In the dark night, when there is a deserted silence all around, then a big bat is seen hovering in the sky, if someone accidentally wanders outside at that time, then becomes the victim of that bat. Let’s talk about How to Become a Vampire in Real Life?
The hot blood of young girls was the food of this vampire bat, which gives it the power to stay young forever.
This vampire is so powerful that after looking in its eyes, you will become its slave and then no one can stop you from becoming its victim. Can someone really be such a powerful and dangerous vampire?
Exactly we are talking about the story of Count Dracula. People also look for How to Become a Vampire in Real Life and search most of content on wikihow.
Friends, this is just a fictional creation of an Irish author, Brem Stoker , who first put his imagination in front of the people through the novel. Whoever read his novel was filled with horror.
One of the reasons for this was the introduction of a fictional character named Count Dracula as a vampire that no one knows when he will fall prey. It was very difficult to escape from it and its powers were infinite.
This was the reason that not only became a novel on Count Dracula, but its character was also included in films and comics.
Who was Count Dracula and why he Become a Vampire in Real Life?
Count Dracula was a great king who ruled Transylvania. He had a dream that he should rule the whole world, but when he was busy in war outside his palace.
Some people gave wrong information to his queen that her beloved king had died and the queen jumped into the ditch believing it to be true. She gave her life.
Since he had committed suicide, his soul could not find peace. Here when the count returned, he got the news of the death of the queen, from that moment he rebelled against the holy signs.
That’s how he Become a Vampire in Real Life. This was the reason that he lived only on blood and holy marks used to hurt him.
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Vlad the Impaler: The real Dracula was absolutely vicious
Vlad III was born in 1431 in Transylvania, a mountainous region in modern-day Romania. His father was Vlad II Dracul, ruler of Wallachia, a principality located to the south of Transylvania.
Vlad II was granted the surname Dracul (“dragon”) after his induction into the Order of the Dragon, a Christian military order supported by the Holy Roman emperor.
Most of people and history expert believe him as he Become a Vampire in Real Life. He was the first ruler who survive on blood.
Situated between Christian Europe and the Muslim lands of the Ottoman Empire, Transylvania and Wallachia were frequently the scene of bloody battles as Ottoman forces pushed westward into Europe, and Christian Crusaders repulsed the invaders or marched eastward toward the Holy Land.
When Vlad II was called to a diplomatic meeting in 1442 with Sultan Murad II, he brought his young sons Vlad III and Radu along. But the meeting was actually a trap: All three were arrested and held hostage.
The elder Vlad was released under the condition that he leave his sons behind.
What did vlad the impaler do to Become a Vampire in Real Life?
It was during this period of rule that he committed the atrocities for which he was best known.
His penchant for impaling his enemies on stakes in the ground and leaving them to die earned him the name Vlad the Impaler. He Became a Vampire in Real Life.
He inflicted this type of torture on foreign and domestic enemies alike: notably, as he retreated from a battle in 1462, he left a field filled with thousands of impaled victims as a deterrent to pursuing Ottoman forces.
He follow some ritual and Become a Vampire in Real Life.
That year he escaped Ottoman capture only to be intercepted by Hungarian forces and imprisoned by Matthias I of Hungary, whose assistance he had sought.
Vlad regained his seat in 1476 but was killed in battle the same year. He remained a folk hero in the region for his efforts against Ottoman encroachment.
It often has been thought that Stoker based the title character of Dracula on Vlad. Though Stoker’s notes for the novel do include mentions of “Dracula,” the historical account from which the notes were taken mentions only the appellation, not the deeds for which its bearer was known. There are lot of myth and legend how he become a Vampire in Real Life.
Some scholars have speculated that Stoker’s conversations with a noted historian, Hermann Bamburger, may have provided him with information on Vlad’s violent nature, though there is no concrete evidence to support that theory.
Story of Count Dracula and how he Become a Vampire in Real Life?
Dracula was introduced as a king who used to eat breakfast and food on people’s corpses with their blood.
Not only this, he was famous for brutally killing people, in which he used to hang mother and son on a spear.
He used to enjoy watching people die slowly. Despite all this, he was very religious and loved his queen very much. When he was busy in the war, his enemies forced his queen to commit suicide by sending the wrong message.
You can watch Hollywood movies and story based on people how to become a Vampire in Real Life.
Before she died, the queen had promised to meet the Count again in reincarnation, so the Count rebelled against the gods to remain immortal forever and made it her purpose to live by drinking blood.
