A suggestion made to a person during hypnosis that he or she acts out after the hypnotic trance. The suggested act may be carried out in response to a prearranged cue, and the person may not know why he or she is performing the action.
Post hypnotic suggestion carried out in normal life without any knowledge.
We have studied the stages of hypnosis, but the stage we come across as we progress in advance is the technique of post hypnotism i.e. such a state of hypnosis in which we give such suggestion to any person which is related to his hypnotism, Works after coming out.
This stage is more beneficial when you want to change a person out of hypnosis.
Apart from this, one of its biggest advantages is to work it again and again, that is, only once by hypnotizing, specific order in your mind that in this condition you will behave when you break the hypnosis and they start living a normal life, then as soon as they were told to us.
They go through the condition, they start behaving according to the order that we give them.
One thing is common in both self-hypnotism and post-hypnotism stage and that is that the suggestions given in these stages are going to be useful in future.
That is, in other stages of hypnosis, where suggestions and instructions bring changes at the same time, in these states the suggestions are later directed on a particular situation. For example:
You are a chain smoker and experts want to fix it by post hypnotism stage of hypnosis then they will give you a specific instruction which will be related to the situation like whenever you put cigarette mouth to smoke you will get the taste of cigarette wouldn’t look right, And then that hypnotism is broken.
Now in normal life, whenever you put a cigarette in your mouth, you do not like the taste of it and you will throw it, after the second and third, you will find the taste of all the cigarettes you taste strange and slowly you will leave it.
How does post hypnotic suggestion work?
Post hypnotic suggestions, as the name suggests, are intended to have an effect later on, outside of the hypnotic state. We use both suggestion and post-hypnotic suggestion that work after the hypnosis session.
Hypnosis post hypnotic suggestion should always be written down before they are used.
Obviously, we write down everything in a script prior to making a self-hypnosis recording – and each and every word within a script is checked and re-checked many times.
But even hypnotherapists, when working one to one in the consulting room, must also write down any post hypnosis suggestions prior to any therapy taking place.
It is a cardinal sin for a hypnotherapist to just make something up as they go along.
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Post Hypnosis triggers
This is a special instruction that helps you to get rid of the fear you feel at some stage, such as if you are afraid of driving, then in the post-hypnotic stage you will be given instructions that when you hand the steering of the vehicle.
At that time there is a communication of positivity inside you and you have started feeling yourself confident in every part of your body. To say means looking at the situation and giving suggestions only for that condition.
A hypnotic trigger can be used to help someone access resources that they need for a given situation. For instance, for driving test fear, we could install this trigger:
“And at the moment you take the steering wheel in your hands… at that very moment… you will feel a surge of confidence reaching into every pore, every fiber, and every cell of your entire body…”
As you can observe, a post hypnotic suggestion trigger is nothing more complicated than a post-hypnotic suggestion and its construction follows exactly the same rules.
It is easier to bypass the Conscious Critical Faculty with this sort of work, since a trigger will normally comprise some action or event which in itself is so totally normal that there is no reason to challenge it.
This normality will usually allow the subconscious to readily accept the trigger work without question, unless what we suggest will happen is too outlandish or extreme.
When we do our job properly, which we always aim to do, such suggestions will be accepted into the subconscious to be later discharged, at the appropriate time, as motor action.
In this example the motor action is of driving confidently, of course.
The power of suggestion deserves total respect. There are other methods of using hypnosis, but when suggestion is used cleverly and carefully it can and does produce major and lasting change.
Difference between hypnosis and post hypnotism techniques
In all stages of hypnotism, experts give you direct instructions, which may not match with your own thoughts or there is a conflict between your rituals, so there is also a fear of breaking the hypnosis.
On the other hand, in post hypnotic suggestion and self-hypnosis, we associate the instructions with the situation so that they are awakened after a time, that is, not a conflict in any of our internal feelings, but a change is brought about in the situation.
In other words, the meaning of instructions is changed for you.
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5 state of suggestion in hypnosis
In hypnosis one can see 5 states of suggestion from which instructions are given to our mind.
- Positive tips instructions
- Use plain language
- Inclusion of emotions so as to bring effect in the instruction.
- To generate interest in the medium towards your views and suggestions.
- Do not use such suggestion that the conscious mind rejects.
If you also give suggestions keeping these criteria in mind, then they will be successful.
The Construction of Post-hypnotic-suggestion
Before giving a post-hypnotic suggestion, we should take care of some things, the most important of which is to prepare the suggestion clearly by writing or recording it in advance.
