So far we have read about aromatherapy or Aroma therapy massage. Along with Aromatherapy Oils, the use of Aromatherapy Candles and Aromatherapy Diffuser has become common in today’s time.
All these make you feel beyond the normal environment, as well as directly affect your brain through smell. Today we are going to talk about Benefits of Aromatherapy or Aromatic massage.
Aroma therapy is a natural remedy that works to give instant relief to your mind along with stress, headache and body pain.
If you are taking it from a professional Aroma therapy massage therapist, then it has no side effects and you can take the right advantage of it without any problem.
Due to lack of proper sleep, we are not able to work properly at the body and mental level, in such a situation, its treatment can help us to sleep better without any side effects.
Aromatherapy is completely based on natural ingredients, so it does not have any side effects. The oils used in it directly affect our skin. Due to which immediate relief is seen.
Aroma therapy is a medical treatment and not a massage, so instead of looking only at pleasure and body relax, try to know about its main 5 benefits. Let us know what the benefits we get from this are.
What is Aroma therapy massage?
Aroma therapy massage or Massage therapy, combined with essential oils, candles and incense, stimulates positive emotions and relaxation, equipping clients with coping mechanisms for many other health issues.
An aromatherapy massage is a popular multi-purpose way of using supplemental care for health issues. The skin absorbs essential oils maintaining suppleness, Aromatic massage offers pain relief, and the aroma’s mental stimulation provides clients with the ultimate massage session.
Aromatherapy centers on holistic medicine that utilizes extracts from natural plants for health and wellbeing.
Many Aroma therapy massage therapists apply aromatic essential oils medicinally combined with their massage techniques to improve their client’s physical and emotional health.
How Aromatherapy Works
Aromatherapy works by stimulating receptors in the nose responsible for smell, sending messages by olfactory cells to the part of the brain that controls the drive for survival, emotions, and instinct called the limbic system.
The olfactory cells recognize scents as specific aromatic molecules that fit into receptors on these cells. Although not fully understood, scientists believe that these nerve signals’ action causes powerful mood changes in response to particular smells.
Oils to Consider in Aromatherapy Massage
These are the top recommended essential oils to start using in Aroma therapy massage when practicing certified aromatherapy massage, based on their effectiveness for health issues, as well as client’s preferences.
Lavender or Lavandula – Lavender is a flowering plant in the mint family and one of the most versatile and popular essential oils due to its clean sweet aroma which promotes relaxation.
Lavender is known as balancing or adaptogenic, meaning it completes a function the body needs. Aroma therapy massage helps your client’s body to better handle stress, making it very useful in massage therapy. Lavender is also helpful in promoting better sleep, pain relief, boosting stamina, and elevating energy levels.
Peppermint or Mentha piperita – The main chemical in peppermint is menthol, used in many over-the-counter pain-relieving applications. One drop applied to the temples of clients complaining of headache symptoms, before Aromatic massage can be very beneficial.
Be sure to properly dilute the peppermint oil before placing it on larger areas of the body.
Eucalyptus or Eucalyptus globulus – Eucalyptus oil helps relieve painful muscles and respiratory congestion due to sinus blockage, colds, flu, and allergies. This essential oil in Aroma therapy massage contains antiviral and antibacterial properties.
Blending eucalyptus into massage oil and lotion, or placing a few drops on a tissue beneath the massage table’s face cradle relieves sinus congestion.
Grapefruit or Citrus paradsi – Grapefruit contains a fresh, uplifting scent and is useful for toning the skin, as an addition to lymphatic massage, a mild diuretic, and in cellulite treatment.
Using a citrus oil like grapefruit helps balance mood swings and decreases blood pressure. Grapefruit and other citric oils are photo-toxic, which causes burns and skin discoloration if exposed to the sun or tanning bed.
Rosemary or Rosmarinus officinalis – Rosemary contains detoxifying properties that help facilitate a healthy digestive tract, relieve flatulence, constipation, bloating, and cramps.
Through Aroma therapy massage, this oil allows the body to absorb nutrients from food better by stimulating circulation. Rosemary Essential Oil helps reduce pain, stimulate hair growth, eliminate headaches, soothe inflammation, and strengthen the immune system.
