How To Master Clairvoyant Remote Viewing With The 10 Best Extended Remote Viewing Tips

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Clairvoyant Remote Viewing is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen subject, purportedly sensing with the mind. Typically a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object, event, person or location that is hidden from physical view and separated at some distance.

Remote Viewing is described in as many different ways as there are individuals teaching, talking, or writing about it. This description is mine alone; it is my version, nothing more.

The Coordinate Remote Viewing online training course follows a scientific pattern of language used to describe the human interaction and interface taking place within the protocols of Remote Viewing.

I teach that Clairvoyant Remote Viewing is the learned ability to use two inherent kinesthetic human abilities to detect and decode four-dimensional waveform data into coherent three-dimensional thought form, and to further objectify this data into two-dimensional medium.

I know that sounds like a mouthful, so let’s break it down and understand it clearly. What is Clairvoyant Remote Viewing

Clairvoyant remote viewing technique teach about watching a particular event while sitting far away, but do you know how the expert does it? Have you ever had a question about what is Clairvoyant Remote Viewing?

A special art of seeing the future or the event of time at anytime from anywhere, which till now you had known as psychic ability, was not really like this. We are going to know about how to remote view in this post. If you want to learn this, then you can also check it through remote viewing test sitting at home.

What is Clairvoyant Remote Viewing?

Has it ever happened to you that you are sitting in one place and suddenly you see something that plays like a TV program in front of you? Would have gone.

So far, we have read about many features and powers of the subconscious mind, one of which is to see the coming tomorrow, but in what situation? We have been doing all this subconsciously.

We used to feel that situation, but when we came to our senses, we either forgot everything or had a blurred memory, but in this situation it is not so.

Here we take ourselves so far in subconscious mind programming that we connect ourselves with the universal brain with open eyes. To see an upcoming event consciously is Clairvoyant Remote Viewing, while being able to feel it subconsciously is one of the powers of our sixth sense.

It’s a scientific method of tapping into the “universal mind,” transcending time and space, and bringing the unconscious into the conscious – and you can learn to do it

This is not a miracle but a scientific method. That’s why it can be learned, you just need to give time to yourself. When we do this, then our own brain starts working in this way. If you are more interested in knowing about this, then definitely read this article.

What is the application of Clairvoyant Remote Viewing?

According to one theory, all the brains in this universe can be connected to everything. On the basis of this logic, we believe the existence of some such technology through which it is possible to do this.

This argument is strengthened by a mobile phone, all the mobile phones in this world can be connected, only their correct code needs to be unlocked. This situation works in our brain, we all have such a code in our brain that we cannot go inside it without unlocking it.

Our subconscious mind is its gate keeper which tries to stop every thought from going inside. Remote viewer takes the help of extrasensory perception i.e. those sensory part which cannot be defined physically.

Some people feel Clairvoyant Remote Viewing like a mysterious practice because it is associated with psychic powers. Actually it is not because it is a scientific method which is related to subconscious mind program. We can not only learn it but can also change it according to our needs.

What do you need for Remote View?

You do not have to be expert in any kind of mental power for remote view. This is a way to make controlled use of any human extrasensory perception. If you want to reach a particular target, then you have to follow some rules for this.

Using this, we can connect with a target sitting at any distance, negating distance and time. According to quantum theory, there is no importance of time in space. So you can learn and do it.

It can be completely different from mental power because for this you need a method. For this, there are 5 most important and useful elements.

  • a subject (the remote viewer)
  • Active ESP abilities – Any such mental ability that makes you different from others.
  • Distant target – Medium on which to use.
  • The subject’s recorded perceptions – any specific information related to the medium.
  • A confirmatory positive feedback – What response you are getting after joining them should be something special.

After setting all these elements you are ready for Clairvoyant Remote Viewing practice. How long the practice time will be is not decided because it can last from 5 minutes to an hour.

What cannot happen in this also know this?

When we hear the name of remote view, then a name emerges in our mind because out of body experience because this practice is such that we are out of our body and are at a particular location.

The remote viewer does not project itself astral at that location, but experiences it as such.

Even if you think that it can be a meditative, dream or trance state, then you are wrong because this state is done with complete consciousness. A famous author has shared about this in his book ” Clairvoyant Remote Viewing: Conditions and Potentials “.

According to him we take ourselves in conscious to unconscious state in all other conditions like subconscious mind or meditation or experience outside the subtle body and move from outside to inside.

For this, we use words like getting into the depth, but in remote view it is completely opposite. Our subconscious mind or unconscious state comes from inside to outside. While living in a completely conscious state, it is to feel something that we have been doing subconsciously till now.

How does Clairvoyant Remote Viewing work?

Till now no one has been able to know clearly about how it works, but still according to most of the people who believe it, according to them, this universe is like a store house in which time and distance are all stagnant.

Whatever we do, all that information is stored in some form or the other in the store house of this universe.

