Have you ever heard about Dark Room Meditation? Meditation in total darkness is an effective method since ancient times to get into the depths of the oneness. Does meditation work better in a dark room? There is some benefit and advantage that work better in less time.
If you don’t know about the basic of meditation i.e. how to meditate or are facing problems in practice due to limited knowledge, then try this easy method of meditation for self-knowledge for only 15 days.
This is a practice that can bring you into the depths of the subconscious mind in a short time. Apart from this, it is one of the effective ways to activate third eye activation and intuition power.
Today different kind of meditation practice is in existence, but sages have been doing this type of method since time immemorial and are doing it even today.
If you want to get deep into meditation soon, then you must try the method of Self-knowledge meditation once. Because this method of enlightenment meditation simplifies our inner journey and increases consciousness.
This method is similar to the way sages used to meditate in ancient times for self-knowledge.
Meditating in Dark room helps to develop spiritual consciousness and within short time you can activate your intuition power or Psychic ability to get in to Spiritual journey.
What is Dark Room Meditation?
Why meditation in Dark Room is better than any other practice? Thousands of years old when saint sages used to meditate and do penance in dark caves. It is believed that the more chances of success of deep spiritual experience in a dark room.
Dark Room Meditation practice is considered better for self-consciousness.
Our eye and brain have a direct connection and we can’t stop thinking until we cut connection with external sources. But if there is nothing to see, then soon the mind attains concentration. Even in olden times, a dark place was chosen for enlightenment. There are many examples of this from all over the world such as
- Underground tunnels in Europe.
- Pyramids in Egypt.
- Catacombs in Rome.
- Caves near the Dead Sea in Israel.
Dark Room Meditation & Connecting with Universe
All these places have been created and used as the best place to attain enlightenment. According to Taoists and Master Mantak Chia, by meditating in a dark room, Di-methamphetamine is released inside our brain, which awakens our consciousness and connects it to the universe.
It quickly leads to the state of enlightenment in a short period of time. If seen, then light and darkness work like different vibration waves in our brain, as soon as there is darkness, consciousness became altered to different state.
Darkness executes the melatonin particle in the brain, which makes us sleepy. Because of this dreams are seen while sleeping.
One of the best Dark Room Meditation practice is of only 15 days in which we can do the following experience. Let us see this method of meditation and the experience associated with it.
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Proper way to perform Dark night Meditation
In this meditation practice, you have to choose a dark room in which you can meditate. The method of meditation is normal as in meditation in relaxed position. Just keep in mind that all your focus is on the third eye.
Apart from this, no one else should go in the room where you are meditating, nor should there be any items in it.
The best time to do this exercise is after 10 o’clock in the night. This is the best time because at this time Physical world and their activities stop and the transcendental action (both spiritual & satanic powers) starts happening.
Take a short walk before meditation so that you do not feel lethargic and give proper time to practice. Apart from this, take special care of loose clothes.
Pre-meditation preparation
When it comes to a Dark Room Meditation, it is natural to have a fear in the mind. You can be afraid of the unknown experience happening in the dark at first thought. To deal with this, the first thing you should know is, are you afraid of the dark?
If yes then what kind?
Unintentional fear felt in the dark can be of many types, such as attacking us by dark shadow people or some kind of unknown power.
Even today small children in the village are afraid of the dark because they think that the ghost will catch them in the dark.
If you have any such fear in your mind, then first definitely solve it. Some people are afraid of being alone. To solve this, you should practice sitting alone and in a dark room for some time.
If you are afraid of the dark, then the reason for this may be the fear instilled in your mind since childhood. Instead of keeping negative thoughts about the dark room in mind, make positive thinking about it. When you do this, you will not be afraid in the dark.
When you do this, then you must experience the practice in a deep concentration state.
To practice Dark Room Meditation, you must practice deep concentration. This is because the thoughts that come in the mind disappear after some time, but due to lack of practice of getting into the oneness, you can get entangled in thoughts again and again.
Intense concentration means becoming ignorant of even the realization of one’s being.
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Meditating in the dark room
When the above preparation is done then you should proceed with the practice. For this, choose a fixed time such as the time after 10 o’clock in the night. If you are practicing at 11 o’clock then your practice should be at 11 o’clock every day.
To begin with, you can sit in a comfortable meditation posture. Keep looking in the dark in front until your eyes get tired.
When your eyes start closing, take a deep breath and sit with your eyes closed. When you do this, you start feeling very comfortable in yourself. You can choose the time if you want. For this, set an alarm and fix a time period for every day.
Give maximum 20 to 30 minutes to this exercise. After the experience progresses, if you want, you can take the practice for 45 minutes. The more time you spend in a pleasant state, the more you enjoy sitting in the dark in this state.
Dark Room Meditation and experience more deeply connected with third eye activation.
Although the experience of this supernatural meditation method starts in 2 to 3 days, but in 15 days of practice, different experiences keep happening. These experiences can be like this according to the day.
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Day 1-3 of Dark meditation room
After 3 days of practice in a dark room, you see that the consciousness you feel in a dream is the same consciousness you experience in it. It means to say that when initially you meditate in a dark room, the layer of darkness remains in front of your eyes.