Rosemary puts forth a distinctive energizing, evergreen, citrus-like, herbaceous scent. This essential oil is from the aromatic herb plant kin to the Mint family.
Clary sage or Salvia sclarea – Sage is beneficial for muscles when used as an antispasmodic. Diluted clary sage oil is also effective against several bacterial strains.
These essential oil is extracted from the leaves and buds of the plant. Sage exudes a clean, refreshing scent that you can use as a skin balm or gently inhale as part of an Aroma therapy massage treatment.
Geranium or Pelargonium graveolens – Geranium acts as a hormone-balancer and is indicated for premenstrual syndrome, stress, mood swings, anxiety, and PMS.
Indications in traditional medicine: geranium helps improve circulation, stimulate the nervous system, and tighten tissue, acting as an astringent for a more toned look. Thai aroma massage therapy centre can be seen everywhere now.
Geranium has a pleasant floral scent that adds to the relaxing effect when used alone or combined with lavender in Aroma therapy massage.
Frankincense or Boswellia – This sweet and woody scent is used for grounding and relaxation and fosters stress relief during a massage session. This oil also blends beautifully with lavender.
If a cold has a client feeling under the weather, Frankincense helps boost the immune system, opens up bronchial passages, deepens breathing, and soothes coughs. It also works effectively as an anti-inflammatory and aid in relieving depression.
Bergamot or Citrus bergamia – Bergamot has a spicy and citrusy aroma similar to Earl Grey tea, as it’s the flower that provides that specific tea’s flavor in Aromatic massage. Bergamot is the size of an orange, with a yellowish-green color like a lime, depending upon its ripeness.
It’s unique because of its antiseptic, antispasmodic, and pain-relieving abilities. Bergamot also claims the dual effects of uplifting and calming, leaving the client feeling both rejuvenated and refreshed after an aromatherapy massage session.
Coriander or Coriandrum sativum – Coriander, derived from the Cilantro plant, is a sweet essential oil that contains relaxing and soothing properties. This oil also assists in promoting a healthy digestive and circulatory system.
Some even believe Coriander in Aroma therapy massage helps relieve the contracting muscles in the throat that causes coughing.
Tea Tree Oil or Melaleuca alternifolia – Tea tree oil, mostly found in Australia, comes from steaming the Australian tea tree’s leaves. This essential oil contains the best antibacterial and antiseptic qualities out of all the essential oils.
Tea tree oil can help acne, contact dermatitis, athlete’s foot, and head lice. However, like all other essential oils, do not ingest tea tree oil. It’s necessary to dilute tea tree oil, use one to two drops to 12 drops of a carrier oil, such as coconut oil or almond oil.
Benefits of Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy has become an alternative medicine all over the world today. Positive results are obtained for both the body and the mind by using certain essential oils.
Although it is true that all these essential oils are completely taken from natural plants and flowers, but it is not the primary medium for aromatherapy.
Apart from these oils, sea salts, milk powders, mud and clay, herbs, and cold pressed vegetable oils are the mediums that are widely used in Aroma therapy massage.
The fragrances of essential oils of the ingredients used have a direct effect on our brain. Due to its direct effect on the brain, its immediate effect is seen on our vital body function.
The benefits of aromatherapy are many but we will talk only about the Top 5 Benefits of Aromatherapy Oils.
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1. Eases Nausea
If someone has a problem related to breathing, especially with the nose, then the essential oils of ginger and peppermint are no less than a boon for him. Aromatic massage removes the problems related to your stomach.
Peppermint helps you in getting relief from the symptoms of asthma and sinusitis as well as in concentration.
Ginger has its other benefits such as arthritis, fatigue, and sore muscles, while also removing the problem of Nausea, now you must have understood how beneficial and safe it is.
2. Aroma therapy massage Increases Energy
If you want to increase alertness, focus, and concentration while also increasing energy, then you should try aromatherapy with cinnamon, peppermint, or rosemary.
You can use black pepper to improve circulation. This will not only improve your blood circulation but also helps the brain to function properly.
If you are feeling lack of energy or motivation due to depression and stress, then you should use rose oil, sandalwood, orange, lemon, grapefruit, or clay sage. It can help in infusing a new energy in you.
3. Improves the Quality of Sleep
When most people are in depression or are struggling with the problem of not sleeping despite being tired, then they take sleeping medicine to sleep. Aroma therapy massage can helps you in better sleep.
