How to know if your third eye or Ajna chakra is blocked? In this article we will discuss about Third eye chakra blocked symptoms and why it is crucial to heal this chakra for overall growth.
The third eye chakra is our gateway to the higher realms and allows us to decode and interpret higher frequencies that are not perceivable to our other 5 senses.
When a chakra is blocked, it can have serious consequences for our mental and physical health.
Remember that a hyperactive chakra might also trigger these symptoms.
Both underactive and hyperactive chakra can lead problem in your life and you need a balance. Let’s explore adverse effect of third eye chakra blocked symptoms and how to rebalance sixth chakra.
You may experience brain fog, chronic headaches or migraines, feeling lost in life, difficulty seeing the future, lack of goals or future intentions, difficulty manifesting, feeling victim to the past, sinus pain, blurry vision, or an inability to take in multiple stimuli through the eyes.
Your energy centers are all connected to your physical and emotional life, and they influence whether or not your mind and body are in harmony with your purpose in life.
When your chakras become blocked, you will experience depression and other negative feelings. The third eye chakra harnesses inner knowledge and awareness to lead your spirit.
common signs you have blocked third eye chakra
How Calcification from fluoride and exposure to heavy metals
Signs Your Third Eye Chakra Is Underactive
Signs Your Third Eye Chakra Is Overactive
Signs Your Third Eye Chakra Is Balanced
Simple but effective tips to keep third eye chakra in balanced state
Common third eye chakra blocked symptoms you need to know
How to tell if Your Third Eye Chakra is blocked?
In case you missing it, the seven chakras are a series of energy centers located throughout the body.
All of these energy centers are associated with different elements of your physical and mental well-being. When they are open, your body and mind are in harmony with the ultimate objective of your life.
Chakras that are blocked or misaligned, on the other hand, are related with discontent and inactivity.
If you’re like most people, you probably don’t know how to use your chakras properly.
How can you know where they are and what they are influencing? How can you know if one of them isn’t working properly? And how do you solve the third eye chakra blocked symptoms?
Understanding the location and purpose of each chakra is an effective step toward improving your health.
The sixth of the seven chakras is the third eye chakra (also known as your inner eye chakra, spiritual chakra, or ajna in sanskrit). It is located on the area between both eyes and is also known as the Brow Chakra.
Ajna is a Sanskrit term that means “beyond wisdom.”
This is the chakra that connects you to your intuition and allows you to use your inner wisdom to guide your spirit.
Because it is frequently mentioned in connection with psychics, mediums, and tarot readers, this chakra receives more focus than the others.
You need to understand third eye chakra blocked symptoms.
Balancing and opening the third eye chakra allows you to learn to expand your awareness beyond your five senses and will broaden your perceptions so you can more easily see the truth.
10 common signs you have blocked third eye chakra
The third eye chakra allows you understand the world beyond your physical senses.
If you want to consciously manifest and understand your life occurrences, you must have that level of awareness.
To be able to see how everything you go through fits into a greater picture understanding.
A blocked third eye chakra lowers the quality of your life experience and affects the path of spiritual awakening.
Knowing the signs that third eye chakra is blocked will possibly help you identify areas and habits that you may need to think again, as well as choices that you may need to become more conscious of in order to open this center and feel full and empowered awareness.
These challenges may arise as a result of either excessive or lack of activity.
It can be a clear third eye chakra blocked symptoms that need to be resolve as soon as possible.
A third eye chakra that is hyperactive or underactive requires a state of balance Bringing your energy and health into proper balance can clear and protect you against such blockages.
Some of the symptoms of a blocked third eye chakra are as follows:
You feel disconnected from your intuition or instinct
When the third eye chakra is balanced, it is open to its associated clear intuitive nature.
Intuition can be viewed as your honest inner voice or inner understanding.
It can give you the highest level of insight as well as helpful support in every aspect of your life.
Instinct, also referred to as the sixth sense, is our inner wisdom that influences how we react to various life experiences.
When you are separated from your intuition and instincts, you may become highly confused about your life purpose.
When you feel like you don’t have access to or can’t hear your inner guidance, it could be a sign that your third eye energy center is blocked.
This kind of third eye chakra blocked symptoms could also show up as struggle or a fear of trusting your intuition or instinct which is offering the perspective of your highest self.
You feel disconnected from other peoples
The emotion and feeling of oneness or unity consciousness is believed to encompass the active third eye chakra.
This is due to the frequency at which it allows you to look around, which is one of awareness and acceptance of duality.
Any kind of third eye chakra blocked symptoms can lead some serious issue in our overall wellness.
Third eye chakra enables us to make sense of the authority of our world’s seemingly divided viewpoints.
It will also allow you to see the perfection in your route and the pathways of everyone you encounter, recognizing every person’s path as intertwined.
Understanding how all the different beings and experiences we have contribute to our growth and evolution.
If these concepts sound strange and alien to you, and you feel disconnected from others, it could be a sign that your third eye is blocked or imbalanced.
