Have you ever experienced astral travel? Hearing astral travel experience stories related to real life, we seem to be imaginative but in reality it is so. What exactly is astral projection, is it true that we can travel out of our body and come anywhere around us or at the speed of the soul? Similar questions come to our mind when we prepare for the first time astral projection.
In this post let’s start with first time astral travel experience practice at home with our safe guide.
According to some expert reviews, astral travel experience can be both good and bad. The right information about this can help you make the right experience. How to get out of your body?
Even after trying a lot, we are not able to go to that state that the Astral body should come out of the body on its own. We can feel all this while being conscious.
When most people wake up after experiencing this, then they all feel like a dream.
90% of the people actually experience out-of-body vibration but, they do not understand it. The reason for this is that they all feel like a dream. In reality, the journey of the subtle body is like a fantasy but it is real.
You can read some astral travel experience stories in Hindi are being shared which will help you to understand it better. If you are also thinking of experiencing astral travel in the right way, then do not forget to read the post carefully.
What is astral travel experience?
Astral travel is just like projecting our astral in astral plane. In your dreams, many times you would have seen yourself flying or visiting strange lands.
Often the sensation feels so real that you wake up feeling slightly lost, as if you have been ‘beamed back’ to your current life. In many books about famous yogis and gurus, are incidents that show that they have visited their devotees while in reality they were literally hundreds of miles away.
A lot of astral travel experience stories explained in Indian yogic experience books. You can also start a safe astral projection practice at home without any risk. This practice is so easy and only need some extra time to feel you comfortable with practice.
Both these are real; while dreaming you experienced astral travel without intending to, the yogi sent forth his other self to converse with his disciple.
Just like in lucid dreaming, conscious astral travel can be practiced.
During an out-of-body experience while being conscious, the astral plane feels solid. But you will find it changeable and amorphous. Time will feel distorted and even extended.
A myriad number of realities, planes and realms exist in the astral dimension. It is not easy, however, to reach these without effort, especially for initiates in the art of astral projection.
Experience is the best teacher and learning how to travel across various levels is best learned by doing it yourself.
How to start a safe practice
If you are interested in astral travel experience then first task is to conquer fear. Astral projection is a phenomenon that occurs naturally while you are asleep.
It is important that the novice works on removing the fear of the unknown, since this will have a detrimental effect on the mind.
Hence, it is most important that your physical body and your astral form are both protected during projection. Astral projection done under the influence of alcohol or drugs is dangerous, and can even lead to temporary insanity.
Before you begin, meditate for a while. You can also practice some other kind of Trataka gazing meditation.
Fill your mind slowly with positive thoughts about yourself, your friends and your imminent first time astral travel experience. It is supposed that the astral traveler only encounters whatever he himself projects into the astral plane.
Before you begin your journey to the other planes, visualize a protective circle around yourself.
Imagine a white light around you. Imagine two large white hands emerging, which gently cleanses your aura that envelops head to toe, removing all negativity.
You may encounter beings in the astral realms that are not always positive. Remember that as long as you are a positive and spiritual person, negative forces would not be able to penetrate your aura.
Before making any first time experience you need to safe your physical body as well as astral body also. This practice require lot of calmness and relax mind. You need to learn how to protect body during astral travel or any other spiritual practice.
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Difference between out of body and astral travel
There is not much difference between out of body travel and astral travel. In the movement outside the body, we are not able to move like a subtle body and it is not our form of energy. The beginning of the out-of-body movement is in a way the soul’s out-of-body movement, which remembers the movement and the event after the movement.
According to the study, the movement outside the body is the initial stage of the astral body journey, so if you want to experience the journey of the subtle body, then you should know the right way to start it.
Your intention must be strong to start the journey of the subtle body. Because strong intention is half the practice. You have to take care of only a few things to move outside the body. Strong intention or determination and vibrations that start to arise in you when you bring your own feelings to a level.
In an earlier post, we have talked about what is a subtle body and how to practice it. But since there we did not talk about before doing astral travel experience, then first of all let’s talk about what kind of preparation we should do before practice.
