There are 3 Stages of Kundalini Awakening and it play important our spiritual awakening.
For those seeking enlightenment or aiming to attain the state of full consciousness, kundalini awakening stands as one of the most coveted experiences.
Kundalini awakening refers to a profound state where the serpent-like kundalini Shakti. Kundalini residing at the base of one’s spine, ascends from its origin, traveling upwards towards the crown chakra, situated at the top of the head.
All 3 Stages of Kundalini Awakening and transformative journey encompasses a myriad of physical, mental, and spiritual changes.
While you may have come across different information about the signs and duration of kundalini awakening symptoms and you might also be intrigued to learn about the various stages involved in this process.
Without further ado, let us delve into a detailed exploration of these stages.
However, before we embark on this journey through the stages, let us first gain an understanding of one particular concept that obstructs the free flow of energy – granthis.
What are Granthis?
The Sanskrit term “granthi” refers to a knot, node, or a state of uncertainty. It represents a complex and difficult knot that poses challenges to untangle.
In the context of energy and kundalini yoga and Stages of Kundalini Awakening, granthis are the tangles of energy that can impede the smooth movement of Prana throughout the body.
These granthis may be responsible for hindering the upward flow of prana through the Sushumna Nadi.
Such hindrances limit spiritual growth and prevent individuals from realizing their fullest potential.
These knots act as obstacles on the path to liberation, obstructing progress in both the material and spiritual realms.
Just like bandhas (locks), there are 3 main granthis:
In the realm of Kundalini yoga and Stage of Kundalini Awakening, there are three significant knots known as “granthi,” each representing a specific area of blockage in our spiritual journey:
- Brahma Granthi – Often referred to as the “perineal-knot,” it resides between the root chakra and the sacral chakra. This knot is associated with feelings of instability, lack of grounding, and a fear of death. It arises from the anxiety surrounding survival. To untie this granthi and restore balance, one can practice Mula Bandha, also known as the root lock.
- Vishnu Granthi – This knot, known as the “navel-knot,” is positioned between the heart and throat chakra. Untangling this granthi signifies releasing the hold of ego and detachment from material possessions and desires. It forms due to the attachment to power, influence, and the material aspects of life. Uddiyana Bandha, the upper abdominal lock, is a practice that can help unravel this knot.
- Rudra Granthi – Situated between the throat chakra and the third-eye chakra, this knot is referred to as the “forehead-knot.” It becomes apparent when we overly focus on serving others while neglecting our own aspiration to experience unity with all living beings and transcend the sense of separation. Jalandhara Bandha, or the throat lock, can be employed to untie this granthi.
By identifying and addressing these granthis through the respective yogic practices, individuals can embark on a journey of spiritual growth and liberation, fostering a deeper connection with themselves and the world around them.
Now that we have a brief understanding of the granthis, let us now look into the 3 stages of kundalini awakening.
Stages of Kundalini Awakening
The process of kundalini awakening is commonly divided into three distinct stages: Arambha or Beginning, Ghata or Cleansing, and Bodhi or Awakening.
These 3 Stages of Kundalini Awakening have been delineated based on the practices of kundalini yoga, meditation, kriya, and mantra, which facilitate the rise of the kundalini energy from bottom to upward body.
1. Stage 1 – Arambha or the Beginning
There are total 3 step of kundalini awakening. During the first Stages of Kundalini Awakening and begining the dormant kundalini energy begins to uncoil from its resting place at the Muladhara chakra. Mooladhara chakra is located at the base of the spine.
This initial stage is considered a preparatory phase, laying the foundation for more intense experiences that lie ahead. It involves a clearing process that the body and mind must undergo.
Practicing chanting, Kundalini Yoga, and kriya leads the body’s energy to vibrate at a frequency conducive to cleansing the root chakra and untying the Brahma Granthi. The proper cleansing of the root chakra and Brahma Granthi allows the kundalini to rise and ascend as it should.
Throughout this stage, individuals may experience physical sickness, discomfort, and intense emotions. The focus of energy movement in the first stage is the root chakra. Since an imbalanced root chakra is associated with issues of safety, security, and grounding, its opening and activation can bring up feelings of emotional intensity, vulnerability, and fear.
There are lot of negative situations and emotions, including depression, anxiety, frustration, helplessness, muscle twitching, trauma, or even near-death experiences, are commonly encountered during the first Stages of Kundalini Awakening.
