Reiki is an ancient form of energy healing with a long and respected history. However, despite its centuries-long practice, there are still many myths and misconceptions about reiki that persist today.
For the first time in 1970, when Usui Reiki was introduced to the people of Canada and United States, many myths and misconceptions about reiki were seen in the minds of the people. This is the reason why this kind of holistic healing has become a mysterious object for the people.
Initially it was forbidden to write. Argued that if such techniques go into wrong hands then it will only be misused.
This is the reason that in the beginning it was given only in the form of moral knowledge from master to his pupil.
One of the biggest myths about reiki is that it is a religion. In reality, reiki is a spiritual practice that is not connected to any religion. It is simply a form of natural healing that uses the energy in the universe to promote wellbeing. Anyone of any faith or none at all can practice reiki.
This is the reason that even today, wrong thinking and incomplete knowledge about it remained among the people for a long time.
Many such myths and misconceptions about Reiki are still seen among us, due to which we do not understand Racki completely. In this post, we are going to clear some such misconceptions due to which people think that Reiki is a massage therapy.
Myths and misconceptions about reiki
There are many people who believe that reiki is a kind of massage therapy. The knowledge related to this spread among the people only orally, due to which many misconceptions were spread.
There are many such concepts that people have kept in mind regarding Reiki but it is not real.
Holistic healing reiki is a part of yoga, for which you have to join reiki class.
As a reiki practitioners, in this type of course you are taught to transfer reiki energies properly. All of you must have heard a lot about distance energy healing.
Experience healing from a distance, but if we talk about Reiki online healing, then you will need Reiki attunement. Let’s talk about Myths and misconceptions about reiki.
Reiki attunement is a kind of beginner’s practice through which we start to feel the energy. People who are interested in learning Reiki, the energy they get at the initial level is called Reiki Attunement.
We divide it into 3 parts at initial level such as Shaktipat (powers), mental and emotional balance and third is distance healing.
1. Reiki is a religion
The biggest myths about reiki is that it is a religion. In reality, reiki is a spiritual practice that is not connected to any religion. It is simply a form of natural healing that uses the energy in the universe to promote wellbeing. Anyone of any faith or none at all can practice reiki.
Today people who practice Reiki are seen to be associated with a different religion. People feel that this is also a practice of the same kind as monks and sages practice while staying away from the world. In reality Reiki is not a separate religion but it is a pure spiritual art.
The principle teaching of reiki is embrace growth of life and promote spiritual growth.
Along with being a spiritual art, people with different feelings have made Reiki a medium to transfer energy from one place to another.
Another common myth is that reiki is just a placebo effect. While it is true that the beliefs and feelings of the patient can influence their experience with reiki, this doesn’t mean that reiki is just a placebo. In fact, there is substantial scientific evidence that reiki is an effective form of energy healing.
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2. Dr. Usui was a Christian monk
The founder of Ricky’s usui system, Dr. Mikao (Mikaomi) usui was not a Christian monk or doctor. He was a Japanese Zen Buddhist, a businessman and spiritualist, and scholar. Over time, he achieved spiritual enlightenment through fasting and meditation.
He developed it into a healing art of Reiki and opened a teaching clinic in Japan itself. These myths and misconceptions about reiki were being made in western country for a long time.
3. Reiki Attunement is a way to connect with your spirit guides
Reiki attunement is considered a better medium to connect with the spiritual world. Those people who do not have any Guru, they feel that through Reiki they can connect with their spiritual guide. A writer named Diane Stein has explained in detail in her book Essential Reiki.
He has written a lot about spiritual guide in his book. According to Diane Stein, her students who have taken Reiki level 2 training have claimed that they know about their spiritual guides. A lot of Myths and misconceptions about reiki is still roaming around us.
According to urban legend, with Reiki Attunement alone it is possible that you can get to know about your spiritual guide. Some Reiki teachers also promise “meeting with your spiritual guide”. In some cases it is also possible but it is completely correct, nor is it guaranteed.
If there is such a thing in your mind too, then it can disappoint you badly. To connect with your spiritual guide, you must know whether joining reiki class is right for you or not.
4. Reiki is a Massage Therapy
Reiki is not a massage therapy. There are many massage therapists who provide reiki holistic healing combined with massage sessions. Reiki is a kind of energy based therapy and you do not get physical benefit from it.
In this type of healing reiki, experts touch you with light hands. It is advisable to wear clothes without clothes or loose fitting clothes. This is not any kind of massage but it is energy based therapy.
If our chakras get blocked due to some reason, then by adopting the process of chakra balancing, we can control the flow of energy in ourselves. This is also a biggest Myths and misconceptions about reiki that still roaming.
Most of the people think that through this we can cure the disease, heal the wounds whereas in reality it is not because it does a healing work in us which is connected to the energy and in this we feel that we are getting well when in reality this work is done by our positive thoughts and feelings.
5. Doing Reiki others drains your own energy
A Reiki Guru should never give his own energy to others. In reiki energy therapy, a master acts as a medium to transmit universal energy to you.
The energy floating in the universe reaches you through the body of the Reiki master; there is no energy of his own anywhere in it.
Life force or chi energy is infinite and never ends. It also does not mean that a reiki master will not feel tired after this process.
Reiki healing is a natural remedy but, if you feel tired during reiki sessions then you need to pay attention. This can be a sign of chakra imbalance.
Read : How to Master Reiki Principles in 6 Simple Steps easy guide for beginer
Myths and misconceptions about reiki final thought
Reiki healing is a very good medium to remove the lack of energy. If you are feeling problems related to some kind of energy in yourself, then you can correct it by joining reiki sessions. It is generally believed that due to the imbalance of energy in the chakras, we struggle with this type of problem.
Reiki is completely energy based therapy. A Reiki master never gives his personal energy to others when people feel that by doing so their own energy starts decreasing. As long as such myths and misconceptions about reiki exist among people, we cannot take advantage of Reiki.
What do you think, are all the things we get to hear related to Ricky really true? Don’t forget to tell in the comments.