This will help you more in practice. The movement of the subtle body out of the body is an exciting experience which is full of knowledge, so everyone should experience it.
Astral travel experience & strong determination
This means that if you want from the mind that you experience the variance outside the body, then you have to have a strong intention in the mind. There should be no reason behind this but your feelings. We often start practice for some benefit or the other.
Like some people want to travel the distance, some people want healing or some people who want to see the world from a new perspective. For practice, if you work on emotion more than reason, then you get quick success in practice.
All you have to do is that whenever you practice, you will get some good experience in the end.
The biggest thing you should keep in mind. You have to consider the reason why we should perform astral travel before imagining the experience of out-of-body variance. Because it often happens that you do not fully know what you will experience or feel in practice.
Astral travel experience and state of vibration
For out of body experience, you have to keep one more thing in mind that before its practice both your body and mind should be in its favorable state.
It simply means to say that unless your body and mind will not be able to harmonize, then you will not be able to feel right, not in this practice but this thing is applicable in every practice.
After this, the thing that you have to keep in mind is the correct state of your brain, that is, the calm and steady state of the mind. For this, you can meditate, even if you do not have any good experience in meditation, you can still listen to meditation music, which is called alpha music.
It helps a lot in bringing your brain to the right state for out of body experience, you can also download them from the blog.
Your concentration only increases the vibration
If you have read Human Psychology, then you must know that our brain emits 3 types of brain waves i.e. these waves are alpha, theta and delta. These waves make us feel by different chemical reactions.
It is not only responsible for sleeping but also for different activities throughout the day. For example, if you meditate and you are in a noisy place, then the state of your brain will be different in both the situations.
It has a very important role for the experience of the beginning of out-of-body transmission, that is, out-of-body experience. This is important because we experience different reactions in different situations, this same reaction can make us feel a little sense because it affects the pineal gland.
The vibrations of your brain play a very important role in experiencing the subtle body.
Caution and suggestion
It is necessary to bring some changes in your daily routine and habit for the beginning of out of body experience. This is because all these things affect the chemical reaction that plays an important role in this experience.
- Neither eat anything shortly before the exercise nor remain hungry.
- Stay away from stimulants like tea, coffee.
- Wear comfortable clothes and make the environment around you completely friendly, as if you sleep in a dark room, then make the room completely dark.
- It is not necessary that you experience it by hearing it from an external source. You can feel better by making your own guide.
- Never limit your perspective and view according to other as everybody have their own experience and practice.
- Practice how to protect body and astral projection as they are base practice. You will have a safe astral travel experience if you have higher positive vibration.
It’s better to give proper time to practice and don’t do it forcefully. As long as you can do it practice it with calm mind.
What to do and not to do while an astral travel practice?
During the time you practice, try that you do not have time to sleep. If you do this exercise at the time of sleeping, then you can fall asleep early.
If you feel that you need someone’s support, which is because of your fear, then you should keep the same person in the room whom you have complete trust in.
So that he can help you in any kind of situation. Do not forget to put alpha music in the room. This will help you to change the brain waves and reach the vibration state soon.
If you also want to experience the exciting journey of spirituality properly, then you must pay attention to the most important things. Your morale, your body and state of mind are included. Doing any exercise from the point of view of others is just copying.
If you know basic then you can have good experience. Guides never tell their experience, for which there are many reasons. Therefore, after experiencing the first time out of body, you should also start and experience it.
How to astral travel experience
You can practice your home with some safe guide. Follow our first time astral travel experience safe guide.
- Find a comfortable position in a quiet place where you will not be interrupted.
- Sitting upright in a chair is recommended as you may fall asleep while prostrate.
- Let meditational music float all around you, removing distracting sounds from your sphere of attention.
- Now practice with a calm mind. Banish all random thoughts. Imagine them flowing out into a earthen pot which you then break. Focus on your breathing. Inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth.
- Visualize yourself breathing in an atmosphere of peace, expelling disharmony with each exhalation. Like in meditation, focus on each part of your body starting with your feet and ending at your head.