When we enter into this Universal Mind by going into the state of hyper conscious state, then we get the information related to a particular target which has happened with it at some point of time.

But is it possible that any person can be successful in doing this? No it is not necessary that everyone is successful and knows 100%.

A highly skilled Clairvoyant Remote Viewing can definitely extract 100% of the information in this work. It is not necessary that all the data taken in this technique is completely accurate because there are many such factors which affect it.

Who can learn to watch events?

By the way, everyone can learn it and for this you do not even need to be an expert in any kind of psychic ability. But training and diligent practice is very much needed to become a successful remote viewer.

According to some research left-handed people can learn it easily. Learning it is like learning a musical instrument. There is nothing in this that you will read and learn it, but you have to practice it with time, motivation and dedication, then only you can be successful in it.

Everyone can learn it provided he learns it patiently with time. Clairvoyant-Remote-Viewing-training-and-quantum-physics

If you are really curious about the potential of Clairvoyant Remote Viewing, then you have to know about many such resources that can make you an expert in it.

You can adopt whatever information fits your light. In this post, at present, I am going to share the details about only one technique and experiment which you can do.

How to experiment with remote viewing

We know that Clairvoyant Remote Viewing is a controlled method of a psychic phenomenon of ESP (extrasensory perception) which is experienced by certain methods. If the expert uses some special set of protocols (technical rules), then he can achieve the target he wants.

Through this, he catches any person, thing or special event which is away from him in terms of time and distance.

ESP means that it is different from some special kind of psychic ability practice because in that we use our ability and some special technique in it.

Let us try to understand one of the most used techniques here in simple words which is difficult and requires at least 6 hours of time to learn. Read : These 5 Psychic and Spiritual Benefit of Guru Murti Tratak Meditation Sadhna will Amaze You

6 hour remote viewing experiment

This is a 6-hour practice in which we have to practice regularly with moderation. If you can do this, then you can do this exercise at an ex-expert level. Let’s know about this exercise,

Your first decision: Before doing the exercise, you should know about its basic steps.

First of all, it should be clear about 2 things, first a viewer which actually does Clairvoyant Remote Viewing and second a sender which transmits information to the viewer.

Preparation of target: For this a third person is required who is not involved in this experiment but is a part of it. His job is to prepare a target for you. Make at least 15-20 targets in such a way that this third person is aware of the details.

Note down the information you are taking in a card, which should include about it, distance from you and some special things.

Save the card: Note down the details on the card and keep it safe without any information written above.

1. Selecting the target for Clairvoyant Remote Viewing: Choose a fourth person who will give you any random card out of those cards and give it to the viewer.

2. Choose the time: Your practice time starts now. It should be practiced at a particular time of the day in which there is no contact between the sender and the viewer.

Suppose you have to practice till 8 am and 10 am, then during this time there should not be any contact between you and the medium, nor should you know at what time the practice is being done.

3. Open the envelope: Open the envelope given by the fourth person. See the location of the target and go to that location. You need to be in that place at the time when you want to start practicing.

4. Viewer preparation: During the time when the practice is to start, the viewer should make some preparations such as removing himself from any disturbance, turning off the phone and coming into a state of meditation i.e. wearing comfortable clothes and such a situation. Sitting in a place where there is no problem during practice.

5. Start sending now begins the exercise of the information transfer process between the two. The sender which is at that location which was selected starts sending all the details of that location to the viewer. This detail should be sent in the same way as the viewer himself is at that place.

6. Start Clairvoyant Remote Viewing: The viewer should also be ready for practice at the appointed time. Whatever detail was sent by the sender, it should be noted by the viewer with the help of a pen and paper. The remote viewer should note down whatever impressions come to mind during that time. Note that during this time the sender should also note down the information related to that location. It would be better to take photo or video information.

7. Ending the experiment when this experiment is over, finally put all the details together with the date in one place and give it to someone else.

8. Mixing of information: The details of both should be given after practice to a person who is not associated with that experiment. That person acts as a judge between the two of you. On the basis of how much information is available about the exercise, it is decided that how successful this experiment has been.

9. Final Result: All the people associated with this Clairvoyant Remote Viewing experiment should gather at one place and later on the basis of how much all the details are matching with each other, your experiment result is drawn. Pay attention to the information of all the people i.e. all the four persons.

10. be ready to practice again: Based on the results during the first exercise, prepare further. Psychic experiments require time and patience, so if you have been successful then go ahead and if you do not, then do not lose courage, but prepare again with the same enthusiasm.

If your result is positive then you can share your Clairvoyant Remote Viewing test with further people.

David Morehouse remote viewing course

You can try David Morehouse remote viewing training course which is a very popular Clairvoyant Remote Viewing online course. It include CD Guide so that you can listen and move with flow. Meanwhile this guide is designed to guide you through the protocols and theory behind Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV).

