Amazing powers and energy resides in the human body, which if he understands then everything can be done which he would have never imagined. Along with our subconscious mind, the art of connecting with others without a medium, such a power resides in us in a dormant state, which if awakened, then miracles will also become a common thing for us. While starting the process of Root Chakra Meditation, we are going to learn about Root Chakra Guided Meditation and Yoga Techniques.
There are many ways to perform the action of Root Chakra Healing Meditation or opening, which we are going to know in this post. We will also talk about how to balance the over active mooladhar chakra with its symptoms, benefits. First of all, root chakra guided meditation is done in Balancing Root Chakra activation Meditation.
Here I have shared the detailed guided meditation process about top 5 meditation to open root chakra so that you can choose the right method according to you. Many methods are described in Kundalini yoga regarding Chakra activation meditation. If we want, we can also open it through our Daily Life Routine.
Many times it happens that the issue of unbalanced Root chakra is appears in some people. In such a situation how do we balance it? We are also going to know through this post what the effect of gems in Muladhara Chakra is. If you want, read this post carefully or you can choose the topic of your choice from the table below.
- Basic facts and signs related to Muladhara Chakra
- Problem caused by imbalance of Root chakra
- Muladhara Chakra Meditation Method
- Signs that we experience beyond awakening
- Reasons for being overactive and balance
- Daily Life Activity That Affects Awakening
- Benefits of Root Chakra Awakening
What is Root Chakra Meditation?
Muladhara means the main base which can also be understood as the basis of our physical body. For any human being to remain fit, it is very important that main base i.e. Muladhara should be fit. In the absence of this, a person will neither be able to control his physical or emotional health nor can’t he balance himself. The Muladhara chakra is associated with the health of a person, due to which it becomes important to keep its balance.
It is believed that the memories of our past lives are stored in this Chakra. Whatever boundary line is drawn in our consciousness, it is the work of this. Each and every job of consciousness, vitality and growth is determined by Root chakra whose improper action leads to the tendency of laziness and ignorance.
Its four-petal lotus is symbolized by the 4 feelings of our subconscious mind. If we talk about the related components and diseases of the Muladhara Chakra, then this chakra operates the reproductive organs, defense system and the functioning of the large intestine.
Improper functioning or imbalance causes problems like prostate problems, obesity, arthritis, varicose veins, low back problems, hip problems, swollen knees and aversion to eating and mainly due to weak bone structure, disturbances in physical appearance arise. This is all because you need a proper guided Root Chakra Meditation to heal your Muladhara chakra.
Qualities and Symbols
Muladhara Chakra has its own quality and symbols which are used in yoga meditation. You have to understand them as
- Position in the body : Lowest part of the spine
- Color : Red tulip
- Element : PRITHVĪ (earth) Mother, power, nourishment, security, protection
- Mantra long
- lotus party : four petals indicating four directions
- Symbolic creature: The elephant with seven trunks is the symbol of knowledge, wealth and seven metals.
- adorable god: Pashupat Mahadev
- symbol: There are many symbols such as Shivling of Gray color, the unconscious snake called KUNDALINĪ SHAKTI energy Inverted Triangle (circle of energy) creation awakening (activation symbol)
- properties and certain aspects: Reflects the difference between consciousness and sub consciousness between living beings and human beings, the root of the actions of living beings, there is some positive aspect such as creativity, awakening of abilities, there is some negative aspect which includes Unconsciousness, ignorance hidden.
- Life: Apana Vayu (air drawn from the anus)
- Floor: Bhu-loka, also known as the physical plane.
- Home: Fortunate
- Principle: Ego
- Gemstone: ONYX
- Metal: LEAD
- Mineral: CALCIUM
- a quality: eroticism
- flutter: Laziness
- Sense Organ: sense of smell
- Feature: GRANTA – Elimination
- Taste: Bitter
- Quality: contraction
- body part: Bone
- Organ: anal
- Discharge: urine
- Gland: GONADS
Problems arising from unbalanced Muladhara chakra
If there is an imbalance in the Muladhara chakra of a person then two types of situations arise. The first chakra being too active and the second being its block. In the first situation, the feeling of arrogance starts to arise in the person because he starts getting angry and angry on small things.
Problems like showing grandeur on other people, problem in understanding elders or not obeying can be observed. It is believed that the Root Chakra of Greedy People more than the limit is very active.
In the same situation, when the chakra gets blocked, that is, the flow of energy does not happen smoothly, then in such a situation a feeling of insecurity arises. Such people are not able to keep themselves stable and start separating themselves from others. People who are restless, shy and restless have their chakra blocked.
Root Chakra Guided Meditation Method
There are many ways you can adopt for the process of Root Chakra Meditation. The practice of meditation simplifies your process. Let us know about some of its special and useful techniques for unblocking the root chakra. Use of Root Chakra Stones and Jewellery
For each chakra, a different stone is important. By wearing these stones like a Jewellery, you can realign the energy of the chakra and ease the process of opening the chakra. For this mainly four stones can be used.
