Self-hypnosis for repressed memories can bring positive change in our life. Like giving up your bad habits or moving forward in a particular field. There are two types of hypnosis external hypnosis and self-hypnosis.
The basis of hypnosis is our subconscious mind. Through our mind we can easily exert our influence on others. You can see its clinical experiment in the form of Self-hypnosis for repressed memories.
We can correct the memory of our past that bothers us or causes unintentional fear.
In the first form of hypnosis, the seeker can hypnotize others by using it through his life force. The most important thing in self-hypnosis is that you do this exercise on yourself, so there is no risk or any kind of fear.
Self-hypnosis for memory recovery is one such experiment which we can experiment on ourselves to unlock our past life memory.
In modern era there are many such Self-hypnosis for repressed memories and Hypnotherapy clinics all over India and the world where hypnosis to remember traumatic events is being used as a treatment.
It helps us to face the fear of our childhood, due to which we are getting affected today and we are not able to move forward.
Simply put, we all go through some kind of Traumatic condition in childhood, due to which we have to face many problems later on.
This Self-hypnosis technique helps to a great extent in facing your fear.
You can also take it from a clinically certified hypnotherapist and with a little practice of how to control thought and emotion, you can practice it yourself at home without any guide.
Self-hypnosis for repressed memories
Hypnosis for Repressed Childhood Abuse Memories is a technique that helps to understand the traumatic condition that happened in our past, which is not leaving us even today.
Simply put, Hypnosis Therapy helps us to understand and get rid of our fear which prevents us from moving forward.
Abuse in childhood or any such incident of childhood, whose fear does not leave us even after growing up, it becomes very important to get rid of them. This is the situation due to which we are affected today.
Our brain has the function of recording every memory.
Every event of your past, every moment is stored but it is difficult to recall it in normal condition, because of which the brain remains engrossed in thoughts.
Hypnotherapy for trance state
For hypnosis your mind must be zero thought state. Because only the stable state of mind can control the flow of your Pranic energy. For this we should do the method of Savasana. You can control the mind and the body only by Savasana. Savasana makes your mind powerful and you can control any part of the body with just psychic emotion.
You can relax body and mind at its full potential. You can take your mind in some other direction and when this happens then understand that you have passed the basic step of hypnosis learning.
Stable state of mind brings brightness to your face because your life energy used to be wasted all day long due to the thoughts going on throughout the day. Now this Prana energy can be used in hypnosis through Tratak gazing meditation.
For a successful self-hypnosis for repressed memories practice, it is very important for you to have a good grasp of its basics.
You can convert your life force into lower energy by special practice.
- Attraction power energy
- Aura energy field
- Electromagnetic field energy
In hypnosis, your life energy is in this magnetic force, which we also call attraction power. When we do this then Self-hypnosis for repressed memories can be practiced.
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How to practice Self-hypnosis at home
The practice of self-hypnosis is nothing but to give the same suggestion to yourself again and again and that suggestion gradually becomes so deep that it reaches your subconscious mind directly.
once any emotion reaches the subconscious mind, then it is a success.
We can also take the help of Tratak meditation basic practice to relax ourselves.
If you want, you can take the help of any music or meditation practice.
Whatever be the method, our mind should be able to accept it directly. We listen to music or play games to relax ourselves.
This is our hobby, which we ourselves have told to the subconscious mind to remove stress. Simple exercises are given below to take advantage of self-hypnosis.
Self-hypnosis for repressed memories basic practice
- Before practice, try to make yourself formless and thoughtless, then prepare yourself for hypnosis.
- After finishing the morning routine, do Shirshasana for a few minutes. After this, take a comfortable seat and sit on it.
- To calm the mind, practice meditation for some time. After this, remove all the thoughts from the mind and imagine (give the feeling) that you are sleeping.
- Your eyelids are getting heavy. Pay attention, except sleep, no other emotion should come in your brain.
- After giving feeling for some time, you feel sleepy and you go into a state like yoga nidra.
- If you want, you can enjoy that sleep.
After this Self-hypnosis for repressed memories sleep, your intellect starts sharpening, your control over yourself starts increasing. This exercise is helpful to a great extent in relieving stress.
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Self-hypnosis basic practice step 2
In the afternoon, close the room and lie down on a chair comfortably. Place a good quality mirror on the front wall of the room.
Put a comfortable chair at a distance of about 3 feet from the mirror and lie down on it (comfortable posture). Keep the height of the mirror so that your face is visible in it.
Now concentrate your mind and make it thoughtless.
While fixing your eyes on the image visible in the mirror, focus on the image itself ( mirror tratak ) After looking for some time, close the eyes and practice to bring it in front of your inner vision. (Antar Tratak) With the practice of a few days, you can see the image clearly even after closing your eyes.
When this happens, understand that now you can practice Self-hypnosis for repressed memories.