Yogis often describe the initial stages of Kundalini awakening as depressing, anxiety-inducing, and leaving one feeling helpless, making it the least pleasant stage of the entire process.
Despite the challenges, navigating through this stage with self-awareness and support can lead to significant growth and transformation on the spiritual journey.
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2. Stage 2 – Ghata or the Cleansing
In the second Stages of Kundalini Awakening, known as “Ghata” or “Elimination,” the focus is on cleansing the sacral and solar plexus chakras through further purification of the central Nadi, Sushumna.
Sushumna is one of the three primary nadis, alongside Ida and Pingala, and serves as the pathway for the kundalini energy to ascend.
Cleansing the Sushumna Nadi becomes paramount to ensure a smooth and unobstructed flow of the kundalini energy.
During this stage, profound introspection emerges, leading to questioning one’s existence and purpose in life.
Previous beliefs and teachings are scrutinized, and a deeper understanding of one’s negative actions and behavior surfaces, impacting both the self and the environment.
This newfound awareness motivates a positive transformation, breaking free from the cycle of negativity.
As a result of this cleansing process, individuals can release anything that may have hindered their spiritual journey, strengthening their connection with the divine while becoming less concerned with external appearances.
Consequently, the fear of death diminishes.
The second stage also brings a heightened sensation of energy flowing in and around the top of the head. Any residual energy that remained blocked in the first stage is cleared and released during this phase.
Furthermore, the focus shifts to undoing the Vishnu Granthi or Vishnu Knot, situated between the heart and throat chakra.
Untying this knot signifies a detachment from ego and material attachments, fostering a deeper sense of spiritual growth and inner freedom.
3. Stage 3 – Third-eye Awakening
In the penultimate Stages of Kundalini Awakening, you approach the Sahasrara chakra, the pinnacle of attaining full consciousness.
To reach this stage, you must apply all that you have learned with patience and proceed to untie the Rudra Knot. This crucial step enables the kundalini to rise further, preparing for the final phase of awakening.
As the Rudra Knot comes undone, a tingling sensation in your third eye indicates its untying. At this moment, all sense of duality dissolves, and you experience a profound oneness with the cosmos.
With the kundalini now unobstructed, it can ascend to the final chakra through all three Nadis – Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna.
Throughout this journey, all your chakras have been cleansed, and your pineal gland, also known as the third eye, awaits opening. This transformation brings a blissful feeling and grants you complete mental clarity.
Surrendering to the Universe and embracing the path it lays out for you becomes more natural.
In this stage, you gain a profound understanding of the truth of each living being’s existence. Consequently, your character and personality undergo a positive transformation.
Negativity, criticism, and the desire to control your surroundings no longer find a place within you.
A sense of unity with your inner essence prevails, and your brain operates at higher frequencies, residing between alpha and beta frequencies.
This heightened state allows you to remain deeply meditative while also experiencing enhanced extra-sensory abilities.
At the final Stages of Kundalini Awakening or end of kundalini awakening, sadhak stand on the threshold of complete enlightenment and a deep connection with the vastness of the cosmic universe.
Does kundalini awakening make you tired?
As we read about 3 Stages of Kundalini Awakening and complete enlightenment now you have clear idea about how kundalini awakening works.
These all Stages of Kundalini Awakening can indeed lead to tiredness and disruptions in one’s usual sleeping pattern. This is due to the significant shifts and transformations occurring in the energetic plane of the body.
As the awakening progresses, beliefs may be challenged, traumatic memories may resurface, and the mind and body experience intense mental and physical pressure.
As sadhak navigate through these changes and adjustments, it is not uncommon to feel fatigued or even experience burnout.
To address kundalini awakening experience, seeking professional guidance is recommended, although finding a master who has undergone a proper kundalini awakening can be rare.
Making certain adjustments and sacrifices in life, prioritizing adequate rest, and building inner strength become essential to endure and integrate the awakening process effectively.
It’s important to approach this transformative journey with mindfulness and self-compassion, allowing oneself the time and space needed to adapt to the shifts taking place.
You should take care of both the physical and mental aspects of the process, individuals can better manage the tiredness and challenges that arise during their kundalini awakening experience.
How rare is Kundalini Awakening?
The third Stages of Kundalini Awakening is widely regarded as the most challenging stage to complete spiritual enlightenment.
