Have you ever resorted to meditation, aroma therapy, and reiki, distance healing for anxiety, depression and other problems going on in life?
All of them do the Spiritual body healing work in some way or the other. But have you heard about soul healing? Can we really heal our soul too? Spiritual healing heals us but in what way?
Somewhere through healing, we are not afraid to face our reality.
Before taking any kind of healing, it is very important for you to know its real meaning. There is no doubt that along with having so many mediums of healing, it also has different benefits, but healing does not always prove to be right for us.
Many times we start suppressing our emotion, feeling thoughts under the guise of this, which later becomes the cause of our downfall.
‘A treatment that involves the transfer of energy through the healer to the recipient. It promotes self-healing by relaxing the body, releasing tensions and strengthening the body’s own immune system. Healing is natural and non-invasive with the intention of bringing the recipient into a state of balance and wellbeing on all levels’ (NFSH Healing Trust)
Later on we realize that it becomes our guilt to take healing to escape from our problem.
A person who has been going through anxiety and depression for years can easily get trapped in spiritual bypass because instead of facing the problem, he starts running away from them. They think that the easiest way to avoid them is to ignore them.
If you also think the same then you should know about its truth first.
Spiritual Body Healing true Definition
Spiritual healing means Restoring, Harmonizing and Balancing our Soul or Spirit. When we do meditation, we do Transcendental Experience, due to which we reconnect with our nature.
When such a process takes place, then we remain conscious and connect with our spirit, such a situation in which there is no anger or anger, just love, oneness.
Components of Spiritual body healing
- Universal energy or spiritual force (non-religious) can be directed by intention
- When focused on the human body, via the aura (human energy field), it raises the ‘spiritual vibrations’ of that person
- This improves health and allows one’s highest nature to unfold
- For optimum healing, repeated treatments needed to overcome the body’s inertia
- When people are ill, it is common for them to say that they are ‘low in energy’; conversely when people are healthy, we talk about them Bursting with energy.
Often, 6-8 sessions may be required to bring about improvement through Spiritual body healing, especially for those with long-term conditions.
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Top 5 Types of Spiritual healing Process
We can take healing in many ways. Most of the modern culture today focuses only on balancing the etheric or non-physical energy field of the human body i.e. the aura energy field.
Some Shamanic healers emphasize on healing and restoring their soul, while some healers focus on Spiritual body healing the complete process i.e. body mind soul spirit. Even psychologists and therapists with scientific thinking include healing in their practice.
If you want to understand it clearly, then there are 5 main types of healing process such as
- Physical healing or Spiritual body healing(of the body)
- Emotional healing (of the heart)
- Mental healing (of the mind)
- Soul healing (of the soul)
- Holistic healing (of the body, heart, mind, and soul)
If you are confused about what kind of spiritual healing you should take, then you can understand it with these 2 questions.
- What is the biggest struggle in your life right now?
- Do you currently have more than one issue in your life?
On the basis of these questions, you can decide for yourself what kind of spiritual healing you want.
For example, if you are going through chronic pain, then only physical and mental healing can heal for you. In another example, if you are living only out of fear that you are in the grip of a relationship that has actually been lost at this time, then you can take emotional healing.
So far you have learned about meditation, aroma therapy, chakra healing but what about soul healing? Let’s find out.
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How to heal your soul spiritually
If you are interested in Spiritual body healing then it means that you are feeling some deficiency in yourself.
Some people are able to explain it, while some people are not able to express it in front of others. The purpose of all these is the same to heal your soul.
Some people think that it means we have lost our soul but in reality we are failing to touch with our soul.
Now the question is how we heal the soul when it is divine and there cannot be any kind of fracture in it. For this we feel connected to ourselves during meditation. Some ways like
- Self-love and self-care practices
- Inner child work
- Shadow work
- Soul retrieval
- Solitude and introspection
- Meditation and mindfulness
- Connecting with spirit animals and spirit guides
- Spending time in nature (Eco therapy)
Note that all these Spiritual body healing modalities are not the same.
However, no healer tells you about its dark side, which they should tell. You should also know about some of its dark sides.
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The dark truth about spiritual healing which no healer wants to talk
If any healer hides such things from you, then there is some reason for this, because firstly they do not know about it themselves and secondly even if they know, they do not feel comfortable sharing it in front of others. Does.
They avoid facing this thing and that is why they do not tell it openly in front of others.
Now here comes the shadow worker about whom we have talked in the previous post.
Many times we take Spiritual body healing for our own good but it proves to be self-destructive for us. It may sound strange to you to hear, how can there be harm from the one who benefits us.
Let’s talk about 2 types of issues which we have to face in spiritual healing.
