Yoo may have encountered some shadow people experience but dont know how and why? The shadow person does not have distinguishable facial features and may be either much smaller or larger than a human.
They are often noticed as movement from the corner of the eye, sometimes disappearing when the observer turns to investigate.
Shadow people may move quickly across a room, usually disappearing through the wall or closed door.
Many report about shadow people experience feeling of extreme dread or fear accompanying the sighting of a shadow person. Others have reported that when the shadow moves across their physical being a feeling of extreme cold overcomes their body.
This sensation of coldness disappears once the shadow person is gone.
shadow people experience do produce feelings of dread and leave u feeling cold when it comes close to u. I have had 3 different shadow figures coming and going here. When we 1st moved in here it would shake my legs at night and wake me up.
But it had nothing to say. It scared the hell out of me. I have felt at times it might be protecting us.
shadow people experience in Real life why we encounter them
I have started a site to help haunted victims/families. We had a hard time finding help. I called the Catholic Church here and they said they usually get 3 cases like mine a year and in less than 2 months they had gotten 20 cases including my own.
“I woke up suddenly and saw a dark shadow at the foot of my bed. It seemed to move away as soon as I saw it. I also sensed a lot of negativity or negative type emotions at the same time.”
Over the past few years SOUL Searchers have received many emails with similar statements regarding the mysterious shadow people.
Shadow People are usually seen as a dark shadow that resembles the form of a human.
The figures and shadow people experience do not have facial features and they are often noticed as a movement from the corner of the eye, sometimes disappearing when the observer turns to investigate.
Shadow people can move quickly and have been seen disappearing through the wall or a closed door. Many report a feeling of extreme dread or fear accompanying the sighting and become immobilised by fear and report a feeling of negative emotions at the sighting.
The make-up of shadow people appears as dense, light-impenetrable, black static, mass. While some people see a shadowy form which is human like, others see formless.
Translucent black splotches and twirling columns of murky smoke. Some people have even reported being attacked and chased by these horrifying shadows.
So are these Shadow people ethereal spirits of dead human beings or some alien non- human being? No one has yet come up with any substantiated explanation.
Read : 10 Tips How to do Shadow Work exercise for Beginners and how to use it in your journey
shadow people experience and Paranormal belief
Some paranormal enthusiasts believe that shadow people are a demonic spirit that embodies pure evil. There are even reports of a shadow people who wear a hat or cape.
Shadow people have also been observed in daylight and many have observed them in full vision.
There have been several scientific principles explaining reports of shadow people, ranging from optical illusions or hallucinations brought on by psychological circumstances to the side effects of drug use and the interaction of external agents on the human body.
A state, known as hypnogogia could explain many
Instances of people reporting shadow people, this a physiological condition when a person is half way between sleeping and waking.
During hypnogogia, the individual can be aware of the environment and at the same time be in a dreamlike state where they can receive images from the subconscious that they perceive to be real.
In this waking-sleep state, similar to sleep paralysis, the individual often reports the sensation of dread that may be accompanied by shadows or flickering lights or other visual hallucinations.
Sceptics attribute shadow people to nothing more than overactive imaginations and neurological disorders or visual disturbances. shadow people experience in real life may be true in some cases, but does not explain images caught on film or shadow people who have been observed by more than one person.
Many people experiencing shadow people seek the help of paranormal investigators, psychics, and even the clergy.