- Red Jasper: The color of Muladhara Chakra and its energy is red, due to which there are many gems of red color whose effect is seen on this chakra. Due to their effect, the chakra is balanced. If you are facing the problem of erratic mood swings again and again, then you should try this.
- Red Carnelian: A yellow-red colored stone with an orange stripe across it, this gemstone is seen as associated with strength, cleansing, and bravery, so you can use it for these purposes. If you find yourself repeatedly surrounded by unintentional fear, due to which you cannot live in the comfort zone, then using this gemstone is a better choice for you.
- Obsidian: This black colored stone protects you from harm. If you want to get rid of the feeling of insecurity then you can wear it.
- Blood-stone: This name is due to the red spots above it. Its color is green and this gem fills positive vibrations in you, removing negative energy. It is considered to be the best option for Root chakra activation process.
Root Chakra Meditation or How to Meditate Your Root Chakra
Whenever it comes to the best way, the name of chakra meditation definitely comes up. This process is similar to regular meditation techniques, except that the focus is on the particular body part area. If you have been practicing meditation then you can follow this simple but effective root chakra meditation techniques.
First of all, sit in a comfortable position. Leave the body loose and keep your spine straight. Breathe through the nose and move as much as you can inside the body, as well as stop it in the body as much as you can. After some time take out the breath from the mouth. This method takes you to a good hold on your breath and a deep meditation state in a very short time.
Now focus your concentration on the Root Chakra. Feel for a solid part in the lowest part of the spine.
If the color of the root chakra is red, then imagine that a red colored four petal lotus is glowing in the lower part of the spine. Slowly this glow increases and you are feeling an energy and vibration in that part.
Now open your eyes and sit in that position for 5 minutes.
Some poses of yoga can also help you in awakening the chakra. Balashan is such a yoga in which the entire focus of the seeker increases in Root Chakra Meditation.
Chakra Foods List and Diet Suggestions
Root Chakra Healing Meditation easier for you. By the way, there are some special food for this, whose effect can be seen on it. For example
- Protein-rich foods: Keeps you connected with the earth element and gives physical strength. Its other effects can be seen as boost emotional strength. Do not forget to include beans, tofu, green peas, spinach, and almonds in your diet.
- Red color fruit: The color of this chakra is red and it is affected by red color, so you can choose such fruits which are red in color. You get its benefit in the form of Vitamin C. You can think of strawberries, cherries, tomatoes and red bell peppers.
- Root vegetables: Vegetables that grow inside the earth such as beets, garlic, and potatoes. Its use keeps you connected with the earth element.
Here you should note that it is not a miracle or superstition that it has happened because of following red color. This is a change in your emotions and the effect it has on our mind can be understood through it.
Root Chakra Affirmations to Use
Affirmation is the most powerful method in Guided Root chakra meditation through which we can change ourselves. This is actually our reprogramming on our own. For root chakra healing, you can prepare affirmation i.e. a set of emotions that programs your mind. If you repeat the statement given below many times a day, then it starts giving effect.
- Wherever I am I am always safe and secure.
- I am absolutely stable, attached to the ground (no pride) and relaxed.
- I always have all the aspects related to my safety.
- I have a healthy body, a healthy mind, and an abundant life
- I am connected to the earth and the universe helps me.
- Universe always helps me and guides me on what to do next.
- I am able to get support from everywhere according to my need.
- I can feel my Muladhara chakra getting activated and feel myself stable.
- Wherever I am I am safe and happy.
These are some such affirmation statements for happy life, which by repeating it several times a day, you can feel yourself changed. Using this type of affirmation before meditation can give you good experiences.
Root Chakra Meditation mantra
If you want, you can also do Root chakra activation through mantra Sadhana. For this, you have to light a lamp of ghee in front of you on twilight i.e. evening. Place the heel of the left foot in the place of your Muladhara Chakra and sit in the state of Samadhi. Your body should be completely relaxed and your spine should be in a straight position.
Shiva Mantra: Om Namah Shivay
Choose a place where the light is very less and that place is clean and clean. Applying incense at this place, pray to Lord Shiva and close your eyes and do 4000 chants of Shiva Mantra daily for 21 consecutive days. Your Muladhara Chakra starts awakening only after a few days of Sadhana.
Feeling: In the state of meditation, when we keep our meditation at the place of Muladhara while chanting the Shiva Mantra, then this process starts opening the Root Chakra. In such a state, the practitioner begins to feel the pressure of cold air at the place of his Muladhara chakra. This feeling will be as if a whirlwind of air is moving in place of our circle.
When Root Chakra Meditation process done time to time then the fear within the seeker starts getting destroyed. A new energy starts flowing, due to which the seeker starts experiencing air pressure or tickling. By doing this action continuously, this chakra of the seeker gets opened completely and when the seeker remains in a state of drowsy every moment.
Then understand that his chakra has been fully awakened. Its main sign is not to react to any kind of thought of the seeker as if nothing is affecting him in any situation.
Root chakra activation symptoms
When we practice the process of Muladhara Chakra meditation, then many such changes are felt on the basis of which we can trace its awakening.
