During your Kundalini awakening practice you may experience these Blocked Crown Chakra Symptoms on Mental, Physical & Spiritual levels.
Many people spend most of their lives not balancing or opening their chakras, and when they do, the crown chakra usually becomes the last to open.
Chakras must be opened and balanced in order to maintain us in harmony with the rest of the universe and all of its living things.
Your crown chakra does not always remain open constantly even after you have activated it.
There are several similar signs that most people experience when their crown chakra is blocked, no matter whether they are experiencing symptoms of a blocked crown chakra or are on a path of activation.
What signs do you have a blocked crown chakra?
Keep an eye on these blocked crown chakra symptoms and how to balance your crown chakra energy centre.
The need to control your environment, sadness, stress, as well as conditions like chronic tiredness, migraines, and amnesia, are all signs of a blocked crown chakra.
You are able to begin to open your chakras once you are aware of them and the signs that appear when they are obstructed.
Here are some signs of a blocked crown chakra as well as advice on how to open it and keep it balanced.
here You will going to understand
Blocked crown chakra Mental Symptoms
Blocked crown chakra physical symptoms
Spiritual symptoms of blocked crown chakra
5 Crown Chakra Yoga Poses that Stimulate Crown Chakra
Dangerous blocked crown chakra symptoms you need to know
Nothing is more frustrating than a chakra that has been activated just blocked.
Blocked crown chakra symptoms can lead to a variety of issues both in both the physical and spiritual realms. When the crown chakra is blocked, a lot of people experience three basic types of symptoms.
Physical symptoms, mental symptoms, and spiritual symptoms are all included in these three categories.
Having said that, each person is unique.
A large number of people could live their entire lives without ever experiencing any symptoms.
Others, on the other hand, might be extremely sensitive to physiological changes and become aware of blocked crown chakra symptoms as soon as an imbalance takes place.
However, a closer examination of the symptoms that emerge when the crown chakra becomes blocked can be found below:
Blocked crown chakra Mental Symptoms
Many people are unaware of this, however a blocked or out-of-balance crown chakra is one cause in their negative attitude on life.
But the problem with mental symptoms can be that they can be hard to pinpoint.
However, if you find yourself thinking negatively out of control, your crown chakra may be blocked.
Some other common blocked crown chakra symptoms on mental level include:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Controlling behavior
- Destructive behavior
- Dissociation
- Greed
- Narcissism
- Bleak, emotionless outlook of the world
- Feeling a sense of abandonment
Being prone to doubt a higher power is perhaps the biggest sign that someone’s crown chakra is blocked.
Depending on the form of blockage and blocked crown chakra symptoms, this skepticism can be light or strong. Perhaps someone subconsciously experiences a sense of rejection from the spiritual world and applies that same attitude toward humanity.
This emotion can then trigger a wide range of other behaviors like greed and manipulative behavior.
Convincing someone of such a nature that their behavior and thinking are in fact caused by a blocked chakra is the most difficult part of opening the crown chakra.
Mainly because a person in this situation has no reason to believe in a “crown chakra” in the initial instance.
Because of this, spirituality is a lonely undertaking.
You cannot be lectured.
You have to go through it for yourself.
Finding the motivation to look for your mental health while you are experiencing problems can be difficult.
But if you begin to focus on connecting and opening your crown chakra, you’ll surely notice that the mental symptoms go away.
Once you realize these dangerous blocked crown chakra symptoms it is easier to understand how to find balance.
Unblocking the crown chakra can literally open your life up to a new universe and a new way of being alive, but it is a challenging and sometimes confusing path.
Read : 10 Amazing facts about the Third Eye and Clear Sign of Ajna Chakra Awakening
Blocked crown chakra physical symptoms
How a person reacts to their symptoms is the most important thing you notice when it comes to experiencing physical symptoms.
It doesn’t always matter what the symptom is or where on the body the pain is.
Rather, you should pay attention to the words the person uses to talk about the illness.
Though the person or you talk about your physical difficulties as though the world is punishing you through your health, you could very likely be suffering from a blocked crown chakra symptoms.
Although this, there are still some physical signs to watch out for, especially when the affected individual shows these symptoms along with to the mentality described above.
Some physical symptoms of a blocked crown chakra are:
- Coordination issues
- Chronic headaches and migraines
- Chronic fatigue
- Amnesia
- Hair loss
- Pituitary gland malfunctions
Your energy and biological flow throughout the universe can be balanced by consciously opening and balancing your chakras.