Queen’s Reincarnation
Here the queen of the count had been reborn but she did not remember anything.
The count, on the other hand, learns that his beloved queen has been reborn in England. King don’t have any idea if he suck the blood he will become a Vampire in Real Life.
He decided to go to England and before that he had his queen’s fiancé and lover imprisoned in his palace. Unaware of this, he meets his fiancé and reincarnation queen Count, after which she falls into his hypnotic trap.
When she realizes her mistake, she marries her fiancé, telling the Count to forget. It is first time count Dracula realize how he Become a Vampire in Real Life.
The count is unable to bear all this and he starts spreading panic among the people. Since he had given his blood to his queen who was someone else’s fiancée in this birth, the two were fused together.
Taking advantage of this, trapped in hypnosis, he calls her back to the same place from where the whole game started i.e. the palace of Translavalsaniya.
When all efforts to eliminate Dracula fail, his queen takes Dracula to the same place where she rebelled against the holy symbol of the deity.
On apologizing to the deity, he is freed from eternal life and their love story becomes immortal.
After all, why did Dracula become another name for panic?
Dracula became the second name of Panic in his time because a character had come before the world who was expert in the power of hypnosis as well as he had the power to change form.
There are some fact you can do to Become a Vampire in Real Life. This kind of myth can haunt you.
For some time, the fear of Dracula spread among the people so much that they stopped leaving the house after evening.
The story of Count Dracula was presented in such a way that people could not live without being afraid of it.
Count Dracula and deep connection of blood
When Count Dracula rebelled against the holy mark of the gods, he took a vow that he would live forever only on the strength of blood and would wait for the rebirth of his beloved queen.
There are some myth and connection of Become a Vampire in Real Life with blood worship.
That’s why Count Dracula was always thirsty for blood. Second, the main source of the power of this fictional character was shown only by blood, which spread the wrong message among the people and according to research, the existence of vampires is still believed in some parts of the world, especially in Romania.
But he does not have any power like Count Dracula, he has only inspired by this and has made blood his dose. Blood is connected with some ritual to become a Vampire in Real Life.
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Can anyone become immortal with Blood offering?
Till date no one has got any proof related to the reality of becoming immortal by drinking blood. And scientists also believe that by drinking blood, a person cannot get any kind of power.
But there is speculation that drinking Dracula’s blood must have been some kind of tantric method. It is obvious because even today many beliefs of sacrifice and drinking of blood are prevalent in the Tantric method of how to Become a Vampire in Real Life.
The story of Count Dracula showed how the Count achieved immortality for a long time by drinking blood.
Inspired by this, the craze of drinking blood increased among people, in which some believed that it makes them feel refreshed, while some feel that with this we can maintain beauty and youth for a long time.
Cleopatra is an example of this.
Is there really a vampire like Dracula?
There really doesn’t exist anyone who has the traits of a vampire like Dracula. It is believed that vampires never die, they always show their attractive personality to the people through their magic.
Today if there is such a thing as a Dracula or a vampire, it is just normal looking people who have been inspired by Dracula to either mold themselves into his character, such as the appearance of teeth, craving for blood, or even behavior. To pretend like a fake horn on the head.
But in reality there is nothing that proves that a vampire like Dracula is still in the midst of people.
People believe there are some real life vampire and you can do some ritual to become a Vampire in Real Life.
Some people are adopting the story of Count Dracula in reality and its effect has been seen in the people, in which a woman got fake teeth to make herself look like a vampire and also got fake horn surgery on the forehead.
Hollywood movie based on Count Dracula and their success story
The most talked about 3 novels on Count Dracula, Dracula’s Return and Dracula’s Daughter have made their mark around the world. You can see some different way on how to become a Vampire in Real Life.
How famous is its craze among people that even today you will not be able to live without being afraid to read it no matter how many times you want.
It has a different style of writing and every time you read it, it will feel like you have read it for the first time.
The films made on it have also been very popular among the people, in which Dracula, The Blade, Twilight Saga which is inspired by this, apart from some manipulations, many other films and all are exciting to watch.
Friends, the story of Count Dracula is really very exciting. Despite being a fictional character, the horror of Dracula has also been seen in real life, which you can see in places like Romania and Transylvania. It is believed that the descendants of Dracula or people inspired by him live here.
How to Become a Vampire in Real Life by a Spell
Vampire, also spelled vampyre, in popular legend, a creature, often fanged, that preys upon humans, generally by consuming their blood.
