Do you know powerful Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening? If you are interested in third eye awakening then first of all you have to include activate pineal gland process in daily life style.
This is a process that helps you understand alter of reality. Apart from this, it also helps in moving forward on the spiritual path. Everyone knows that how these two parts of the Conscious mind and Subconscious mind function in the brain, even today this study is going on.
Today science has made a lot of progress but the human brain still remains a mystery. It is compared to the Universe because the way the Universe is Infinite, in the same way the human mind has many secrets.
Today we are going to know about some tips and tricks to Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening. Most of the people doing spiritual practice experience this. It is a gland that is believed to be associated with the sixth sense.
From a scientific point of view, this gland releases a hormone called melatonin which helps in changing sleep patterns.
Pineal gland is also known as “pineal eye” or “the third eye” which is located at the place of our brain.
The pineal gland plays a very important role in our body such as managing the bio-rhythms of the body, thirst, hunger, desire and maintaining the biological clock that plays a role in ageing.
How to Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening
There are 2 different ways to wake up the pineal gland, first the sunlight produces which is known as Serotonin and second the darkness and the moon produces which is called Melatonin.
The pineal gland can be triggered in both ways. To understand this, you have to know Pseudoscience theory used in Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening.
The location of this gland is seen deep in the brain. What is its purpose, no exact answer has been found, but spiritual practitioner considers it to be a kind of connector between physical and spiritual realm and its awakening is very important for spiritual experience.
Although this gland is self-regulating, but sometimes it also becomes inactive state.
If you are facing problem in doing Meditation practice, OBE, Astral travel experience then you should understand that your Pineal gland is inactive or your daily life has been suppressed due to activity.
It also has other symptoms like falling asleep, feeling tired, anxious or depressed.
These are symptoms that you have to face due to inactive pineal gland. If you want to activate your pineal gland, then you should do some special exercises for Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening.
Simple guide about the process of Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening
If you are interested in third eye awakening, then first of all you should know about activate pineal gland that for this it is very important to have the following quality in you.
- non-attached
- present
- centered
- balanced state
It is only this quality that can give you success in this exercise or else you may get caught in the third eye awakening side effect.
You have to give yourself at least 30-60 minutes for practice of Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening. You start the exercise in the following steps.
- First of all identify a comfortable place.
- Relax yourself.
- Focus your attention on your breath and slow down its level.
- Practice meditation at the place of the third eye. It can helps you in Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening.
- Do not take stress and keep yourself relaxed.
- Feel a golden or white circle of energy around you.
- Slowly make yourself active and get out of practice.
This exercise helps you to complete the first activate pineal gland process gradually, removes any kind of blockage and helps in understanding the intuition. Along with this, you can also experience higher level of consciousness.
How to activate pineal gland fast
Although there is no shortcut to activate Psychic ability powers but if you have patience then you can follow Top 5 method to activate Pineal gland.
Here we will talk about Pineal Gland Activation 5 powerful exercises which include meditation.
These 5 Transformative Methods work to trigger your Sixth sense, due to which you can keep the special psychic ability active.
In these, you have to change many habits. If you want your Sixth sense or inner vision to be continuously active, then for this you have to change your lifestyle.
Let us know about those 5 ways to Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening through which we can maintain it for a long time by following the Pineal gland activation fast process.
1. Meditation Practice for active sixth sense
Meditation is still considered the most traditional method of opening third eye. If you practice mindfulness meditation then it affects your pineal gland’s functioning and abilities and you can take advantage of it for a long time.
When we meditate, we send energy to the pineal gland itself. It is the fastest way of Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening. You can call it music to activate pineal gland fast.
When the pineal gland is active, then we feel a stretch, vibration in the forehead. Its experience is like the experience of awakening a chakra. This energy helps us to activate psychic ability such as clarity and intuition and it has a direct effect on our conscious life.
The main chakra in our body is 7 which works for managing and creating life-force energy i.e. the right flow of life energy.
Through mindfulness meditation, we are able to do this process properly, due to which Chakra function starts working properly. If you want to know more about this meditation then do not forget to read this post Mindfulness meditation practice at home.
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2. Kundalini Yoga
Although we have already told about Kundalini Yoga, but we also know its role in the activated pineal gland. Kundalini awakening affects our life in many ways. The most effect of this is felt by the seekers practicing the spiritual path.
Kundalini yoga is the best way known for Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening.
Kundalini yoga not only awakens our pineal gland but also helps the body’s chakra points to function properly which directly targets the life force energy. Comparing Kundalini Shakti with the hood of a snake, as it rises up, changes are seen in life.
In normal condition, our Kundalini energy is in a dormant state in the lowest spinal cord. When this part is triggered through Prana energy, then a lot of changes are seen.
In the process of penetrating the Sapta Chakra, it also opens our third eye chakra and at the same time it also affects the energy of the pineal gland. This method is very advanced and it is better if you do not do it alone.
3. 3 Brainwave Entrainment
Binaural beats are most commonly used in subconscious mind programming today.
It is made up of 2 such wave patterns which affect 2 parts of our brain simultaneously. When different waves pass in both the ears, then our brainwave patterns start changing.
Actually this is a brainwave entertainment technology which was designed to keep our brain in 2 different states. We all know that 2 parts of the brain perform different functions.
You can use binaural beats for Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening. It is the music that can easily activate your pineal gland.
One part at a time performs well and these binaural beats activate both the parts of the brain simultaneously. This thing has been proved scientifically.
However, there is still a doubt whether it actually plays any role directly in the process of activated pineal gland or whether it remains active due to some other reason. To understand this, you need to know that our brain releases different waves in different states.
The brain waves that we release during deep, dreamless sleep are delta waves.
The active frequency that is released during the REM stage of sleep are theta and gamma waves. Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening activity work fast in this method.
