural sage used for smudge. Some people still make it by bringing things at home which are not only herbal but also completely safe.
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5. Sea Salt Washing
Sea Salt is also a kind of natural cleansing element which is very cheap. Most healers and psychics who use their hands during reading have to clean themselves frequently.
Every time they do readings they have to use it to clean themselves after the process. This is not only a natural remedy but it is cheap and safe. Sea salt cleanse your aura energy and keep safe from psychic attacks.
To clean yourself, first clean yourself with water and then use sea salt. If you are using yourself completely during Psychic reading as a medium does, then you should take a bath with sea salt. By doing this, you can remove yourself from any kind of foreign psychic energy.
6. Meditation
Any Psychic or Medium who works as an Energy Channel is well aware of the Importance of Meditation. The best thing about this is that meditation can be done anywhere, but some people choose a particular place for it. Meditation is effective way to keep psychic attacks away.
For meditation, you have to calm yourself first and then start the process of meditation at a particular place where no one can disturb you.
First your body will relax and then your mind. Whatever happens after this, let it happen without any logic. You will find that all the negative energy, thoughts inside you are coming out and in the end only your sattvik nature remains.
The positive energy inside you is now covering your body and you have started feeling yourself full of psychic energy. This will surely keep psychic attacks away.
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7. Spend Time Outside
We should always spend some time alone. One should go out from one place and roam in the open. If you stand in the energy of the sun while roaming outside in the morning and evening, then you feel the positive energy of the sun in yourself.
The rays of the sun make us feel a new energy. Spending time with nature heal your health and keep away psychic attacks.
By walking barefoot on the ground, you find yourself connected to the ground energy, not only this, our connection with the ground acts as a balance in our right kind of energy.
You do not have to do anything, just close your eyes and feel the rays of the sun falling on yourself. By doing this in the morning or evening, you will find that by doing this the negative psychic energy inside you which was weakening your aura magnetic field is getting away.
Whenever you go for a walk in the garden, try to feel your connection with the trees and plants there. Talking to plants and feeling what they sense throughout the day establishes a positive relationship between you and the plants. All this strengthens the positive energy in you even more.
Stay away from psychic attacks with Positive Psychic Energy conclusion
We are all made up of an energy body apart from the physical body. Our body is surrounded by our Aura Energy Field which acts as a kind of protection shield. This magnetic field is affected by our emotions and thoughts. Our aura becomes what we think.
There are many people who take help of Psychic medium, reiki healer when their aura is weak. This proves to be expensive in many cases, so we should adopt some such technology which is cheap as well as accessible. To protect ourselves from psychic attacks, we should take the help of natural element.
Everyone has Psychic ability which makes him different from others. Even if your aim is not to awaken any kind of mental energy, then you can use it to make yourself spiritual. Using them calms us, as well as our mind moves away from stress and moves towards positive.
If you are interested in increasing your Psychic ability then you can read our other articles.