Your first step to understand connection to the matrix of all things and how you can use them. Once experience greater understanding you will realize that you are more than this body.

Coordinate Clairvoyant Remote Viewing is defined by the Defense Department of the United States as “the learned ability to transcend time and space, to view people, places and things remote in time and space, and to gather information on the same.

Students learn to enter an altered state of consciousness, receive a set of encrypted coordinates, produce an ideogram (the first graphic representation of the target site), and decode the ideogram.

Further, students learn to perceive textures, sounds, colors, tastes, smells, temperatures, “energetics” and “dimensional” from across a chasm of time and space.

With new and developing “non-physical eyes” the student “perceives” the target and sketches visual “snapshots” of distant and fleeting images. In later stages, sketches become detailed perspective drawings called “renderings,” and students often feel they have actually “bi-located” to the target site.

Extended Remote Viewing

Once you have an understanding of the theory and structure behind Coordinate Remote Viewing, the next step in your journey is our signature Extended Remote Viewing (ERV) online course.

Extended Remote Viewing help students through the application of a hybrid form of Clairvoyant Remote Viewing. It is based on knowledge or “knowing” kind set of instruction. Accepting one’s concepts as being “knowledge” and not merely “belief” based.

Overwhelming sensation of free flight and movement felt during the session can be experienced that’s why Clairvoyant Remote Viewing practitioner call it “Learning to Fly” because of the

Students are taught to traverse through the Alpha brain-wave state used in Extended Clairvoyant Remote Viewing and enter the ethereal fog of the collective unconscious in the “Theta” brain-wave state; called “Ultra Deep” in the lexicon of the Remote Viewer. Clairvoyant-Remote-Viewing-training

They are calibrated on measurable targets as well as literally being sent to view other civilizations, worlds and dimensions.

Embarking on these journeys requires a mastery of Extended Clairvoyant Remote Viewing protocols and the demonstrated understanding of the true nature of one’s co-creator qualities.

In basic Extended Remote Viewing, students discover that the journey inward is an exploration of the infinite reaches of eternal consciousness, and that “knowing” oneself is in reality “knowing “ the Creator.

Therefore, this “knowing” which transcends “belief” reinforces one’s understanding of the potentially significant contributions each of us makes to the outcome of our collective human destiny.

At the conclusion of each journey, students record their sensory perception in the form of written session summaries, augmenting them with detailed sketches of the target site.

Important things you must follow

  • The third person who is selected to select the target, that person should choose such a location which is very special and has information. If you choose a place that is very common, then you may not be able to share it properly.
  • Both the viewer and the sender should not meet before or during the exercise with the location and target chosen, otherwise due to sharing of any kind of information in mind beforehand, correct results will not be available.
  • The viewer should not use his conscious brain during this exercise. After going to the right stage, whatever impressions come in his mind, they should be noted without any logic. The information may seem strange, but if you reason or think about some other situation, then you will not get the correct results.
  • There is a strong vibration in some people about it. They only need to sit or sleep in a comfortable position. With the help of a helpful trusted person, he can record his note or record audio. During this exercise the assistant has to only record and not interfere.
  • Keep trying because psychic experiments like Clairvoyant Remote Viewing take time. According to the time and distance or due to different people, the experience may be different. It may be that the practice in which you did not get the right result due to one person in the morning, you may get the right experience with another person in the evening.

The online courses include:

All six stages of the Coordinate Clairvoyant Remote Viewing online training course include

  1. The Extended Remote Viewing method
  2. Streaming audio lessons by David Morehouse
  3. Downloadable cool down and pink noise CDs
  4. Visual aids and video material
  5. Exclusive lecture content by David Morehouse
  6. Email and phone support for training assistance

Monthly practice targets that may be scanned and sent to a trainer for evaluation. These courses are ongoing and may be joined at any time

How to practice successful Clairvoyant Remote Viewing final thought

In the world of quantum physics, everything is energy and energy is everything; therefore, on some level, everything can be expressed in waveform.

  It is this waveform data through which the Remote Viewer becomes aware of or perceives information during the Clairvoyant Remote Viewing session; the period during which data relevant to the distant target is acquired.

It is this waveform expression of the target and all of its components that the Viewer perceives, and then records in the form of visual data (contour sketches and detailed renderings), and verbal data (using language to express color, texture, temperature, taste, sound, smell, energetic data, dimensional data, aesthetic data, emotional data, tangible data, intangible data,) and other elements of information depending on the length of the session and the intention of the Viewing session.

To anchor yourself as a Remote Viewer, to absorb the protocols and their meaning, to establish a program of improvement, to set training goals and adhere to training standards, requires your understanding of the science of the quantum world.

Further, those who seek to truly excel in this art and science will work diligently to understand the biology of the brain; the physiology of the body; the power of intention, how to achieve and sustain an altered state, how to analyze training progress, and again, there will be hundreds of other variables which one can monitor and master in an effort to develop as a Remote Viewer.

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