What Is a Spirit Guide? 7 Types of Spirit Guides According to Belief

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Spirit guides are very important in our life. Whenever we go astray at some point in life, we are filled with confusion, then it is the voice of our inner self that shows us the right path. In this article we are going to talk about seven different types of spirit guides.

It is believed that total 7 types of Spirit guides show us the way. We choose our spiritual guide according to our nature.

The concept of Spirit Guides is completely spiritual. Our subconscious mind is always sending us messages. This guide is not an entity but a part of our subconscious mind. Almost everyone believes in it.

If a spirit guide has a negative effect on your behavior then it is not a spiritual guide. Because your subconscious mind guides you from moving forward.

Different types of spirit guides?

We have a Guardian with us since birth. The movement of the guardian spirit is related to our spiritual growth. Whenever we fall alone in life, only spirit guides come in different forms to show us the way. These different types of spirit guides can be in any form, depending on which type of association you have.

Most of the people feel the excess of any one element in them which decides their nature. It is very important for you to understand them in order to move forward in life and have a deep experience of spirituality.

If you also feel some power with you that always shows you the way and helps you to move forward, then understand that your connection with your guardian spirit is very strong.

Let us know about different types of spiritual guides which help us to move forward.

Different types of spirit guides?

We all stay connected to our spirit guides no matter who we are. Whenever we go astray in life or get stuck in difficult times, then it is the guide who shows us the way. In simple language, you can also consider it as the voice of the subconscious mind.

Even if you never connect with Spirituality in your life, you still have a Guardian around you.

Their different forms depend on what kind of nature you have. There are total 7 types of spirit guides which are always associated with us in any one form. Spirit guide in any form always shows us the way.

Apart from showing us the way, their job is to protect us in adverse situations. Many such proofs have been shared, where people suddenly saw the way of help in difficult times and followed it, but they did not have any idea about who was going to show them this path.

We all go through difficult times in life and in such a situation it becomes very important to know about who is our protector. Let’s know about different spirits guides.

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The Different Types of Spirit Guides

By now you must have understood about Spirit Guides and what is their importance in our life. Now we know about in which form it shows the right path while living with us.

Although we have not been able to know till today how many types of protectors are there, but, we are going to talk about such main types which are always ready to help you.

Today most people believe in guardian angels, but apart from this, 10 different guardian spirits are also considered.

Guardian Angels

Guardian Angels is at number one among any types of spirit guides. There is a belief that from the time of our birth till our death, we live under the protection of the Guardian Angels. This is a special heavenly support team for us which always supports us to strengthen love, hope, and faith in life time.

Most people associate it with a particular religion, but it is not really so. Guardian Angels are for every person and it has nothing to do with any particular religion.

If we always remain in their support, then both these qualities of spiritual journey and unconditional love start developing in us.

Like any spirit guide, we never see our Guardian Angels directly but can feel them. Whenever we seek our inner self or listen to the mind, then only we feel the signal of our spiritual guide.

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Archangels common types of spirit guides

On the one hand, Guardian Angels are personal for every person, the same Archangels are one for all. Whoever wants to connect with them, they start making connections with them. They are considered to be the highest form of angels ever.

They are given 7 types of names which include Micheal, Raphael, Gabriel, Ariel, Chamuel, Azreal, and Jophiel. They have got these different names and identities according to different cultures around the world.

All of them have different places where they help you to move ahead in life like

  • Archangel Michael is associated with protection and leadership and is always ready for our guidance and help.
  • Archangel Raphael helps us in any kind of physical and emotional healing.
  • Archangel Gabriel is considered the angel of communication. Gabriel is seen as an angel transferring messages. If we want to connect with any types of spirit guides, then we can pray to them.
  • When we have to connect ourselves with nature, then Archangel Ariel helps us in this. They are considered the protectors of animals and wildlife.
  • Archangel Chamuel is considered the guardian of peace and kindness. This is what heals a feeling like love and makes it strong.
  • Archangel Azreal is seen as associated with aspects like death and grief. It helps us to get out of such moments in life.
  • The Archangel Jophiel is added beautifully. When we are connected to them, then everywhere in life we ​​start feeling the beauty of nature.

These are 7 different Archangels. We feel connected with different types in every aspect of life.

