Are you also looking for the solution of third eye opening? Shiva Mantra to Open Third Eye can be one of those remedies. There are also such mantra remedies which help you in awakening the third eye.
Generally, we have already talked about it, but if you want to awaken it in a spiritual way, then you can do the method of Mantra for opening third eye shared here at home.
By the way, there are many ways to open the third eye, such as activating the pineal gland, changing many such habits in daily life, which help in awakening the third eye. If you want, you can open the third eye even without any meditation.
Most of the sadhaks work on third eye activation to increase their spiritual experience. When a seeker’s third eye i.e. sixth sense starts working, then he has to go through many changes. The experiences associated with Shiva mantra to open third eye are both good and bad.
If you want to understand the psychic powers and experience them away from the reality of the physical world, then you should start chanting this mantra of Lord Shiva regularly.
You can also do sadhna regularly and its sadhna can also be completed by fixing the time. There is a difference in having experience in both. Let us first know about this mantra.
Shiva Mantra to Open Third Eye
Many such Mantras for opening third eye are mentioned which can activate your third eye/sixth sense just by listening to them.
One of these is also the use of Shiva Mantra to Open Third Eye, through which we can activate the sixth sense without any meditation, meditation or following rules.
Usually we do many such activities which block the sixth sense or third eye.
The third eye has a direct connection with our subconscious mind, so if you want to open the third eye easily, do not forget to do activities that keep the subconscious mind active.
See the method below for the method of Shiva mantra to open the third eye.
Mantra to open third eye
In this post, I have described a Shiva Mantra to Open Third Eye to achieve Siddhi on Third Eye or Ajna Chakra.
The process of performing this mantra Prayog is simple and easy to follow for any Kundalini Yoga practitioner or any aspirant seeking to awaken the Ajna Chakra, which is primarily responsible for intuition, extra-sensory perception.
Through this you can activate psychic powers, foresight and trikaal knowledge or the ability to imagine past, present and future.
Starting from Monday mantra sadhna has to be done for 21 days and sadhak has to chant 21 rounds of third eye opener Shiv mantra given in this post daily.
Mantra: || ॐ सदाशिवाय त्रिनेत्र जागृताय पूर्णत्वम् दृश्यम् रुद्राय नमः ||
||Om Sadashivaaya Third eye Jaagritaaya Purntvam Drishyam Rudraaya Namaha
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Shiva Third eye Mantra to open the third eye
Before starting chanting the mantra of Shiva mantra to open third eye, one has to use the ring finger and middle finger of his right hand and rub the third eye area very vigorously in a vertical or diagonal motion. One has to sit on the white asana [white colored sitting mat] facing the east direction. Mantra chanting should be done only before 9 am.
Apart from this, basic rules like lighting pure Ghee [pure clarified butter] lamp, worshiping Shiva and Ganesha or any other desired deities have to be followed.
This Shiva mantra to open third eye should be chanted only when you have already activated all the other chakras below the ajna chakra, otherwise it will bring disastrous conditions to your body like
- You may suffer from diseases.
- May start behaving like a person with bipolar disorder.
- You may experience excessive amounts of dizziness, fatigue, inability to keep your eyes open, feeling very sleepy, etc.
- After chanting this mantra, meditation should be done on all other chakras for at least 5 minutes.
Shiva Third eye or the third eye of Shiva is the symbol of the ultimate secret, occult, divine and paranormal powers in the universe.
To achieve perfection on the paranormal powers inherent in the universe is the dream of most of the yogis and drives the sadhaks forward. For this reason, most of the sadhaks see the solution of Shiva mantra to open third eye.
Mythological belief related to Shiva’s Third eye
According to Indian mythology, the left and right aspects of Lord Shiva represent his physical worldly activities while the third eye represents his religious wisdom and power.
It has also been said that the third eye has been called for meditation.
The more importance it gets, the more active and open it will be. This is the reason why Lord Shiva is so skilled in opening the third eye. This is where we get to know about Shiva mantra to open third eye.
There are many astrologers in India who can make it simple so that it becomes easy for you to activate the third eye. Sensing the energy of the third eye, many people want to know about the ‘right way to activate the third eye’.
For that, it is necessary to perform the action of Lord Shiva. To begin with, it is necessary to maintain the Shambhavi mantra.
When you concentrate between the eyes, you start seeing a golden ray after some time. This experience takes you beyond the experience of the physical world and you soon start experiencing the subtle world.
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Secret science of Shiva mantra to open third eye conclusion
If you are looking for ways to activate the third eye without any meditation, then it is possible.
There are many activities that activate and block your third eye. Shiva Mantra to Open Third Eye shared here helps you to activate your sixth sense.
There are many ways that can activate your third eye and all of them are easy if you understand the science behind them then it becomes easy for you to ignore the activities that block your third eye.
The mantra remedy for awakening the third eye of Lord Shiva will help you in this.
Although this method is very easy, it would be better to be careful while doing it and practice with a steady mind. If your mind is fickle then you can remain trapped in the imaginary world during the practice itself which prevents you from experiencing.