Feeling the Force of Grounding: Since the main element of this chakra is the earth element, so in the process of awakening we feel ourselves connected to the earth. Feeling of being very heavy or light is a sign that the flow of energy is increasing smoothly in your Muladhara chakra.
If we talk about physical changes, then you can feel a sense of separation from others or if there is no fear of any kind of respect and humiliation, it is also a sign. During this, you can consume more salty fruits. This shows the change in your habit.
Heat and Tingling: During Root Chakra Meditation simple practice a feeling of energy and warmth in the body during meditation or throughout the time is a good sign. You may feel coldness or extreme heat in the lowest part of your spine. Vibration in the whole body is also a sign of this.
Sleeping and Dreams: Some people may have problem in sleeping due to restless leg syndrome as the increasing energy keeps finding its way till it gets the right direction. Your dreams may be more strange and stressful than before because the subconscious mind starts playing an important role in this, due to which you see these scenes. Some people may experience nightmares in their dreams.
Removal of stress: An experience of deepening sense of calmness in the process of chakra awakening, in which one feels a feeling of ultimate peace. Earlier, where we used to get filled with tension over small things, now it is not so. We are able to keep ourselves calm in every difficulty.
Overactive and balancing Root chakra
Due to the process of meditation or the activity of our daily routine, we can feel the flow of unbalanced energy during root chakra meditation or in daily life. Being like this affects our physical, emotional, spiritual health. You can also understand this as a side effect of chakra activation process. You should pay attention to these Major Signs of Over Activity in the Root Chakra like
- Anger
- Get angry very quickly – short temper
- Becoming too greedy
- Belligerence
- to become impatient and incontinent – ​​impatience
- feeling stuck to feel themselves trapped again a place
Its physical effects such as bladder problems, constipation, fatigue, and anemia can be seen. If this happens then it becomes very important to do Cleansing and Balancing an Overactive Root Chakra. For this you can follow the energy transfer process in chakra.
If you want, you can control your diet, you can balance it by adopting activities like adequate exercise, focusing energy during meditation. The easiest way is to avoid this by doing healing procedures like energy healing, such as Reiki, sound therapy or using chakra stones.
Daily life activity that affects the awakening of this chakra
There are some activities that can make the process of Root chakra meditation easier, for this you can follow some of the activities given below like
- While Balancing Root Chakra Meditation, keep your focus on the lowest end of the spine and imagine a lotus party with four petals of red colour.
- The main element of this chakra is land, so activities like walking barefoot and dancing make it sensitive or active.
- We can also correct root chakra blockage through aroma therapy. Massaging the essential oils of ying yang which is a greenish yellow aromatic tree, geranium rose, angelica etc. at specific points during meditation eases the process.
- Red apples, pomegranates, strawberries, beets, red radish etc. eat foods that nourish the first chakra.
These are some common activities by following which we can keep the cycle in balance.
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Top 3 benefit of Guided Root Chakra Meditation
The Muladhara chakra carries the life energy which is an essential part of all living beings. Its main benefits are related to the physical and emotional health of the person.
The first advantage is rejuvenation i.e. being physically healthy. The whole principle of yoga is related to the Muladhara chakra because if the Muladhara chakra is balanced then we become full of physical and mental health. If you want to keep yourself fit for years, then you should pay attention to the foundation.
Through yoga and pranayama, we purify the body and keep it fit, in the same way, this chakra gets rid of all our physical problems and makes us stable. Root Chakra Meditation easy Guide can help you to recover this.
We can build ourselves like a rock as our ancestors were physically strong. Today, as soon as we cross 40, our body starts getting surrounded by many diseases, but due to the balance of root chakra, this process slows down. Being fit at the body level despite being old is a sign that our Muladhara Chakra is in a balanced state.
You must have heard about the elixir coming out of the pineal gland, which in normal condition becomes useless like this. When the tongue is glued to the palate by yoga, then this nectar starts getting absorbed instead of being destroyed. The process of Root Chakra Healing Meditation of our third eye is related to this and when this happens, divine visions start appearing.
You can use this nectar in 3 ways, such as making yourself physically strong, reaching the state of ultimate bliss, which sometimes takes Samadhi, or being subtle in which you can do real time analysis i.e. in the present. While living, they stop being affected by anything. For it to work properly, it is necessary that your understanding is correct. Unless you are able to use your self-realization properly, you cannot take full advantage of it.
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Guided Root chakra meditation final conclusion
For the awakening of Kundalini Shakti, it is very important for the seeker to first understand the process of Chakra awakening. Only the practice of Root chakra meditation done step by step can make the awakening process of Kundalini and chakra a complete success.
Many methods of chakra awakening are described in Kundalini yoga, which you can adopt in daily life and complete the process of chakra activation. If you like watching videos then do not forget to watch Root chakra guided meditation YouTube.
We will share the method of Kundalini and Chakra awakening according to different cycles in the next post. If you have any question in your mind regarding this post, then you can ask us through comment.
Credit : How to meditation on root Chakra and heal Physical body