Which medium do you rely on to bring out the magic inside you? You all must have heard about Lucky Charm and how they always create hope in a person’s life and maintain a good time.
This good luck is made by the person’s inner power.
If you are not very spiritual and want to avoid Magic and Spiritual practice then you can learn to use Spell Jars.
Miracle i.e. Magick includes Tantra mantra and yantra. Any type of witchcraft, that is, the process of magic, involves one of these three actions.
With the changing times, the trend of psychic mediums started increasing and he started researching the power of the mind instead of the Tantra mantra.
To awaken and maintain the unlimited power of the mind, it was necessary to create some medium and due to this the trend of Spell Jar started and with time it become very popular.
Keeping some such things in a glass jar that is related to our future wishes is part of it.
The ingredient kept inside the jar is changed for different actions. Does Spell Jars work? In this article, we are going to talk about Honey jar spelling and how to use jars in different ways from my personal experience.
Usually, you must have heard about its most common spell.
You can read from different sources about how the honey jar spell or honey spell is used to increase the love between the loving couple. Let us know about every special information related to this type of magic.
What is a Jar spells?
You must have heard a lot about the Yantra in the Tantra Mantra Yantra. There are some physical mediums in which the power of mantra is contained.
In such a situation, they wake up and there is no need to invoke mantras again and again.
Making amulets and creating talismans are all part of this.
Similarly, for the user, the Spell Jars act as a medium, which holds the energy behind their purpose in one place and then helps in completing its work with universal energy.
These jars hold nothing but the energy that a Sadhak (who is using) creates from his inner self.
In simple language, while chanting the mantra, keep an eye on the water and charge it with the power of the mantra.
This is the most common example of healing, where we strengthen our inner beliefs more and more.
In this spell, we include some natural elements which show that quality like honey is used in the spell to make the relationship sweet.
If there is enmity with someone, then rusty iron nails are used in it. All this is related to your thoughts and desires which charge your spell.
It is believed that all these actions are a part of old folk magic which was in practice in ancient times and became popular again in history in the 17th century.
How to make a spell jar
The spell jar is very easy to make and for this, you just have to choose those things that reflect your purpose, thoughts, and feelings.
It is one basic principle is that works on the Law of Attraction.
Through these, you strengthen your inner confidence and the energy that is created then affects the medium.
There is nothing magic or miracle in all this. You connect yourself with nature through these things and establish a relationship.
We all know the power of belief. Through Jar Spell, we charge our inner power and it starts doing its work subconsciously.
Creating a spell jar is quite easy, but if you are desperate and are not able to build confidence in yourself, then do not use it.
Nothing else in the spell jar is the work of Concentrate Your Attention. You connect your concentration with a jar and the things kept in it.
You associate your thoughts with some things. This whole process only and only increases your belief and self-confidence within you.
You can make any type of jar spell for which the jar remains the same only the element inside it changes.
The spell jars include things like a jar, a cork, candles, and elements of the color of the emotion associated with it.
You choose things, but most importantly, how do you maintain that state of mind during this period.
Your mind’s feelings and your motive should be one only then Spell Jars work.
How to use a jar?
If you want to use Spell Jars, then it is very important first of all to be free from your thoughts. Unwanted intrusive thoughts running in the mind, clear any kind of doubt before practice.
You can do visualization meditation practice to stay on the thought and feeling with which you are doing this experiment which will help you to get success in the practice.
The ingredients used to make the jar vary according to your sentiments. You can change these things according to your mind. The important thing is whether these things are related to your emotion or not.
You keep them around you and keep looking at them several times a day. Take care that it does not come into the eyes of anyone else.
The jar made for the Love spell and Protection spell jar is kept near the bed. The same if it is being made for enmity with someone, then they bury it in the ground or keep it in a dark place.
Now let’s talk about its use and making, so here we are sharing the method of making some common spell jars.
1. How to make a Love spell jar for strong love
If you want to make your love stronger or if you want to remove any kind of bitterness and bring back the love in the relationship as before, then you can use it.
Making a love spell jars is quite easy. First of all, let’s talk about what things we need to make it.
- A small to medium-size jar
- Honey
- Alcohol of choice (vodka, rum, tequila, etc.)
- Rose petals and thorns represent love with healthy boundaries
- Herbs that correspond with love (blue lotus for an aphrodisiac, lavender for healing, cinnamon for lu*t and s*x, patchouli for passion, oregano for good luck, and so on)
- A crystal-like rose quartz (optional)
- A piece of paper and pen
- A candle
- Matches or a lighter
In Indrajal, we have already read about the use of honey in the Mohan experiment to strengthen the love connection.
For this Honey jar spell, follow the instructions given here.
- Pour honey and alcohol in a small quantity inside the spell jar and then put rose petals and thorns, herbs, and crystals in the jar as well.