- As you exhale, tell yourself in the mind, ‘My body is relaxing’. When you feel very relaxed, start chanting silently to yourself, ‘I fly, I float, I rise’ repeatedly.
- When your mind starts drifting to other things,
At some point, you will suddenly realize that you have entered a heightened state of awareness.
Your inner self feels light, at the same time it is supremely aware with your sense of hearing having become very acute. At the same time, your body feels very heavy and relaxed.
Start your journey with a sudden vibration
It is now time to begin your journey outward. Keep repeating the phrase you have used to reach your heightened state. Banish all thoughts from within while chanting over and over again, ‘I fly, I float, and I rise’. This thought will make you more concentrated at one place.
Your whole practice depend upon how much you can focus yourself on a single and repetitive thoughts.
In the first few instances, nothing may happen but as you keep practicing, sooner or later you will leave your physical body. The novices tend to become disappointed: even when they have projected their astral bodies, the realization itself jolts them back to their bodies.
It takes persistence and endurance to leave the body perfectly.
As you begin to leave your body, the experience is akin to travelling in a moving vehicle. This is simply your astral body starting to separate from your physical body.
When an abundance of lights and colors appear in front of your eyes, you have reached the astral plane. Explore the realm by using your thoughts to move around.
When it is time for you to return, just make the decision to come back to your physical body, and visualize yourself back in your body. Slowly, begin counting from 1 to 10, while focusing on each part of your body.
Begin to move each slowly, one by one. Do not be in a hurry, for you may have been sitting physically motionless for a long time.
Open your eyes, and keep a diary of your experiences. The beginner is advised to seek professional guidance from a meditation expert before starting out, for, failure to do so may harm mental equilibrium seriously.
Real life astral travel experience stories
Here I also share my first astral travel experience. Why do we listen to stories? They give us motivation and our thinking ability expands. This is the reason that some such real life astral travel experience stories are being shared here. This will help you to understand your own situation.
True story of out-of-body movement: This story is about an 18-year-old boy. A friend who did not live here had to go there and he slept at night. After a few days, this incident happened in his house while sleeping at night.
Too much exhaustion causes sleep during the night but, shortly after, Sam finds himself in front of a mirror. This time he was in his bedroom. When Sam looked back, he saw a brown cloud-like figure floating in the air.
Panicked, Sam runs towards the hall but there too he sees some similar shadow. Seeing all this, Sam’s condition started deteriorating. When he tries to run away, he finds that he is flying at the speed of the wind and his body is the same in that hall.
Sam goes back to his body but after a long time he fails to make any kind of movement in the body. Although it was quite scary, it was Sam’s first time out of body experience which he later understood.
Out of body experience stories 2
There are many such cases where people say that they felt themselves flying in their dreams and later falling down infinitely. After this, the eyes open with a jerk and they get up and sit down. Some people consider it a dream and try to figure out the meaning behind them.
But was it really a dream, according to expert review, it could be your first astral travel experience or out of body experience. These things are not as complicated as it seems to understand. When we reach the state of vibration in dreams or while sleeping, the astral travel starts automatically.
No one has control over the movement outside the body in the initial level. If you do it by understanding it, then you can start in a normal way through practice.
What make a Successful astral travel experience conclusion?
Many times in dreams we feel as if we are in the air or our body is somewhere else and we are somewhere else. During this, we get so nervous that we forget about it as scary. To experience astral travel, we first have to control our body vibration.
After this happens, we can easily complete the first experience without any fear. For this, you can also motivate yourself by reading related stories. If you have completed your first experience easily then do not forget to share your experience here.
Astral projection is a type of out of body experience (OBE) – it’s a sensation of your consciousness leaving your body.
However, an OBE and astral projection are not exactly the same thing. Astral projection is an intentional effort to separate your consciousness from your body, whereas an OBE is usually unplanned.
An OBE is recognized within the medical community as something which can happen to someone without warning or as a result of a neurological condition, whereas astral projection is considered a spiritual practice.