After a few days, this layer of darkness turns into light. Due to this you experience consciousness in a dark room as you do in a dream.
You can experience lucid dream as much as possible with 3 days of practice, you can create it according to yourself. The subconscious mind starts understanding the working principle more and more.
3 to 5 day experience
In the first 3 days of Dark Room Meditation, only your melatonin level is increased so that your pineal gland starts to wake up the super conductor pino-lene. By the way, it starts getting activated automatically in the state of pino-lene lucid dream.
This state is called being outwardly awake, in which we can give shape to the imagination of our brain.
Clair sentience i.e. the ability to feel and hear an experience directly also starts awakening in this state. In this state, the cosmic universal particle consciousness, voice and light also starts to change in the form of knowledge and experience.
In this state you become a conductor who starts receiving energy from the universe.
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May be in day 6-8 and better experience
In this state your pineal gland releases the Neuro hormone 5-MeO-DMT (5-methoxy-dimethyltryptamine). The 5-MeO-DMT switches on starts emitting up to 40%. Due to which the powers of your consciousness and subconscious mind increase.
Your body becomes more awake and subtle (understanding) than before.
In this stage, your pineal gland starts emitting a bright light from the dark room. The state of this light has a new and awakened mindset.
Day 9-12 (DMT i.e. Darkroom meditation technique)
When the level of DMT exceeds 25 MG. Then you can see the scene more clearly. It helps the energy form of your body i.e. the subtle body to travel. Because of Dark Room Meditation, you can awaken the power of the third eye. Which gives us the ability to peep into all the three worlds.
Around day 12 you can feel infra-red and ultraviolet rays. Apart from this, any person can be identified and touched by the pattern of his rays i.e. aura.
Different stages of these days start bringing changes in our DNA and the biggest effect is on our pineal gland. By going through these stages, you do not depend only on the eyes to see what you cannot do after awakening the power of your inner eye and your third eye.
Is Dark Meditation The Same As Dark Energy Meditation?
No, it is not. As stated above, Dark Room Meditation is, in layman’s terms, mediating in a dark quiet room. On the other hand, dark energy meditation is slightly more complex. Those who practice it also refer to it as dark matter meditation and would like you to know that it is in no way related to dark, evil or negative energy.
Instead, dark matter meditation practitioners use dark matter, available freely in the universe and in our mind’s subconscious to manifest their hearts’ desires fast. They believe that this dark energy helps their manifestations arrive to them faster than if they were to use other meditation techniques.
While we may not see dark matter with our eyes, it is a mysterious, non-interacting substance in the Universe that is composed of particles that do not absorb, reflect, or emit light, so they cannot be detected by observing electromagnetic radiation.
Unlike Dark Room Meditation, dark energy meditation does not require a dark room. In it, you close your eyes, involve the use of chakras, especially the crown chakra, and the visualization technique to imagine yourself in space surrounded by all the planets while being sucked into and enclosed in the cold of the black matter as you manifest your desires to the universe.
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Can You Do Dark Room Meditation Daily?
Dark Room Meditation is quite safe practice and can done on daily basis. This work like dark room therapy and can help you to reduce stress, improve focus and concentration. It also make you more creative because now you are able to focus on a specific point.
You can follow this on daily basis just follow things mentioned here.
- Switch off lights, make your room complete dark or slightly dim light depend upon your consciousness.
- Switch off your phone before half an hour before go to bed time.
- Relax yourself on a chair or bed. Set an alarm of 20-30 minute. Now slightly close your eyes and gaze on one point or close it well.
- Do this for next 15 minute. You feel sleepy and ready to have a better sleep.
This practice also help you to have a lucid dream experience.
Benefit of Dark Room Meditation
This method of self-knowledge meditation leads to physical, mental and spiritual development and with only one method we can become complete in all the three states.
- One of the highest and oldest method of meditation is the spiritual level experience.
- In this method our consciousness becomes more and more subtle.
- We are able to travel within and connect with our subconscious mind very quickly.
- Self-knowledge meditation is the best method for self-analysis.
- Can Prevent The Rapid Growth Of Cancer Cells.
- Can Help You Sleep Better.
- Helps Relieve Chronic Pain like Migraines, Cluster Headaches, Tension Headaches In Children, Chronic Back Pain, Fibromyalgia.
- Helps With The Treatment Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
- May Help You Lose Weight.
There is maximum conservation of life energy in us and we become rich in attraction.
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Dark Room Meditation practice at home – final thought
Although almost all the methods of meditation are spiritual meditation practice in themselves, but the method of enlightenment meditation is special among them because this method is the ancient method (most popular practice done by sage sage).
If you also want, you can bring a lot of good changes in yourself in just 15 days of practice.
Through this, you can increase your intuition power and ability to understand about other things. This is a method that helps you to connect with the inner mind and can help in understanding the subconscious mind.
The verdicts about dark room meditation differ from person to person. Some believe that meditation in a quite dark room is a good thing with multiple benefits while others do not see it as beneficial at all.
However, if you have been practicing meditation for a while and are not afraid of the dark, you may consider giving it a go. For beginners, trying a retreat may be better so you can get a better grasp of dark meditation through a guided session.