We have read about the effect of black magic and Vashikaran spell in many previous posts. We use Protection spells from evil to protect it at any person or place.
It is generally difficult to get any kind of Vashikaran, black magic protection spell or getting it done and for this a spiritual healer is required.
There are some easy spells for protection, by using which we can protect it to some extent.
We cannot limit black magic and Vashikaran or any kind of paranormal activity to just superstition. Types of protective magic and practice of protection from magic has been going on not from today but from ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians.
If you want to protect yourself and your family members, then there are many such easy spells that you can use.
Protection spell is a special type of magic spell that we use against Black magic.
Usually, whenever we build a house to protect against black magic, then we take some such spells which keep us safe from psychic energy attack.
Even today, getting done at many places is very popular and people keep using it due to mutual jealousy.
Whenever a person progresses on progress, the people around are either happy or sad and their jealousy shows an effect on that person through a dark energy. The whole game is about energy transfer in a way.
What is Protection spells from evil and how they work?
The spell taken to protect against any black magic, Vashikaran or done is called Protection from spells or Magic Protection.
This magic gives us protection shield, due to which external influence does not affect us.
Whenever any negative energy makes us its victim, we experience physical and mental symptom of black magic.
You must have seen spells like mirrors, totem, old tire, keelan outside many houses, these spells are usually done to protect against the evil eye of outsiders.
Keelan neutralizes the effect of any external tantric remedy.
The process of keeling is expensive, but its benefits are also found in its proportion.
Benefits of keelan protection spell
Keelan is primarily nothing but the bondage itself. Keelan is also used in Sadhna, where we create a protective circle around us or we do keelan in all directions.
By keeling the house, the people living inside that house are in such a bond where there is no effect of any kind of black magic, Vashikaran or paranormal attack.
If you want more information about keelan, then read our previous post about the benefits of getting keelan done at home, you will get complete information in it.
Now that you have understood about Protection spells from evil, then now let us know about some such measures which can be used in defense.
How to protect yourself from black magic
There are many ways through which we can eliminate the effect of negative energy. Usually the use of negative energy is seen at 3 levels. in this
- Simple effective way of power such as evil eye.
- Paranormal activity effect or the dominance of some kind of paranormal spirit.
- Tantric Kriya and Marana Experiments
In Protection from spells remedies, we can easily protect ourselves from the evil eye. Through the remedy of Protection spells from evil, we can protect ourselves and our family members from evil eye.
If any kind of negative energy and spirits are dominating, then it can also be resolved to an extent, but to avoid the use of tantric experiment and maran experiment which is also known as mutt and nishidag, you have to work very hard. Have to do
Getting the house keeled is considered to be the safest way, but if you cannot spend money for Protection spells from evil, then you can also save to some extent through easy spells for protection.
Types of protective magic
In many magical traditions, workings can be done to ensure protection of home, property, and people. In fact, protection spells from evil is one of the oldest and most popular purposes for magical spell work.
The use of protection spells has been documented back to the times of the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, and is found in magical belief systems from all over the world.
There are a number of simple ways you can do protection workings using items you probably already have around your house.
You can see many Types of protective magic like herbal protection spells from evil, dark magic protection, aura energy cleansing, keelan spell and magical protection spell.
1. Protection against black magic
Do you have any idea about How to protect yourself from dark magic? Most of the troubles that are seen are used for evil eye, the effect of the paranormal activity, and the Vashikaran. There are many ways to prevent them such as
Recite Hanuman Chalisa 7 times, make the victim drink water or get Bajrang Baan recited at home.
If the effect of negative energy is being seen in any house, then recite Gayatri Mantra 108 times in the house and do some ritual with cow’s ghee.
Take cow’s milk once a week and add few drops of honey to it. After worshiping the sunset, sprinkle this milk in every corner of the house and pour the remaining milk in a circle outside the main door.
If there is a problem in your house due to the high wind, then on Sunday, tie the root of black dhatura on the right hand arm to the victim.
Protection Crystal also works as Protection spells from evil, for this you should consult and wear gems according to the Horoscope and establish crystals in the house.