Vampires have been featured in folklore and fiction of various cultures for hundreds of years, predominantly in Europe, although belief in them has waned in modern times.
A person may become a vampire in a variety of ways, the most common of which is to be bitten by a vampire. Other methods include sorcery, committing suicide, contagion, or having a cat jump over a person’s corpse.
Some people believed that babies born with teeth or on Christmas or between Christmas and Epiphany were predisposed to becoming vampires.
While vampires usually do not die of disease or other normal human afflictions, and they are indeed often said to have faster-than-normal healing capabilities, there are various methods for their destruction.
You can follow ritual and spell to become a Vampire in Real Life.
The most popular of those include a wooden stake through the heart, fire, decapitation, and exposure to sunlight. Vampires are often depicted as being repelled by garlic, running water, or Christian implements such as crucifixes and holy water.
In some stories vampires may enter a home only if they have been invited, and in others they may be distracted by the scattering of objects such as seeds or grains that they are compelled to count, thereby enabling potential victims to escape.
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Real Vampire Stories and Legends
Many people cite a real historical figure as the inspiration behind the modern vampire legend. In the 15th century, in the country of Wallachia, there lived a nobleman with a particularly bad reputation and a habit of impaling his enemies on the ends of tall stakes.
Some say he even consumed their blood along with his meals.
This gentleman became known as Vlad the Impaler following his death, but while he lived, he was called Vlad the Third, Prince of Wallachia.
His father, Vlad the Second, was known by the name Dracula, which would have made Vlad the Third Dracula. Myth and legend are roaming around world on how to become a Vampire in Real Life.
So, there really was a real-life Dracula whom Bram Stoker based some of his character around. But Vlad the Impaler was far more menacing than Stoker’s Dracula.
The vampire legend goes much deeper. In Eastern Europe, in particular, the belief took a strong foothold. A story from Serbia says in 1726 a farmer named Arnold Paole passed away, only to be spotted days later wandering around his village, now sporting fangs and a thirsty look in his eyes.
Hysteria ensued of course, and the villagers dug up his body only to find it had not decayed, which led to the wooden-stake vampire cure.
Real Vampires in America and Around the World
The vampire phenomenon spread to America as well. In 1892 the body of a New England woman named Mercy Brown was exhumed after two months in the ground upon accusations of vampirism.
When her corpse showed no signs of decomposition, the appropriate anti-vampire actions were taken.
While these accounts represent the best-documented cases of real-world vampires, stories date back to antiquity. The Greeks and Romans both had legends of vampire-like creatures, as did the Persians, Babylonians, and Hebrews.
There are some real vampire and how to become a Vampire in Real Life.
In some cases, these entities are similar to the undead vampires we are accustomed to, such as the Vetala of Hindu folklore. In other cases, they are demonic beings with no earthly tether.
In old Serbian folklore, the Kudlak is a bloodsucking vampire engaged in an eternal battle with the Krsnik, a shaman vampire hunter. The two represent the conflict between the pagan god Perun and the evil snake of the underworld Veles.
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How Do You Become a Vampire?
If vampires are real, where do they come from? Since we can’t possibly explore every culture’s explanation for how vampires come about, let’s consider the most common Western definition.
While this is up for considerable debate, the consensus opinion is that to become a vampire you must somehow entangle yourself with someone who is already a vampire.
However it hashes out, the point is it involves an interaction with a real vampire. You can’t make yourself a vampire, or simply decide you are one. You must be chosen how to become a Vampire in Real Life.
Some people claim you can be born a vampire, which is a theoretically intriguing idea. How to Become a Vampire in Real Life with devil worship.
This implies that vampires are another race of hominid, which means they must have evolved along a very similar line as humans, and preyed upon humans throughout history like vampire bats, they would have evolved to exist on blood instead of solid food.
This is extremely implausible but interesting to ponder. Of course, it eliminates the supernatural aspects of vampire lore.
But by most accounts, the transformation from human to vampire is a supernatural occurrence.
This presents several problems, not the least of which is locating an actual, real-life vampire who is able and willing to transform you. You can fulfil your wish to Become a Vampire in Real Life.
Certainly, there are a lot of people around today who claim they are true vampires, but take a logical look at this for a moment: if you were really a vampire, how would you live your life?
Why vampire hide themselves from other world?
Would you announce it to everyone? Would you put up a blog telling everyone about it, or brag about it on social media?
Would you tell your schoolmates or your co-workers? Would you tell anyone?