You need to understand how third eye chakra blocked symptoms can affect your spiritual growth.
The obstacle might cause you to see the world through the eyes of your unconscious ego.
Any blockage can lead to feelings of loneliness, isolation, and disappointment to making genuine connections with the people around you.
Clearing blockage will help you to feel a sense of community and belonging again.
This clearing can be done by following all of the steps for awakening the third eye chakra.
You have a feeling of disconnection from nature
The third eye chakra is the center of integration consciousness that includes not just humans but also our beautiful home planet, mother earth.
Through this spiritual eye, we can become more conscious of how deeply we interact as part of nature, which is what truly allows us to survive and thrive on Earth.
This is another one third eye chakra blocked symptoms and you need to rebalance your chakra.
When you are disconnected from or unaware of the power and importance that nature offers us with on a daily basis.
If this is your experience, I would recommend practicing third eye awakening techniques such as meditation and breathwork in natural surroundings.
You may also benefit considerably from actively working with plant remedies.
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You find yourself unconsciously slip into judgmental thoughts
It can be very easy to intentionally critique other people’s choices and actions; this can be done psychologically in our internal chatter or quite verbally by having deeply divided ideas and biases.
Of course, judgment is required, but you will know when you are being unjustifiably or unduly judgemental.
Lack of focus and confidence can be result of third eye chakra blocked symptoms and you need to fix it.
This judgment energy is the outcome of an unwillingness to accept dualism and uniqueness, as well as being cut off from unified consciousness.
We mentioned in previous sections that the third eye chakra is the center of these energies, thus if your third eye is blocked, you may find yourself becoming overly judgmental.
You experience an intense sensitivity to light
The pineal gland is commonly known to be an area associated with the energy of your third eye.
The pineal gland, situated in the center of your brain, is particularly light-sensitive since one of its key responsibilities is the production of melatonin, which regulates our circadian cycles, which are influenced by the light we are exposed to.
Finding yourself highly sensitive with sunlight can be major third eye chakra blocked symptoms and affect your day routine.
It is beneficial for this organ to be exposed to natural light cycles, especially sunlight. If you notice that you are unusually sensitive to natural light, particularly low or filtered light, you may have an imbalance in your third eye energy area.
Sun gazing is a well-known practice of Trataka meditation that utilized since ancient times to activate and stimulate the third eye chakra.
You experience insomnia or sleep imbalances
As previously stated, the pineal gland produces melatonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates our sleep cycles (circadian rhythm).
Because the pineal gland is the external manifestation of your third eye energy, an unhealthy or blocked pineal gland can impair melatonin production or release.
It significantly disturbing your sleeping patterns and leading to typical problems such as insomnia or chronic lack of sleep.
If you have difficulty with your sleep patterns, it could be a sign that you have a blocked third eye chakra.
It is also possible that insufficient time is given to excellent sleep, as well as excessive exposure to artificial light; both of these variables might increase this third eye blockage.
You experience unexplained depression, anxiety, and feelings of sadness
The pineal gland plays a role in the production of the serotonin hormone.
Serotonin, also known as the happy hormone, impacts the chemistry of our brain and has a direct impact on our moods and emotions.
A pineal gland or third eye that is not functioning properly might have a major effect on your mood.
This is another third eye chakra blocked symptoms that needed to rebalance.
This can be due to a serotonin imbalance produced by the pineal gland not functioning properly, as well as an energetic barriers that may have you feeling detached from people, nature, and your inner truths.
A blocked third eye can thus be the source of some of your mysterious anxiety or depressive symptoms.
The intentional practice of breathwork, which is known to physically stimulate the pineal gland to release these neurotransmitters that keep our brain in an ideal joyful condition.
It make much easier to transcend these heavier feelings and emotions, would immensely benefit you.
Read : Third Eye Pressure 5 Amazing Powers of Awakening Third Eye Chakra and How to handle experience
You have an underactive imagination
You have a significant ability to properly understand life and its limitless potentials by opening your third eye chakra.
This expanded and integrated consciousness experience produces new and fascinating ideas and thoughts, which can appear in a variety of ways.
This is the energy of a creative mind that has awoken.
If you struggle with mental imagery, creative problem solving, artistic production, and possibly even getting bored easily, you may have an underactive imagination.
This lack of creativity could be caused by a blocked third eye chakra. You can easily understand such kind of third eye chakra blocked symptoms.
It’s thrilling to know that no one was born without the ability to have a well vivid imagination; we truly are creative beings.
It’s just a matter of finding and unblocking, awakening, and releasing the natural energy that wants to flow on their own within and through each of us.
Disconnected from dream or unable to remember your dreams
If you are one of those individuals who believes they do not have dreams or have difficulty remembering their dreams.
The cause could be that your third eye chakra is blocked.
This chakra gives us the ability to visualize our inner world and experience it in depth and detail.