It is believed that Hematite has the magical power to make a protective shield, so installing it in every corner of the house provides security to your house.
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2. How to protect yourself from dark magic with oil
How to protect yourself from dark magic? Protection Oil is also used as protection against black magic. The chances of psychic or magical attacks also increase on those people who mostly have to meet outside people.
In this, there is an effect on the mentality of the affected person, such as feeling low after meeting someone, negative thoughts come in the mind again and again, and the mind becomes irritable and does not feel like doing any work.
In such a situation, you can take the remedy of Protection Oil at home. We have already read about Aroma oil during Reiki and healing and also know about its use.
You will have to use your favorable Aroma oil to make it, for which you can choose the right Aroma oil for yourself by consulting an Aroma therapy expert.
If you want to make an easy Protection Oil for Protection spells from evil, then take the oil you are using for this and keep 1/8 of it. It has 8 times the total and 1 times the base oil that we use every day. In this oil, you have to add the herbs given below.
- 4 drops Patchouli
- 3 drops Lavender
- 1 drop Mugwort
- 1 drop Hyssop
Take all these and mix them in the base oil and keep it. Now whenever you have to meet outsiders and you feel that the person in front is influencing you, then use this oil.
3. Protective Herbs
There are some herbs which have properties of protection against black magic.
In some houses you can see plants like violet, thistle, honeysuckle, or fennel.
Due to their Protection spells from evil properties, the environment there remains positive.
The people living in the house remain happy and are safe from any external psychic energy attack.
You must have seen the smoke of some herbs for cleaning in the house at the time of sunset.
It purifies the environment of the house as well as works to remove negativity. Since ancient times, we have been doing this remedy at home, which is part of the most common protection spells from evil.
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4. Keep evil forces away by using iron
By keeping any item of old iron with you, you can also keep yourself away from negative energy.
In earlier times, when people had to pass through a deserted place at night, they used to carry a small iron knife with them.
They used to use it in traveling as well as it acted as a protection shield for them.
Even today, horseshoes which break apart naturally can be seen using it.
It is believed that horseshoe has natural properties which act as protection spells from evil. By hanging it on the main door of the house, negative energy does not enter the house.
If its cord is worn by making a ring, then good luck comes, as well as paranormal activity is also protected and there is no effect of negative energy on that person.
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5. Angel therapy a simple but effective Protection spells from evil
In the modern era, healing has been linked to Spiritual practice so that we can strengthen the belief system of any person even more and bring them out of any trouble.
In this, the most popular guardian angels and archangels are the ones through whom the healing done has been named Angel therapy.
This gives rise to an impression that your Guardian angel is helping you.
You just have to build your trust in them and leave all your troubles on them. After some time we see that the problem which we are going through is getting cured slowly now.
In fact, Universal energy works in this therapy, the energy with which this universe works.
It is believed that the solution to our problem lies in this universe itself. When we connect ourselves with the Universe, the Universal Energy starts helping us.
This energy is used like protection spells from evil, healing, manifest anything we want in the Law of Attraction.
This is the energy that strengthens our life energy, strengthens the Aura energy field so that no external psychic energy vampire attack works on us.
When we take this therapy, its results seem like a miracle to us, but in reality it is our own belief that starts working after surrendering to the universal energy.
If you are thinking of taking healing, then you can contact us for this.
You can take the benefits of guardian angels and archangel’s online course and therapy which includes reiki and distance healing in your personal issue, money issue, career, job and future prediction.
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Is Protection spells from evil really work final conclusion
We meet different people throughout the day, keep coming and going to different places, in such a situation it is natural for us to have the effect of energy transfer. When a person comes in contact with another person, then there is a conflict of energy between them.
This rule also applies to the living people and also to the spirits moving in the environment around you because they are also energy in a way.
Protection against black magic means that the measures of Protection spells from evil protect us from the influence of any external energy dominating ourselves, due to which we are not only able to protect ourselves but also keep the people around us safe from it.
Apart from evil eye, black magic or negative energy associated with any person, the measures which are used to keep away the effect of Spirit energy which we know as spirit possesion, they create a protection shield which can be used by any person.
It also keeps us away from the influence of external energy.