You would be wise to be suspicious of anyone who so boldly claims to be a vampire. A real vampire in today’s world would have to be among the most careful and secretive creatures. People look for some blood ritual on how to become a Vampire in Real Life.
We’re talking about an undead being that may have been around for hundreds of years, a predator of humans that probably has to do some pretty awful things to get what it needs.
Such a creature could only survive by keeping its true nature a secret, and tracking down such a thing would be almost impossible. Thus, going out at night in search of vampires is pointless.
The odds are against it, but your one hope would be to encounter a vampire by accident. Then what?
The entire notion of becoming a vampire then seems very unlikely to happen.
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Living the Vampire Life
Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of being a vampire based on the traditional definition.
There are lot of way if you want to become a Vampire in Real Life.
Of course, there are many different beliefs surrounding the natural and supernatural rules governing vampires, and you probably won’t really know what you’re in for until it’s too late.
Nevertheless, the following thoughts are based on the traditional vampire stereotypes.
Lack of food options (Con)
There’s only one item on the menu: blood. In the mood for a cheeseburger? Too bad.
And where do you get all this blood? Taking it from humans is unethical not to mention illegal. Blood bank? Is there any connection with sucking blood to become a Vampire in Real Life?
No. They have their hands full supplying hospitals and don’t have the time or resources to bother with vampires.
There are probably a few unscrupulous and unpleasant ways you can imagine getting it, but after a while, it would all get to be quite a hassle. Remember, this is something you’re going to have to keep up until the end of time. Speaking of living forever.
Immortality (Con)
Living forever sounds like fun, but you’d better be careful. We humans have enough trouble keeping ourselves in one piece for 80 years or so. Can you imagine how tough it would be to avoid getting yourself seriously injured for hundreds of years?
If you want to become a Vampire in Real Life just for immortality you should think many time before perform any rituals.
As a vampire, you’ll have superhuman strength, speed, and reflexes, but eventually, bad luck would catch up to you and you’d end up damaging a body part you’re going to need for the next thousand years.
Let’s hope those super regenerative powers come through for you.
Also, being immortal means you’ll have to stand by and watch everyone you care about grow old and pass on, over and over again.
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Aversion to sunlight (Con)
Say goodbye to the beach. As a vampire, you’re not going out in the sunshine ever again.
Ever. Certainly, there are mortal humans who don’t like to spend much time in the sun, but as an undead bloodsucker, it’ll kill you.
Now you realize how wrong you put your life to become a Vampire in Real Life.
Will you have to sleep in a coffin? There seems no practical reason for this as long as you keep your sleeping quarter’s dark enough, but whatever makes you happy. The plus side is that you’ll have a much lesser chance of developing melanoma.
Shape-shifting (Pro)
This is one of the better reasons to be a vampire. Traditionally, vampires change into bats and flap around spying on people.
Boring! We can assume you’ll be able to use your powers to transform into all kinds of different things. Have fun with it, and try to think outside the box.
Public opinion (Pro now, Con later)
Right now you might not think it would be a bad idea to let other people know if you become a vampire, but what happens in a hundred years or so when this current vampire-pop craze has long died down.
If you look for how to Become a Vampire in Real Life people don’t suggest a life of blood sucking creature.
In the past, letting people know you’re a vampire meant a visit from a mob of angry villagers wielding torches and pitchforks, not a mob of screaming teenage girls. Historically, local communities have not been supportive of vampires living among them.
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Still Want to Convert to Vampirism? Conclusion
As you can see, even if vampires really exist, the odds of becoming a real-life vampire are pretty much zero. If you do there are far more negatives to the vampire life than there are positives.
You can follow some ritual of How to Become a Vampire in Real Life.
But perhaps you are still interested in the vampire thing, even though you don’t feel like enduring centuries of hardship and suffering. You may be in luck!
Around the world today there are pockets of vampire culture strewn about. These people know they aren’t really undead, but they choose to exist in a way that they feel reflects the vampire lifestyle.
They range widely in their beliefs, from the peaceful and deeply spiritual folks to those you really ought to stay away from.
There is nothing wrong with immersing yourself in an alternative lifestyle, as long as you do it safely and wisely and never lose sight of the line between make-believe and reality.
Now you have some idea on How to Become a Vampire in Real Life but you should think twice before any decision.
Never engage in anything that seems unsafe or illegal, and never do anything that could bring harm to another person (including you). If you encounter people who seem like they are taking things too far, get away from them.