Any third eye chakra blocked symptoms can lead in difficulty in connection between physical and spiritual realms.
The subconscious mind and non-physical realms form the basis of our dreams, which are usually experienced through inner vision or extrasensory abilities that an engaged third eye chakra promotes.
Through the development of the ability to lucid dream, awakening the third eye can allow you to fully and vividly explore the dream realm.
Your diet is high in processed foods
This is another one third eye chakra blocked symptoms that most of people ignore.
If you eat a diet that is primarily made up of manufactured foods, you likely have a blocked third eye chakra.
A clean and high vibration diet is required to maintain a healthy and properly functioning third eye chakra.
To break free from this blockage, you have to accept a lifestyle centered on consuming the healthiest foods available.
Consuming foods in their natural state, free of excessive processing, additives, and chemical alteration.
What you eat becomes a part of your physical body as well as your energy body, therefore eating well is vital for having a clear third eye chakra.
This will obviously not only help with clearing this third eye chakra blocked symptoms but will also be of benefit to your entire chakra system and general health of your precious physical body.
How Calcification from fluoride and exposure to heavy metals
The pineal gland is highly sensitive to calcification, which can be produced by drinking fluoridated water or being exposed to heavy metals.
Fluoride is also included in several toothpaste brands’ items.
A calcified pineal gland will cause energy to be blocked at this third eye center.
If you are aware that the water you drink is of low quality or that you are routinely exposed to heavy metals, this is a sign that your third eye chakra is compromised.
There are some other third eye chakra blocked symptoms that is result of our unhealthy diet plan and drinks.
We only need to be aware that these elements have an effect on the third eye and make adjustments, such as water filtration or procuring clean water, to avoid this typical source of third-eye blockage.
It is prudent to be mindful of the amount of substances entering your body.
If you can eliminate them totally by finding other solutions, that is ideal, but at the very least, begin to limit the levels of toxins where you can.
There are major third eye chakra blocked symptoms you can understand whether it is overactive or underactive and when it is balanced.
Read : 10 Amazing facts about the Third Eye and Clear Sign of Ajna Chakra Awakening
Signs Your Third Eye Chakra Is Underactive
- inability to plan or set goals
- narrow-mindedness
- denial
- poor vision/memory
- difficulty seeing future
- lack of imagination
Signs Your Third Eye Chakra Is Overactive
- obsessed with psychic vision
- paranoid
- experiencing hallucinations
- tendency to space out
- difficulty concentrating
- nightmares
Signs Your Third Eye Chakra Is Balanced
- intuitive/psychic
- optimistic
- perceptive
- imaginative
- watchful
- aware
- good memory
- wise
- able to plan and carry out plans
- sleeps well
- can recall dreams
- calm mind
How You Can Heal and Balance Your Third Eye Chakra
Once you know how third eye chakra blocked symptoms affect your physical and mental wellness you can start basic things that helps you to rebalance your third eye chakra as mentioned below.
Begin with the root chakra then work your way up. Sometimes the imbalance comes from below.
Meditation. Many guided meditations are available on YouTube.
Yoga poses in which the forehead touches the ground (as in child’s pose) or faces the ground (as in dolphin pose).
Take notes whenever your intuition seems to be telling you something.
Mantra: AUM — with emphasis on the “M” this is best way to heal most of third eye chakra blocked symptoms.
Affirmation that can be used to heal third eye chakra blocked symptoms and signs:
- “I open myself to my inner guidance and deepest wisdom.”
- “I am a spiritual being having a human experience.”
- “My imagination is open to all possibilities.”
- “I know that all is well within my world.”
- “I envision a world of love, peace, and beauty.”
- “I honor my intuition.”
- “I see all things with clarity.”
- “I embrace my inner knowing to awaken my psychic potential.”
Crystals: amethyst, blue quartz, charoite, lepidolite, purple flourite, sodalite, sugilite, lapis lazuli
Essential Oils: clary sage, lemongrass
These are the basic things you can do when you notice third eye chakra blocked symptoms and need to rebalance your chakra.
Read : Understand Blocked Crown Chakra Symptoms on each level and How to Rebalance Your Energy Centre
Unblocking And Rebalancing the Third Eye Chakra final conclusion
Now that you’ve noticed the root cause of some of your life’s stuck energy, you may further empower yourself to repair those aspects that need it.
Remember to be gentle and patient with yourself, as healing takes time.
We can be grateful for having access to so many beautiful tools, and with dedicated action, you will reflect the highest version of yourself, living life to the fullest.
Your healing benefit not just you, but everyone around you and the entire globe!
Understand third eye chakra blocked symptoms and heal your third eye chakra.
Intentional meditation, breathwork, sound healing, crystal healing, and sacred plant medicines are some of the techniques that can help restore third eye chakra blockages and imbalances.
If you want to learn more about the techniques that can be used to rebalance, care for, encourage, and awaken your third eye chakra, I recommend researching and adopting them.