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Animal Spirit Guides

Animal Spirit Guides also come in the types of spirit guides. We all remain connected to our Mother Nature. Its idea is taken from the Native American tradition where our Animal Spirit Guides guide us in life in its physical form. We can make a connection with nature and its creatures.

The animal spirit we are most influenced by is found according to our nature, which guides us in life through dreams or signs. If you want to know what kind of Animal Spirit Guides have influenced you, then try to understand the signs around you.


These animal types of spirit guides guide you about your upcoming future.

For example, if you repeatedly cross with a dog throughout the day, then this is your guide. Wolf signs can be seen in your nature. Through this type of test, you can identify your Animal Spirit.

Elemental Spirits

The human body is made up of 5 different elements. Except for the sky element, it is very important to maintain the balance of the remaining four elements in the body. In this world, the excess of these 4 elements is responsible for most of the work.

To connect ourselves with nature and maintain balance, we can see them by connecting them with Spirituality.

We can maintain balance by associating ourselves with different elements. The excess of any one element in the human body is more than all the other elements, which shows its quality. If you feel happy by connecting yourself with nature, then there is an excess of earth element in you.

We can feel the excess and balance of whatever element we feel. Such types of spirit guides also help us to understand our elements.

Most of the seekers who practice energy connect themselves with the earth element which helps in energy balance, cleanse aura energy field, and stay grounded. People who have excess of air element use their brain skills more efficiently.

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Ascended Masters

Have you ever heard about a Siddha Guru who has been sacrificing the body for many times but still he helps people in some way or the other?

We know them as Ascended Masters. These are also types of spirit guides in a way, but only those who are attached to the Guru in their lifetime or get the experience of it through spirituality. Mostly it is experienced by those who are on the spiritual journey.

We do not have any physical connection with them and they are ready to help us every moment. If we talk about Christianity, then Mother Mary and Jesus are considered as Ascended Masters because they incarnated and helped people. Even after leaving the body, the miracles done by they are showing the way to the people.

In Indian culture, Mahavatar Babaji and Gautama Buddha are associated with this. It helps us to do spiritual growth.

Ancestor’s types of spirit guides

Pitra is given a lot of importance in Indian culture. We call them Ancestors because they are our ancestors who show us the way even after giving up our body and help us to move forward.

Whether to get out of any trouble or to move forward in life, they always give us pointers and make us ready to help in many ways. It is such a belief that we can feel them.

Even today, in many houses, Pittar is worshiped like a deity who always helps the people living in the house and the house. You can find guidance from any 1 of 7 types of spirit guides.

Ancestral spirit guides also include the souls of those gurus and seekers whom we have never met in our life but because of our karma, they make us feel our own.

This is our bloodline and genetic memory, due to which our ancestors and guru souls develop a connection with us.

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Gods and Goddesses

In Hindu culture, people of each believer worship different deities. Every person has his own faith and his God which makes Indian culture unique. Whatever different types of spirit guides we associate with, we start worshiping them in some way or the other.

It is our belief that we start seeing them in some form.

We see the miracles happening in nature by connecting them with the grace of the gods and destruction with their anger.

None of us has seen the deities directly, just on the basis of quality, we have tried to give form according to our belief.

Gods and Goddesses

In Hindu culture, people of each believer worship different deities. Every person has his own faith and his God which makes Indian culture unique. Whatever different types of spirit guides we associate with, we start worshiping them in some way or the other.

It is our belief that we start seeing them in some form.

We see the miracles happening in nature by connecting them with the grace of the gods and destruction with their anger. None of us has seen the deities directly, just on the basis of quality, we have tried to give form according to our belief.

There is no doubt that man has created the gods, otherwise the ultimate truth is the only one who has created all of us.

We do not hurt the sentiments of any particular religion, every person has his own free thoughts.

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Connect With Your Spirit Guides to Find Guidance and Hope

We all face such a situation in life at some point of time in adverse situations when we start getting disappointment from everywhere.

This is the time when a ray of hope appears from somewhere and we are able to move forward on it and get out of adverse situations.

Any types of spirit guides do not have any physical form, rather it is an energy form.

On the basis of our belief and belief, we give shape to them with imagination, which strengthens our belief.

Connecting with your spiritual guide reflects our spiritual growth. How we move forward in life and learn from our experience is all based on our spirit guide. Do let us know what you think about this.

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