You could say that your body is actively working to stay in tune with the cosmic energy that surrounds it. Even more serious physically illnesses can develop when the body is out of balance for years at a time.
Some of these blocked crown chakra symptoms due to ailment include:
- Brain tumors
- Epilepsy
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Cancer
Unfortunately, physically illnesses like these usually manifest itself after a lifetime of denying the divine.
With just a minor opening and balancing of the crown chakra, one can almost never change the sequence of events in this kind of situation. Of course, doing so could help in the healing process. But it won’t be a simple or quick effort.
Due to the location of the crown chakra, a large number of physical symptoms and illnesses are related to the area of the head.
However, this doesn’t mean that your problems will just appear in those areas.
Each person has a unique healing habit that they have to follow in order to recover from their blocked crown chakra symptoms.
Adopting a regular yoga practice may in some situations aid to start the healing process for your physical illnesses while also opening your crown chakra.
Each person has a unique healing habit that they have to follow in order to recover from their blocked crown chakra symptoms.
Adopting a regular yoga practice may in some situations aid to start the healing process for your physical illnesses while also opening your crown chakra.
Spiritual symptoms of blocked crown chakra
A blocked crown chakra causes an ongoing decline of energy flow.
Have you ever had your back to a door in a room and sensed someone enter just on their energy?
Have you ever met someone who radiates appealing characteristics just by nature?
All of these persons have open, balanced crown chakras.
That’s because a strong, constant flow of energy going to and from the crown chakra, also known as the spiritual beacon, causes that energy to radiate across any space and reflect off nearby people and objects.
The person who has their blocked crown chakra symptoms can be described as the exact opposite.
Some spiritual symptoms of a blocked crown chakra are:
- Suppressed intuitive gifts
- Nightmares
- The Law of Attraction doesn’t seem to work for you
- Feeling disconnected from the divine
Because the person tends to be unconscious of their intuition or the spiritual side of reality, it can be difficult to identify the spiritual symptoms of a blocked crown chakra.
Sometimes, though, these spiritual symptoms will appear as mental or physical conditions.
Even then, it takes already being on a path of self-discovery and gradually opening one’s other chakras for someone to be able to notice these blocked crown chakra symptoms in themselves.
Only then is the person open enough to realize that the reason they are feeling this way is because their crown chakra is blocked.
The first half of the struggle is to identify the symptoms.
How to identify the symptoms of blocked crown chakra?
Any chakra in the body must be opened and balanced, which requires a lot of self-control and a burning desire to learn more about oneself.
The crown chakra is usually blocked in people who regularly practice chakra balancing. You must have an idea about basic and blocked crown chakra symptoms in order to heal these chakra.
Since practically everything in their lives seems to be going wrong, they determine that is the issue.
You undoubtedly have a blocked crown chakra if you’ve ever asked yourself, “Why does this always happen to me?”
Opening and balancing the correct chakra is the most basic way to get rid of these unpleasant symptoms.
You will undoubtedly have symptoms when you open your chakras, but these are typically less severe than the symptoms of a blocked chakra.
In other words, the signs that a chakra is opening are good, whereas the signs that a chakra is blocked are always negative.
What Causes a Blocked Crown Chakra?
According to conventional knowledge, a baby’s chakras can be either open or blocked when they are born, depending on whether or not the mother made a conscious effort to balance them throughout pregnancy and early childhood.
The parents can try massaging each chakra point after the baby is born to maintain the energy’s proper flow.
However, if you were raised in a home where chakras weren’t discussed throughout up, your chakras were probably blocked for most of your life.
Some people never activate them once in their whole lives.
Having said that, chakras simply serve as the body’s energy centers. Whether or not someone thinks they are there, they are. Through another understanding, a person may be able to indirectly open and balance their chakras.
The only thing that matters is that the person activates their chakras.
After activation, a chakra may be occasionally blocked. There are many possible reasons for this, including the following:
- Political debates
- The unexpected passing of a loved one
- Fighting with a loved one
- Participating in low-vibrational acts
In simple terms, a blockage is usually triggered by something that appears to have low vibratory energy.
Given that the crown chakra is the one best in sync with the divine energy of the universe, this couldn’t be truer for it.
A blocked crown chakra may also be the result of spiritual attacks.
The flow of energy within the crown chakra can be negatively impacted by any kind of spiritual attack, whether it is received or put out.
However, this isn’t as serious as it first appears to be.