It is very important to do this because the suggestion should always be given in clear and without any contradictory words.
The instructions given in the technique of post hypnotism work on a particular situation after breaking our hypnosis.
Second, if you are going to give instructions to someone post hypnotic suggestion, then take special care that there should be no contradiction in the situation in your instructions and there should be no two opinions in it.
Suppose if some different changes take place in the situation for which you have given instructions at the same time, then your suggestions will not be able to work. This is also known as the state of contradiction.
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11 Secrets of post hypnotic suggestion technique
We are talking about what should we do for a successful post hypnotic suggestion? For this, if you understand these special things, then everything will become easy for you. Let us know some such special things.
What do you want in the result?
What kind of results your medium wants in post hypnotism, first of all you should understand it. For this you need to strike a balance between their current situation and their desired result.
This is the beginning of creating the necessary instructions so that your suggestions are clear and clear.
Confidence and interest in you in the medium:
You should consider your own situation before bringing the medium to the post-hypnotic state. A suggestion will be successful only when both the medium and you can be prepared for this situation both consciously and subconsciously.
For this, the necessary interest in your mind for this practice is as important as the medium.
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Solution to the doubts and negative thoughts of the medium:
For a successful post hypnotic suggestion, it is essential that your medium is confident in you and that he or she feels that you can successfully hypnotize them and that they are capable of it.
If the medium feels that he is not worthy of it or he is not able to feel safe with you, then first of all he must solve these problems.
Prepare yourself for these A, B, and S
Here these words have different meanings and importance, let us know the meaning and importance of all these.
- A – Attention: To focus all the attention of the medium on himself.
- B – Ignoring negative possibilities: That is, to reject such thoughts which are associated with no.
- S – Stimulate the unconscious mind: That is, to connect with the subconscious mind so that you can connect with the subconscious mind of the medium and instruct it.
Developing Hypnotic Contest
How to find out if the medium is hypnotized? He may not have been hypnotized by you.
For this, when you take him into the hypnotic state, then the instructions are given in such a way that the subconscious mind of the medium keeps on reacting to it.
As you instruct him that a well is visible in front of you and you are standing on its bank what do you see?
Now if the medium is not hypnotized then he only tells about the well but if he is really hypnotized then he will react as if he is on top of the well. Everything he tells you is tied to a real experience.
Filling the transaction according to the position in the medium
Suppose your medium wants to control stress through you.
When you give instructions to him, they should be in such a way that the medium can understand them and behave accordingly.
For example, suppose he sometimes gets stressed or angry. Now that the post hypnotic suggestion works, then the following changes should occur in it.
- Experience – Stopping yourself in one place, holding everything and focusing on yourself.
- Action – smiling and behaving like yourself
- Feeling – Instilling confidence in oneself, being calm and enthusiastic.
Connecting Behavior to Trigger
Triggering the behavior according to the situation in which we understand what has to be changed in the situation in which we are in, for example suppose you feel hesitant to talk to women. What would be the suggestion?
Whenever you see a beautiful woman, you will start feeling excited and you will feel yourself smiling. In the post hypnotic suggestion technique, suggestions are triggered on different positions.
Gaining Approval of the Medium
Not enough just to give suggestions, it is also important for the medium to accept them.
While giving suggestions for this, make the medium aware of its advantages and ask them whether they accept it.
In this way they receive your suggestions at the level of subconscious mind.
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Working on the suggestion of the medium
While giving practice, you can also give other suggestions to the medium like whenever you wake up take three deep breaths and feel yourself energized.
This is necessary for post hypnotic suggestion because you can know how much of the medium is under your control and with practice it does not feel the pressure.
Self-feeding-suggestion loop
Linking situations to each other to build powerful hypnotic suggestions. Suppose you suggest someone that he is a non-smoker and a happy person.
It will feed into his subconscious that he is a happy non-smoker.
So if you suggest them that they are happy then it also has a good effect on their health. For example:
Whenever you wake up before early morning, you feel yourself more enthusiastic than when you leave the bed.
The biggest advantage of this is that now you will start getting up before sunrise.
Locking and forgetting the suggestion
By taking the suggestions into the depths of the subconscious mind and forgetting them in normal life, they become even more powerful. They are called the medium to remember only in a particular situation, the rest of the time the medium is unable to remember them.
FAQ about Post hypnotic suggestion technique
#1. How long do post hypnotic suggestions last?
In my experience it lasts anywhere from 4–7 days. I did hypnosis for about three years and have been hypnotized multiple times.