Here different binaural beats are designed on the basis of different frequencies and they work on that basis. If understood directly, the work is done through our brain waves, but it beats to regulate and control them.
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4. Sun Gazing to activate pineal gland
Surya Tratak is one such Gazing meditation which increases the power of your eyes. It is forbidden to look directly at the sun because the ultraviolet ray emanating from it is harmful to our eyes.
In the morning and evening, when the sun rises and sets, it is such a time when the ultraviolet ray is at a very low level or is will helps you to Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening fast and heal any blockage in third eye.
The practice done during this can make the process of your Pineal gland activation fast successful. Do the exercise in the beginning for just a few seconds and then take it for 15 minutes.
15 minutes does not mean continuous practice of 15 minutes in one go, but after watching for some time, close your eyes and meditate on your command chakra.
This practice can be done in 2 ways. First of all, initially doing sun gazing while looking under water and then doing tratak directly. This can affect your and one of best practice for Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening.
Another way is to do tratak first through glasses and then practice directly without glasses. Both the methods can be practiced and desired results can be achieved.
5. Qigong ancient process to heal third eye
Qigong means “life energy cultivation” or “energy skill.” That is, exercise related to energy. You must have seen in many movies that with physical movement, the hero uses the life force to move it.
The biggest example of this is the Hollywood movie The Last Air-bender and in reality it is possible to do so. If you see this movie you can easily understand the best way to Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening.
In this exercise we learn to move the life force through gentle physical motions and breathing. Lastly, instead of moving, we move the life force through mental practice.
Most of the people go through the problem of blocked energy meridians and centers due to which Chi energy has problem in reaching the vital glands in the endocrine system.
The process of Qigong helps us in full body flow of Chi energy and makes the process of Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening faster.
- The pineal gland and the Spirit Molecule (DMT)
- DMT (dimethyltryptamine) is a type of psychedelic drug, although it is naturally produced in our pineal gland, due to which the seeker remains in a drowsy state for a long time.
Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening have main function of this drug is to change the perception, mood, consciousness, cognition, and behavior.
There are many other ways during which this element arises such as deep meditation, breathe, intense physical stress, and near-death experiences and this is also the reason for changes in our behavior during all this.
It is produced in very small quantities when we are sleeping and dreaming. It affect your Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening.
It is released during third eye activation meditation and because of this we experience Trance state.
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How to detoxify pineal gland
If you are practicing sixth sense activation then you have to first clean your pineal gland and remove any blockage. Without this, trying to awaken the third eye can give you a mental shock attack, due to which you can become mentally unstable.
The pineal gland does not remain under any kind of protection or barrier, due to which the factors affecting it easily make it vulnerable.
The most influencing factor is synthetic fluoride which makes the pineal gland hard. You can follow some easy tips to detoxify and Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening.
Due to this, there is a blockage in melatonin production and wake-sleep regulation is disturbed, not only this, psychic insight is also affected the most due to this.
Toothpaste and tap water are two such elements in which synthetic fluoride is the most and affects us in our daily lifestyle. If you want to activate pineal gland naturally, then you have to change 3 habits.
- Stop using fluoride toothpaste
- Filter your water naturally, avoid using water directly
- Eat whole or/and raw foods as fresh as possible.
Apart from this turmeric, cacao beans, green plants and vegetables, wild harvested spring water, reishi mushroom tea, grass juices, beets, apple cider vinegar are the foods that help in keeping the pineal gland active. These are some daily life hack to Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening.
- Foods and supplements that activate the pineal gland
- You should include some such food and drink in your lifestyle which directly activates the pineal gland. in this
- Don’t forget to take Iodine. Along with this, make sure that you are also able to supply plenty of calcium.
- Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening process follow some strict rules. If you want to avoid fluoride exposure, then include turmeric in the food. An element called curcumin present in it helps your pineal gland to remain active.
- The use of raw cacao controls our blood pressure, due to which the blood vessel health is strengthened.
- Consuming tamarind helps in detoxifying the body. It removes fluoride exposure from the body through urine.
- Raw Apple Cider Vinegar This is a natural way that works to detoxify, cleanse the body.
- Green Super foods that have chlorophyll content work to remove heavy metals from the body.
These are all lifestyle changes that help you to activate the pineal gland naturally. I think this can be a best way to Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening.
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Benefits of opening the third eye
Although we all know that after the third eye awakening, we get the ability to use psychic powers, but it has many other benefits such as
- Getting success in lucid dream and astral travel. When we achieve higher level of awareness which is due to Pineal gland activation then lucid dream experience as well as astral travel can be done in desired way.
- Free from stress, anxiety or worry when we are in the state of higher level of consciousness then we start to grasp and understand the vibrations of thoughts.
- Higher vibrational thinking always focuses on the present, due to which we save ourselves from getting trapped in unwanted intrusive thoughts. It can affect your Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening process.
- Awaken your higher intuition when the pineal gland is in the waking state then we explore another layer of reality which is always around us but we are not aware of it.
- Who does not know about the power of the law of attraction, everyone wants it to work for them, but how only you can understand it after activate the pineal gland process and manifest your desire.
All these are the benefits that we start getting during third eye activation.
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How to activate pineal gland without any risk conclusion
To make third eye awakening simple, you have to go through the activate pineal gland process. You cannot make it easy without changing your lifestyle. There are lot of way and tips to Pineal Gland Activation and Third Eye Opening that can be followed in daily lifestyle routine.
Most people feel that they are not able to use their highest potential, which is the reason for this. Until the pineal is not able to function properly, we cannot work at full potential.
The process of pineal gland activation not only makes us spiritual but also helps in establishing a feeling like let and go. If you want to understand more about third eye activation, then do not forget to read the rest of the post.