Issue 1: Spiritualized Resistance
We read about spiritual bypass earlier. According to this, when someone starts repressing his emotion feeling by taking the name of spiritualism, then he starts going through a state of Spiritualized Resistance.
If we are spiritual then it means that we cannot have any personal life, feeling, thought and emotion which is totally wrong.
It happens that the more we try to suppress them, the more they make us frustrated, as a result of which we have to go through problems like anxiety, depression, anger management , resentment, bitterness.
We need to know that Spiritual body healing does not always mean healing ourselves. Many times we also start taking healing to run away from some things which is wrong.
In such a situation, when you take healing, you strengthen your resistance even more.
Doing this instead of healing you, your emotion starts stopping all this, which is not right in any way.
The true meaning of spiritual healing is to face knowledge, to take your expansion forward, not to change your reality.
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Issue 2: Dark Spiritual Teachers
Some spiritual healers who know that they are facing the issue on conscious or unconscious level, yet they ignore it.
The reason for this is eternal self-improvement because they only benefit themselves through this, even if others pay any price for it.
You can see this situation anywhere. Most of the people who feel that they have paid a big price to fulfil their desire keep their vibration high.
This is a kind of greed which keeps on increasing and later on it becomes the real reason for our life troubles.
As you progress you come across many such spiritual teachers who seem right from above but their greed is revealed from inside. A true spiritual teacher always keeps your powers behind you whereas a false spiritual teacher sees your strength as your crown.
They claim that they have a solution for your every problem and in the end take you on the same path like enlightenment, illumination, self-realization or Oneness.
If you believe in Spiritual body healing, then later you really go on such a path from where it becomes difficult for you to come back.
If this is wrong then what is right?
Healing never means to remove or eliminate the damage, nor can we stop it permanently, it means that now the damage can no longer control us.
Spiritual healing is not really any blame imposed on us, but it is an approach to reach ourselves.
When we start using it to suppress our emotion, feeling, thoughts then we actually start abusing ourselves.
There should not be any kind of hiding or ignoring in this. Actually this is a way to increase our knowledge and not to run away.
Suppose you have a boil on your body and a wound has formed in it. Can you ignore it? Even if you ignore it, will it be cured or will you get rid of the wound?
Not! Unless you face it, it cannot be cured. Although it is not a claim that the wound will not recur, but you can avoid getting upset in that condition.
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What do people experience during healing?
People often ask me Spiritual body healing does it work. Anyway many sensations, best described as ‘flow of energy’:
- Warmth (from the healer’s hands or an overall comforting type)
- Cold
- Tingling
- Other sensations (e.g. of movement, touch, pain coming to the surface)
Effects of Spiritual Body Healing
Not always specific but often very important to the life of the patient. e.g.
- Reduced pain
- Deepening inner peace / Lightening of burden
- Alleviation of physical symptoms
- Sense of connectedness with the Universe
- Increased vitality
How does Spiritual body healing work
You must learn about what is the mechanism of healing?
The fact that the mechanism for healing is unknown is the main problem for its acceptance within the healthcare setting. Until a mechanism is robustly identified, healing will be derided as being merely a placebo effect, which I don’t think it is.
Let me explain why: When I channel healing, I ‘see’ energies in mind’s eye.
When I was giving Spiritual body healing to a lady who had come to the Leeds Healing Centre, I saw a black cloud of ‘negative’ energy leave the lady through the top of her head on the right-hand side.
When the healing had finished, I asked the lady how she had found the session and she said that she felt good and had felt ‘something’ leave through her head during the healing, indicating the exact spot that I had
Seen this occur. Another healer, who had been watching, heard what the lady was saying to me and she told us that she too had seen the black cloud come out of the lady at that place on her head.
Thus three people, separately, seem to have sensed the same energy.
Laboratory experiments have been conducted to explore the mechanism of healing. These findings support the notion that energy is coming in and being channeled by the healer.
Electro-magnetic experiments show ‘extraordinarily large’ low frequency magnetic fields measured from hands of healers which are not derived from healers’ internal body currents alone. They are low frequencies, in the same range as used in some electrotherapy to aid tissue healing
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Spiritual body healing and heal your soul spiritually final thought
Nowadays, we take the help of different types of Spiritual body healing for our mental pressure and various problems going on in life.
It is effective in different conditions but you should also beware of its dark side. Today we do not do anything without greed.
If we make a profit of 100 rupees, then only we invest 10 rupees and it goes on increasing that there is no end to human wish.
You should know that spiritual healer cannot hide us from our reality of life.
You can heal your soul spiritually yourself or take someone help whom you believe.
We have to face them. Next time whenever you go to a professional spiritual teacher, confirm that your objective is really to heal yourself or to run away from your reality.