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Self-hypnosis basic practice step 3
- Like the earlier exercise, after getting rid of the defecation activity, sit on the posture.
- Make the mind free and thoughtless. Now lie down facing east. Come to the method of Savasana in which your arms and legs are spread. Meditate on the deity whom you believe in.
- Bring them on your psyche by the practice of their inner tratak, wish for any wish and go to sleep.
- After a few days your wish starts getting fulfilled automatically. This is nothing but a game of the power of your subconscious mind.
- By doing the above-mentioned exercises in sequence, your will-power and spirit power starts getting stronger. And you become capable of hypnotizing yourself.
Remember it is necessary to complete the following exercise for successful self-hypnosis practice at home.
- Basic practice to Relax body and mind
- Advanced practice of Self-hypnosis for repressed memories to get rid from unwanted thought and get stable mind.
- Yoga and pranayama with strong suggestion power practice.
With these exercises, you can do Self Hypnosis sitting at home yourself.
Benefit of self hypnosis practice at Home
Let us know the benefits of self-hypnosis which can change you. The most important of these is to bring changes in yourself, but if you want, you can also improve your habits and disease.
- With self-hypnosis you can cure your own disease.
- You can develop yourself with self-hypnosis. As with strong self-confidence, willpower, and spirit power, you can bring about a better change in yourself.
- We can remove any kind of PHOBIA ourselves, we can remove stress.
- You can develop your personality.
With the help of Self-hypnosis for repressed memories, we can go into the past, find our old memories. Even your memory which started weakening can also come back. The most important of the benefits of self-hypnosis is to recall and improve the memory of your past.
Can hypnosis help me remember something?
Most of people ask us can hypnosis help you remember the past. Using hypnosis to extract hidden or vague memories may not be reliable.
Although there is a widespread belief that hypnosis produces accurate memories, researchers found that hypnosis does not work well as a memory-recovery method.
In addition, during Hypnotherapy for memory, people who have been hypnotized tend to feel confident that their memories are accurate, contributing to the persistence of false memories. How people access their memory during Self-hypnosis for repressed memories technique you have to free your subconscious mind.
Think about it.
You’re walking down the street and you see a crime. You weren’t expecting anything would happen, but then something does happen. The memories you do form are based on information that you have learned incidentally.
For example, I was riding my bike last Sunday to the Mauerpark. There’s a wonderful Flea Market and I was going to look for some cool postcards to send new members of the Magnetic Memory Method Masterclass.
I usually find something cool there, often old cards with interesting buildings are memorable art that helps stimulate creativity.
Anyhow, I was stopped at a light when all of a sudden two guys ran into the street in front of a car. They asked a group of maybe three people, “This one?” and the group of people said yes.
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Self-hypnosis for repressed memories
Through Self-hypnosis memory recovery, not only can a person’s past events be reached, but many mental disorders and problems can be got rid of through a psychological method called catharsis.
In the process of past life regression, a person is transformed into a state of consciousness. You too can change your past with the benefit of self-hypnosis.
In this state of consciousness, a person’s ability to receive suggestions gets accelerated and he also starts implementing the suggestions. In this, the events of the past life are also remembered through Self-hypnosis for repressed memories.
Its purpose is to reach the present problems of the person like any fear, problem in relationships, any disease.
After reaching that event, through catharsis, the person is given the command to leave the problem related to him there. With this, a person gets rid of that pain, trouble or fear.
Self-hypnosis for memory recovery is a very safe psychotherapy. No anaesthesia or any kind of chemical is used in this. Everyone can reap the benefits of self-hypnosis, just your willpower should be strong.
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How Self-hypnosis for repressed memories Work final thought
Some such incidents happen with people in their childhood, due to which they are not able to survive a normal life later. Their hidden fear prevents them from moving forward.
For such people, hypnotherapy can help very well. Self-hypnosis for repressed memories and past life regression are both similar methods in which we recall the memory of our past and try to get out of those traumatic conditions which were preventing us from moving forward till now.
The word hypnosis is derived from the Greek word “to sleep”, but the state of hypnosis is not a state of unconsciousness. Ask someone to “role-play” being asleep and they would instinctively close their eyes.
When watching hypnosis in films (and in hypnotherapy treatments), eye closure is often promoted to focus the attention inwardly, but the hypnotherapist is not encouraging sleep in that treatment session.
The state of mind in hypnosis is often compared to states in meditation and mindfulness. In these different practices you are refocusing your own awareness into (or away from) different situations for calmness or re-clarification.
Assisted externally by the hypnotherapist, Self-hypnosis for repressed memories can be argued that hypnosis is a state of guided “meditation”. Similar to these other practices, it can enable you to perceive your situations with different thoughts, emotions and beliefs.
If you have any question related to hypnosis or raising the powers of the mind, then you can ask in the comment box. Do give your feedback on today’s post and don’t forget to subscribe us.