Manipulation is the exercise of harmful influence on others. Some people use manipulate someone emotion technique to attack their mental and emotional sides to get what they want.
The person who manipulate other called manipulator. He seek to create an imbalance of powers and take advantage of victim to get power, control and benefit.
Manipulation can happen in close or casual relationships.
Everyone use this trick to play with others mind and get what they want. In simply manipulation is defined as an attempt to sway with emotion to get them what they want or feel a certain way.
Manipulator use certain emotion to play with other’s mind.
They use victim’s emotion and feeling like Guilt, Complaining, Comparing, Lying, Denying, Feigning ignorance or innocence, Blame, Mind games and use them to work victim in a way they want.
How to manipulate someone thinking is a process in which we get the same response from victim as we want.
In simple words, Manipulation is to bring about desired change in one’s thinking.
In this article we are going to talk about how to Manipulate People i.e. some such basic psychology tips, through which we can change someone’s mind in desire way we want.
You can use it in those situations when the person in front is not agreeing with you.
However, most people say that manipulating someone is not psychologically right and people often take advantage of others.
Nothing wrong, rather it depends on the person doing it for what purpose he is using it. If you also take care of some simple things, then you can easily manipulate the thinking of anyone.
How to manipulate someone online
According to Basic Human Psychology, others do not help you until they do not benefit from it. If you want people to get your work done, then in return you have to pretend to help them.
A lot of query is searched on the internet regarding how to Manipulate People or How can I manipulate someone?
Because we all want that when we get help from others, they should not refuse.
You should know that no one helps anyone for free. Unless targeted person find out some benefit in helping you, why will he help you?
You should know very well that the person in front is looking for his benefit so that it becomes easy to get what you want.
Let us know about some such skills and how to use them to use others in the way you want.
Sign someone manipulating you
Manipulation can happen in many forms. Sometime your kindness can be a used to manipulate someone depending on your intent.
Mostly people raised question like is any form of influence considered manipulation?
Whether manipulation has good or bad intentions it show your rational thinking and desires. Manipulation commonly use some tricks on others and very well known about
- Strengthen and weakness.
- Use your insecurity against you.
- They convince you to give up and make you depending upon them.
- If they are master in their manipulation tricks they do it until situation gone out of control for you.
Other sign may include
Advantage of your current location: manipulator bring you out from your comfort zone and familiar place and bring you in a situation where they have ownership or control.
Fact manipulation: they lie you, use fact and other’s thought to gain power over you. Everything they do to demotivate you and gradually you loses self-confidence and they get control over you.
Exaggeration and Generalization: a manipulator sometime show themselves like a poor guys to fulfill their tactics. It may be like no one loved them or care them. They use vague accusations to make it harder to see the holes in their arguments.
Cruel Humor: manipulator sometime use to poke you everywhere and wait when you loss self-control. This basic psychology of superiority make them stronger than you and they feel you guilty everywhere.
Gas-lighting: This tactic is used by the manipulator to confuse you and make you question your own reality. The manipulation happens when you confront the abuse or lies and the manipulator tells you that it never happened.
Other tactic include Passive- aggression, Constant Judging,
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How can I manipulate someone?
You can easily manipulate someone with your sharpen skills.
Mostly parents use manipulation technique to work their child according to their wish and desire.
Emotional manipulation can undermine close relationships and leave the manipulation victim feeling powerless, confused, and frustrated.
Yet all people manipulate others from time to time—often without intending to.
And some definitions of emotional manipulation are so broad that they can apply to any behavior, even something as innocuous as a baby crying for food.
So when is an attempt to get one’s needs met or to achieve one’s goals actually a form of manipulation?
And when does manipulation cross the line into emotional abuse? Here are some red flags that may signal a serious relationship problem.
1. Sharpen Manipulation Skills
For brain control of another person, you have to first sharpen your skills.
In this, 2 things work, first how to master your emotions and secondly, how do we make the person in front feel desired.
You have to control your emotions and express them in the desired way in front of the people, for which there is no dearth of emotional techniques.
You can take the help of debate or public speaking class to understand your emotion.
When you know how to react in front of people only then you can get better control over your emotion. This will give you two benefits.
- You will be able to present your Thought and Emotion in front of others in a better way.
- Now you know how to present your need to the people so that they cannot refuse.
If you do not want to present yourself emotional, then you can also use another method pacing technique or simply How to manipulate someone thinking and emotion to get desired result.
In this way, we copy the body language of the person in front and it feels like you are similar to him, which is easy to get the talk done.
People who have a jolly nature, they easily get them to talk to others.