If you want to make lasting changes you’ll need to reinforce the suggestions fairly frequently at first.
#2. What is an example of a post hypnotic suggestion?
For example: “When you awaken each morning you feel refreshed and alert.” Some people believe that a post hypnotic suggestion is a miniature replica of the original hypnotic situation, in other words that the person carrying out the post hypnotic suggestion re-enters a state of hypnosis.
#3. What are the after effects of hypnosis?
Adverse reactions to hypnosis are rare, but may include:
- headache
- Drowsiness
- Dizziness
- Anxiety or distress.
- Creation of false memories.
#4. Does post-hypnotic suggestion work?
Effectiveness of Post-hypnotic Suggestions depend over Time.
As long as the context and conditions are right, the Patient will be able to respond to the post-hypnotic suggestion in the distant future without any conscious memory of it being given.
However, if the context is not right, the suggestion may be ineffective.
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#5. How does post-hypnotic suggestion impact consciousness?
Scientists have found evidence that hypnotic suggestion can modify processing of a targeted stimulus before it reaches consciousness.
The experiments show that it is possible to hypnotically modulate even highly automatic features of perception, such as color experience.
#6. Can hypnosis rewire the brain?
Although research is ongoing, this study strongly suggests that it is possible to rewire the brain through hypnosis.
Your brain is the master controller of everything you do, and hypnotherapy to rewire the brain in Hong Kong truly can give you the tools you need to make permanent and positive changes.
#7. Can hypnosis give a person superhuman strength?
Under hypnosis, people can perform acts of special superhuman strength. When non-hypnotized people are simply asked to try their hardest on tests of physical strength, they generally can do anything that a hypnotized person can do.
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#8. Can you stay in hypnosis forever?
You don’t lose control or reveal personal secrets under hypnosis unless you wish to do so.
Hypnosis can be very effective for capturing lost memories, but you can also lie when under hypnosis, or even have false memories. Hypnosis isn’t a truth serum. “A person can get stuck in a trance forever.”
#9. What is waking hypnosis?
Any technique in which hypnotic effects (see hypnotic susceptibility) are achieved without reference to sleep or a trance.
It is induced through an apparently natural but carefully considered choice of simple words, gestures, and directives upon which to focus.
#10. What role does suggestion play in hypnosis?
Suggestion is what leads to the most interesting effects in hypnosis. For example, if someone with a painful arm is hypnotized then they may feel focused and relaxed. It is not until they are given a suggestion such as “your arm is beginning to feel numb and insensitive” that they start to experience pain relief.
#11. What is the scientific objection to the effects of hypnosis?
What is the scientific objection to the effects of hypnosis? Scientists who argue that hypnosis may be ineffective claim that there is no effective way to control for the placebo effect.
Post hypnotic suggestion side effects
Doctors use hypnosis as a part of treatment to help people with anxiety, depression, pain, or unwanted behaviors, like smoking or overeating.
It’s usually helpful. But in some situations, it can cause serious side effects or raise your chances for other health problems.
Hypnosis isn’t for everyone. Some people can’t reach that full dream-like trance state. This makes the treatment less helpful. In rare cases, it can cause side effects, which can include:
- Anxiety
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Drowsiness
These are just a side effect of Post hypnotic suggestion if not done properly. Post hypnotic suggestion incomplete process may have some other risk like
- Hallucinations
- Delusions
- Drug and alcohol misuse
- Schizophrenia
If someone have mental disorder they may experience these risk. Doctors may use hypnosis to bring back memories or stressful events linked to your mental condition.
There is some controversy around this practice. If the person giving the treatment isn’t a trained professional, it could cause the creation of fake memories, which could further confuse a person’s mental health issues and bring more problems.
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How to use Post hypnotic suggestion in daily life
You can use Post hypnotic suggestion to get rid from bad activity, habit or reprogram your mind for such condition.
Hypnotherapy appears to work best when used with other forms of treatment, says Steve G. Kopp, a licensed mental health counselor and marriage and family therapist. It can help reduce a patient’s resistance to other more traditional treatments.
“It seems most effective complementing cognitive behavioral therapy or interpersonal psychotherapy,” Kopp says.
It’s important to remember that depression, along with severe and chronic mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, also affect a person’s physical health.
Depression is more than just feeling sad or having negative thoughts.
It’s a condition where the chemicals in your brain are imbalanced. Hypnotherapy is a complementary therapy, and it shouldn’t be the only therapy a person uses to enhance their mental health.