- Take a blank paper and write your wish on it which is related to the present or past. Keep in mind that there should not be any future wish in it.
- Light the candle with a calm mind and express your wish. At this time your mind should be calm and imagine that your wish is going to this universe.
- Put a cork on Spell Jars and seal them with wax.
- During this, try that your mind is in a trance-like state. The more your subconscious mind is free, the more you will be able to connect with the Universe.
- Let the candle burn completely and when it is finished, then get up from that place and keep the jar in such a place where you can see it again and again but no one else.
- Whenever you see this jar, your mind should repeat that feeling.
After a few days, you will see that the relationship between you and your lover has started getting stronger. Every time you see the jar, your mind is focused on that feeling and after some time this feeling starts showing its effect on the person in front.
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2. How to make simple Money spell jars
Money spell has become more prevalent in recent times. You can make it yourself at home because today there is a lot of cheating in the name of money spell in the market. You will need the following things to make it.
- A small to medium-size jar
- Jade crystal for abundance
- A green aventurine crystal for abundance
- A bit of jade plant for abundance
- Ginger for energy
- Thyme for concentration
- Seeds for growth
- Rice or flour to bind it all together
- A piece of paper and a pen
Jade is an ornamental mineral that you can easily find in the market. Jade plant is now being planted in almost every house, which is also called a money plant. Collect all these things in one place and then follow this process.
First of all, fill all the things in a spell jar. Your mind should be calm during this time and remember the element with which the emotion has been attached, at the time of filling the jar.
For example, when you fill the jade plant leaves in a jar, then you should think of abundant wealth in your mind. While inserting the piece of ginger, you have to reiterate the increasing feeling of energy in your mind.
Write your feeling on paper and put them in the jar. Put a cork on this jar and seal it. For this, a yellow or green color candle is used.
Keep the jar in such a place where you work and whenever you see it, the same thought starts repeating in your mind.
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3. Protection spell jar
The use of Protection spell jars works to protect you from any kind of Psychic energy attack. You can make this kind of protective shield yourself. Some things that you use in this process depend on your own belief.
- Holly
- Parsley
- A black hematite crystal
- An obsidian crystal
- A smoky quartz crystal (will work even if there is one of these three crystals)
- Pine needles or pine cones
- Garlic
- Salt
- A piece of paper and a pen
Put all these things in a jar and then with the feeling “I am safe” written on a paper, close this jar and seal it with wax. When the candle burns completely, then finish this ritual and keep this jar around you in such a place where you spend the most time.
Some special things related to spell jars, which are very important to take care of
- The special thing about Spell jars that makes them different from all others is their versatility. It doesn’t matter what you put inside the jar, you include things you trust and that boost your self-belief.
- To increase the energy of the jar, you can practice meditation in front of it for some time every day. Keep the jar in front of you and meditate on this jar with the same spirit with which you made this jar. Doing this increases the energy of this jar and you will start seeing the results soon.
- This magic works only when you connect all your energy with action. If you think that you will give energy to it every day, then your work starts when it is not so. It only works when you combine it with your work.
For example, you think every day that money is coming to you but you do not do any work with it, is it possible? The Law of Attraction also asks you to imagine as well as act on it.
Apart from this, there are some rules that you have to keep in mind while making a spell jars.
- It should not be used to manipulate anyone. If you love someone, then for this use a love spell and not any spell that can manipulate the brain of the other person.
- You can use spell jars only for your defense or for your benefit but, they should not be used to harm anyone.
- It is not right to use any spell on someone without their permission. You may be successful in this but its results are not permanent.
- Always keep your spell work private. Do not share it with anyone because doing so divides your energy instead of locking it.
- The ingredients used in the spell jars should be such that it gets destroyed with time.
- Before practicing spell jar, always clean yourself and your surrounding environment so that you do not allow any negative energy to remain and only positive energy is involved in your work.
- Always create a protection circle while casting the spell jar.
These are some basic rules that you have to keep in mind. For a successful Spell Jars practice, many such small things should be taken care of.
Can spell jars change our life?
By now you must have understood that a spell jar is nothing but a way to increase self-belief. You choose many such mediums which increase your confidence in yourself and when you combine this energy with your work, then you start getting amazing results.
The most special thing about the spell jars is that despite being magic, you can make it in any way you want.
Protection spell jars and Honey jar spell are the most popular in this because it is the easiest way in the matter of love and protection.
Through this, you can protect yourself and if you are feeling inferior in any work, then you can also correct it.
Most people do not believe in themselves, that is why they need an external medium on which they trust.
If you have practiced Tratak Sadhna then you would know that we repeat the same thought over and over again on the Tratak board and after some time that thought starts developing in us like a quality.
I have experienced tratak Sadhna and made the spell jar last year during the corona period.
The result is the superclass, you can make it yourself at home and if you want, we can make it for you. You can contact us for more information.