Due to this sleep comes, but the lack of sleep is not fulfilled, as well as we get accustomed to it with time. In such a situation you can take Benefits of Aromatherapy. People on trip and vacation almost try Thai aroma massage therapy because it relive them from journey stress.
Using essential oils like chamomile and lavender in aromatherapy in this condition will give you relief. With its help, you can not only enjoy a Deep Guided Sleep but also get a feeling of new energy after getting up.
Benefits of Aromatherapy not only helps you to sleep but also brings quality sleep so that you can feel refreshed.
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4. Relieves Anxiety and Stress
We get so tired in the whole day’s work that it is natural to be surrounded by Anxiety and Stress. If you want to make yourself feel relaxed in a natural way, then you should resort to aromatherapy. One of the main 5 benefits of Aroma therapy massage is getting rid of stress.
Jasmine Essential Oils is the best in relieving stress. Along with this, using chamomile, lavender and rose helps you to become calm soon. Using lavender and rosemary in the condition of being surrounded by stress helps you to get rid of stress immediately.
Apart from Aromatic massage, you can also use other essential oils such as ylang ylang, patchouli, neroli, geranium, cedar wood, or bergamot. All these will be easily found on amazon.
5. Brings Relief from Headaches
Headache has become a common thing today. If you are going through chronic headaches, then using a pain killer will give you relief for some time as well as it is an easy solution, but, using it can make you addicted to it and its side effects start appearing later.
Aroma therapy massage basically relieve from stress. Now you have clear idea why people love Thai aroma massage therapy.
Instead, if you use essential oil of peppermint, then you get to see effective results in it. Using chamomile in case of migraines or severe headaches in some conditions will not only give you relief but will also help in changing the mood.
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Benefits of aromatic massage
Aroma therapy massage has been used for mental and emotional wellbeing, not from today but for ages.
The use of Aromatherapy Oils as well as Aromatherapy Candles and Aromatherapy Diffuser shows its modern method. Today, aromatherapy has become a better option for relief from stress, headache and better sleep.
If you have been suffering from migraine, headache and any kind of problem at body and mind level for a long time, then you should take its use.
Today, you will find Aroma therapy massage centers in every city, but, where 100% Natural Essential Oils are used and trained professional aroma therapists, take its treatment or else it may have to face some side effects after Thai aroma massage therapy.
Some oils do not suit everyone, in such a careless use can harm you instead of benefit. Aroma therapy is a better option but it would be better if its treatment is taken from a qualified person.
Practicing Caution When Utilizing Aromatherapy
Typically, during the session, the massage therapist directs the client to breathe in essential oils through steam inhalations, sprays, or vaporizers. Aroma therapy massage therapists should only use essential oils by providing topical or inhaled aromatherapy treatment.
During Thai aroma massage therapy essential oils should never be ingested or placed in the mouth. Certain essential oils may interact with some medications and cause them to be less effective.
Although many essential oils are safe when used as directed, research the oils before application. Here are a few examples of reactions to watch out for when using essential oils:
- Children younger than five should not use aromatherapy because they can be susceptible to the oil.
- Certain essential oils used in Aroma therapy massage irritate and cause airway spasms in lung conditions like chronic lung disease, asthma, or respiratory allergies.
- Some oils cause skin irritations in people with allergies, especially in the nose, eyes, and mouth membranes.
- People with estrogen-dependent tumours like breast or ovarian cancer need to stay away from oils such as aniseed, fennel, and clary sage with estrogen-like compounds.
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Thai aroma therapy massage health benefit conclusion
Your massage therapist is also your first source for questions about an aromatherapy massage experience. They should be able to recommend specific essential oils, and discuss what product and techniques they would use based on your needs.
If the therapist doesn’t seem confident about aromatherapy massage, they may not have much experience including it in their sessions.
Some essential oils used in Aroma therapy massage can irritate asthma and other breathing problems. When applied to the skin, essential oils made from citrus fruits can make the skin more vulnerable to sunlight. Avoid sun exposure after grapefruit, orange, or other citrus oil is used on your skin.
Also, don’t be afraid to speak up during your Aromatic massage. If something doesn’t feel right, let the therapist know. You can also ask them to apply more oils and use more or less pressure at any point.