From a small child to a very old man, you should know how to impress everyone. For this you can see some tips like
- make others feel special
- be confident and don’t pretend
- Having self confidence in yourself.
If there is a master manipulator around you, then you can study it. Study how he gets people to talk to him, understand it and include the right things in himself.
2. Learn how to read people mind
It is not necessary that your same technique should have the same effect on everyone.
Every person has different emotional and psychological makeup so it can have different reasons. If you are applying the latest manipulation scheme to the front, then first study it thoroughly.
After understanding about what is the nature of that person and which technique will work best on him, apply the technique so that you can change his thinking accordingly.
Most people are susceptible to emotional response in nature.
This is because they themselves are emotional and first doubt that you are not playing with them. With such people you have to play emotional game till they start feeling sorry for themselves.
Some people are of strong guilt reflex nature. Since childhood, he has done things in a wrong way and for this he always blames himself. You can take the help of guilt to get such people convinced.
Then come the proof seekers, those looking at logical things, for which you will need to take the help of calm persuasive powers.
Such people are rational approach and they have to satisfy themselves with logic before taking any decision.
Manipulative people thinking can be made easy if they are played with people of different nature in their own way.
The same attitude cannot work on everyone, so you have to play with people in their own way and for this you have to increase your skills.
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Variety of Manipulation Techniques to manipulate someone
There are many such Variety of Manipulation Techniques, using which you can change the thinking of people in any way you want.
The first way is to give options to the people in which there is an unreasonable request while the second is reasonable.
If you want people to listen to you, then put a difficult task in front of them, which they do not like to do.
When they refuse for this, then put the request in front of them that you want them to do. They can’t even deny this.
They may even refuse the same thing in normal condition, but when you put a more difficult task in front of them then they like to do it. This is a basic psychology rule.
The second technique of manipulate someone mind is to first take out the fear of the person in front and then make him feel relaxed.
This sounds a bit mean but works in 99% of the cases, if you see the biggest example of this, then understand it like this.
Suppose something is broken from your hand, your elder brother or sister comes and shows you the fear of what your mother will do.
When you are scared then you are given relief that if you will act according to him then maybe he can save you from mother’s beating. You do everything out of fear, whatever they say because you think only they can save you.
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3. Make the person feel guilty
People surrounded by feelings of inferiority or guilt can easily be targeted and get the desired work done. For this, first of all, catch a person who is already feeling Guilt.
If you want to manipulate someone emotion, you just have to increase his guilt feeling and make him realize that he is increasing it by not listening to you.
He will try to reduce his guilt by at least doing good work with you. If
If you want to get work done by your parents, then make them feel that because of them you are suffering today and if they listen to you then they can also become good parents.
If you want to make your friend feel guilty, then remind him of what you did for this and the time when he let you down.
How would you feel if someone told you ” No problem, I expected the same thing from you”? Of course, this is a shameful thing and no one would like to have such a thought about him.
To get your work done and Manipulate People from people, you have to make them feel guilty.
4. Give one hand take the other
This is also a good way to Manipulate People or manipulate someone mind and emotion.
If you know what the other person wants, then you can easily control his thinking. You will get what you want, in return you will also have to give something. This is a technique that everyone uses today and it is known as bribe.
You can offer people what they want, in return they only have to do your work.
This is not any kind of bargaining and you do not have to bow down to anyone.
You are just making a deal and nothing else. Apart from this, playing with your Victim’s mind is also useful to manipulate people thinking like
- To make people feel that there was always going wrong with you but you did not realize what you were doing wrong.
- To make them feel that you are surrounded by wrong people like them from whom only what can be expected.
- If your friend offers you, turn it down and say that you would prefer to do this instead of doing it.
This is such a trick that forces the person in front to believe what you say.
5. Use logic to manipulate someone thinking
If Rational minded people live around you then you should use this trick. You can give them logic for this and make them feel the same way as they think.
You can explain to them the logic behind everything, even if it is not what you mean.
Such people walk for their own benefit and if they have any logic behind your work, then they will not be able to refuse you.
But you should not take advantage of someone’s work.
If people do things according to you, then do not take advantage of them for this.
Do not let them down when they do what you say, doing so can make them feel even sorrier. They will feel that they are doing you a favor even by doing your work, which gives rise to a different thinking.
Apply it in your life
After all the information related to How to manipulate someone mind and thinking, you can use it in your day life. You can use this on your friends, as when you feel that you need a lot of help from your friend, a few days before that you make them feel special.
You can also do some small things for them so that they realize what you are doing for them.
After this, whenever you want to work with them, you just have to adapt their mood.
If you are not on the high level of Manipulate people thinking then start with your friends because you know them closely. Some methods work like
If your friends care about you, then take the help of emotion. Do more shows than you are upset so that they feel that you are really upset.