Many individuals pursuing kundalini awakening tend to lose patience and dedication after experiencing the initial stages, often giving up before reaching the advanced phases.
All 3 stages of Kundalini awakening is a rare occurrence in the common world because adhering to the true guidelines and rules of Yoga can be challenging for many.
The modern world often seeks quick fixes for problems such as stress, anxiety, weight gain, and mental peace, which may not align with the deeper spiritual practices required for kundalini awakening.
However, in the spiritual realm, where individuals are dedicated to achieving enlightenment and have unwavering intentions for kundalini awakening, such experiences may be more frequent.
Sadhak on the spiritual path have developed resilience, knowledge, and patience, and they work diligently to cleanse and activate their chakras to achieve their ultimate goal.
Kundalini awakening can happen spontaneously and at any point in life.
This unpredictability contributes to its rarity, as some individuals may lose hope and faith in the practice if they set unrealistic deadlines and expectations for the awakening process.
Moreover, achieving kundalini awakening requires steadfast dedication, patience, and a genuine commitment to the spiritual journey.
Is Kundalini Awakening permanent?
3 Stages of Kundalini Awakening done and once undertaken under proper guidance and through authentic practices, is an irreversible process.
After 3 Stages of Kundalini Awakening done and the kundalini energy is awakened, it continues to flow throughout the body, guiding individuals towards their true purpose in life and bringing about profound and lasting changes.
However, there are instances where kundalini awakening can be temporary, especially if it is awakened through quick methods such as shaktipath.
Shaktipath is a practice that accelerates the Kundalini awakening process, providing a glimpse of the true awakening experience but only for a short duration.
This method for all 3 Stages of Kundalini Awakening is not commonly recommended, as the body and internal energy sources should be fully prepared to handle the intensity of the temporary awakening.
It is essential to approach kundalini awakening with caution and respect for the process, as it involves powerful spiritual energy and can significantly impact an individual’s life.
Seeking proper guidance, being patient, and following authentic practices are crucial to experiencing a profound and lasting kundalini awakening that aligns harmoniously with one’s spiritual journey and life path.
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Q1: What are Granthis in the context of Kundalini yoga and the stages of Kundalini Awakening?
A1: Granthis are complex and difficult knots of energy that obstruct the smooth flow of Prana throughout the body. They act as obstacles on the path to spiritual growth and liberation, hindering progress in both material and spiritual realms.
Q2: What are the three main Granthis and where are they located?
A2: The three main Granthis are Brahma Granthi, Vishnu Granthi, and Rudra Granthi. Brahma Granthi is located between the root chakra and the sacral chakra, Vishnu Granthi between the heart and throat chakra, and Rudra Granthi between the throat chakra and the third-eye chakra.
Q3: What are the three stages of Kundalini Awakening?
A3: The three stages of Kundalini Awakening are Arambha or the Beginning, Ghata or Cleansing, and Bodhi or Awakening.
Q4: Does Kundalini Awakening make you tired?
A4: Yes, Kundalini Awakening can lead to tiredness due to the significant shifts and transformations occurring in the energetic plane of the body.
The awakening process may challenge beliefs, resurface traumatic memories, and put intense mental and physical pressure on the individual.
Q5: Is Kundalini Awakening permanent?
A5: Yes, Kundalini Awakening, once undertaken under proper guidance and through authentic practices, is an irreversible process.
Once awakened, the kundalini energy continues to flow throughout the body, bringing about profound and lasting changes in an individual’s life.
Final stages of kundalini awakening conclusion
You need not worry about the exact timing of when your kundalini awakens. Instead, if you aspire to raise your Kundalini, focus your attention on releasing your prana from its continuous anxieties concerning the external world.
This transformative journey requires unwavering faith in the Divine, making patience a crucial virtue. Embrace this adventure of self-discovery wholeheartedly.
By redirecting your focus inward, letting go of external distractions, and cultivating a profound connection with the Divine, you can facilitate the awakening of your kundalini in its own divine timing. Trust in the process, have faith in the unfolding of your spiritual path, and remain patient throughout the journey.
Accept this transformational experience with an open heart and mind will lead you to profound self-discovery and spiritual growth.
Allow the energy of kundalini to rise naturally and harmoniously, guiding you towards a deeper understanding of yourself and the divine essence within.
Embrace the journey with trust, faith, and patience, knowing that each step brings you closer to the awakening of your inner consciousness.