Read : 3 State of Crown Chakra Opening Symptoms and Strange Experience How to Unblock Chakra?
How to keep a chakra balance?
Even if a chakra is blocked, it may still be difficult to reopen. In fact, learning how to keep balance later on becomes simpler the more frequently you immediately experience challenges.
Also, certain blocks are smaller than others.
Once you’ve removed the pain from your childhood, the blockage should become a little easier to overcome. Up until you start removing inherited trauma, that is.
The roots of hereditary trauma are broad and serious. Trauma of this kind creates challenges in the crown chakra that may appear to be permanent.
It is important to keep in mind that with enough time and intentional work, the blockage will ultimately be removed by the constantly shifting flow of energy.
From that moment on, all other forms of barriers become negligible.
How to Open and Unblock Your Crown Chakra
Humans are unique beings, and the same is true of our chakras.
It simply makes sense that our approaches to opening and unblocking them would be different as well.
Although there are a few well-known examples of various methods to help in the process of unblocking a chakra, in the end, it is mainly intuition-based.
Any action that feels suitable to you should be taken.
Because it serves as our direct connection to Source energy, the crown chakra is usually thought to be among the most vulnerable.
The ability to keep a balanced energy flow within your crown chakra may require constant evaluations, but if you master it, your ability to see your life’s mission will become increasingly evident.
First you need to understand basic blocked crown chakra symptoms and how to heal them.
Some common ways to unblock your crown chakra include:
- Meditating with a conscious intention to connect with the divine
- Adorning yourself in stones and jewellery used in crown chakra healing (Namely: clear quartz and selenite)
- Crown chakra yoga techniques
- Eating lots of purple foods
- Repeating crown chakra affirmations daily
Perhaps the most powerful chakra in the body is the crown chakra.
It is the one that both makes it possible for you to realize your dreams and the one that prevents you from reaching your full potential. The easy way and the hard way are the two ways to live this life.
The simple route is taken when you consciously attempt to open and unblock your crown chakra. Your manifestations start to appear, and everything else in your life starts to fall into place.
Check your blocked crown chakra symptoms using the information in this article if your crown chakra appears to be blocked with no apparent end in sight. Then, start working to heal and unblock the chakra.
5 Crown Chakra Yoga Poses that Stimulate Crown Chakra
Yoga can help in balancing energy centre and reducing imbalance in the crown chakra. The following five asanas can help to understand blocked crown chakra symptoms and stimulate the crown chakra:
Virasana, also known as the “Hero Pose,” serves to relax the mind and body while opening up the chest, neck, shoulders, and spine. Kneel on the ground with your legs hip-width apart to start. Lift a block between your heels for extra assistance if the pose starts to stress your lower back.
Child’s position, or Balasana, is a calming position that also opens the chest and shoulders. Kneel on your mat with your knees at hip-distance apart to start. Your body should be aligned between your thighs as you raise your forward arm. Place your hands out in front of you and rest your forehead on the ground.
The lotus pose, also referred to as the “throne of meditation,” is a seated position for deep relaxation and enlightenment. Start by relaxing into a comfortable chair on the floor and cross your legs in front of you. To enable for deeper breathwork throughout this pose, maintain the spine straight.
Ustrasana, also known as the Camel Pose, activates the crown chakra while opening up the chest, shoulders, and neck. Kneel on your mat with your knees at hip-distance apart to start. Reach back with both hands and grab hold of your heels as you gently bend your back.
Savasana, also known as Corpse Pose, the body and mind are calmed down to get ready for meditation or at the end of a yoga practice. Lay comfortably on your back with your arms at your sides and your palms pointing up at the ceiling. As you enjoy this brief period of peaceful silence, close your eyes.
By performing these positions regularly, one can identify blocked crown chakra symptoms and improve their spiritual connection and balance blocked crown chakra symptoms in the head.
How to heal crown chakra blocked symptoms final conclusion
The seventh and last chakra in the system, the crown chakra is situated at the top of the head. It is in charge of developing our spiritual nature’s relationship to the divine.
We experience a sense of calm and unity when this chakra is balanced and open.
The crown chakra can be kept open and in balance in a variety of ways.
You should try aromatherapy, yoga, or meditation for balancing your chakras.
You can learn more about chakra healing and how to directly target each chakra to restore balance between chakras.
If you’re looking for something more practical about how to heal from blocked crown chakra symptoms, browse another published article on chakra healing.