You can take the support of what you did for your friends at this time. Work for them and keep making them realize how special you are to them.
You don’t have to prove bad to your friend but also make them aware of the situation when they let you down.
When you needed help and they refused. From such a situation it becomes easy to manipulate the thought.
You can try these tricks on your friends and of course it works too.
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How can I manipulate someone?
You should have some ideas about “How to manipulate someone psychologically”
If you want others to control you to the extent, then for this you have to make them realize that they will not get that until they give you the result you want.
Suppose you have an elder brother in your house and he wants him to go out for a walk at the end of the week but the family members have given him your responsibility.
In such a situation like manipulate someone mind, he cannot go unless you want to. In return, you can get your desired condition done.
This happens a lot with siblings in the house.
You just have to keep in mind that whenever you deal, your words have weight and you have self-confidence. The point to note here is that
How quickly people will listen to you, it depends on your impression.
The impression of people with limited thinking is not good, so bring a change in your attitude. Use your emotion well so that manipulated people thinking becomes easy for you.
If you want, you can use those techniques by which the front feels uncomfortable.
The way small children get their wishes done by stopping in public places because parents do not want to be embarrassed because of them in public places, then you can also come up with similar tricks.
Give people the lure of help in return. If they work for you, then you will also work for them, then they will not hold back from helping you.
You can make changes with the logo in any way you want provided you know how to manipulate whom.
6. Manipulate your boss
For people working in the office, working on a rational and logical approach can be beneficial for you. If there is a problem in the office, then by repeatedly complaining to your boss.
You may be fired from the office itself. Instead of manipulate someone like your boss, if you put a logical issue in front of your boss, then you may be heard.
If you want to bring any big change in your office, then make some changes in yourself a week in advance like proving yourself as role model, working late and maintaining a smile on face.
Present your point in such a way that it is not a big deal but its change can be big and they have to get the benefit of it.
Never do such things in the morning. There is a time to present everything and there are more chances to accept what is said at the right time. You just need to learn basic psychology of manipulate someone mind.
If you want to bring a change in the thinking of your boss in the office, then for this you have to understand the mood of the front and talk at the right time. By doing this, you will be able to easily keep your point without any harm.
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7. Manipulate your teacher
I still remember when I used to get my teacher convinced in school. I wanted peace for the project as well as some stuff lying in the lab.
He had all the qualities to impress the teacher such as coming to class on time, being good at studies, answering his every question and being a good student. If you also want to impress your teacher, then along with professionalism, your hold on emotion should be strong.
Make your teacher feel how special she is and how students respect her.
You can express in front of the teacher that some problem is going on in your life.
If you are good in their eyes then they will believe your words without any arguments. Often girls use How to manipulate someone to convince their teacher.
To manipulate your teacher’s thoughts, you can emotionalize them.
There are many things by which you can manipulate your teacher. You just have to keep 2 things in mind, first is to make your image good in front of them and second is to give them emotional attachments.
8. How to manipulate parents
As far as it is concerned to change the thinking of the family members, then you do not have to make much effort for this. 99% of parents give unconditional love to their children and also fulfill their every stubbornness.
If you become a good child in their eyes, then everything about you is also considered. Like the rest of the condition, here too you have to prove yourself good.
Treating Manipulation
It is hard to identify or admit when manipulation is happening to you.
If you are a victim of manipulation it’s not your fault. There is no way to stop this because it’s an issue of the manipulator.
It’s up to the manipulator to find help.
You can look for some help to stop manipulate someone thinking. You can stop emotional impact of manipulation with such tips like.
- Creating a personal boundaries in relationship. It also improve your self-respect.
- You need to understand when and what situation manipulate someone mind is need to be addressed.
- You can set boundaries around manipulation and let the people know you are familiar with their tactics and this will no more work.
- You can seek for someone help who is not under influence of manipulator. Ask them for their advice and look for suggestion.
Being aware about how to identify manipulation is a large part to end up How to manipulate someone online. Situation may be harder if manipulation come from your loved one.
How to manipulate someone online conclusion
We go through many such situations in our daily life where we have to take the help of many psychological facts to get our point across from others. It is possible to make changes only after reading the thinking of the people.
When we go through such a situation, then we come to know that people do nothing for us until they get something.
You should remember one thing that whenever you work on How to manipulate someone online or simply Manipulate People Thinking and Emotion, then you have to take out their greed. If you give people what they want, in return you have to give them what you want, then the chances of accepting your point increase.
Changing the thinking of people is not wrong in any way unless you play with their emotion. I hope you got to know something new.