Want to know How to Manifest Your Ex Back after Breakup? Here this article can help you to learn how to use Law of Attraction and Law Of Assumption to Get Your Lost Love Back.
If you truly believe in the Universe, you might get back what you lost. But just believing isn’t enough.
You need to be completely sure that getting back what you lost is what you really want. You might think you’re certain, but sometimes we realize later that we were wrong.
To learn how to manifest your ex back first thing is to be assure what you actually want.
Sometimes, our own doubts and feelings actually stop what we want from happening. Maybe deep down, we didn’t really want it.
You’ve tried everything to bring them back – calling, ignoring, losing sleep and appetite, checking their social media, talking about them, not talking about them… but nothing worked.
Your ex won’t come back. And the worst part is, you’re still not over them.
That’s why I’m here – to help you end your suffering. If you follow my advice, I’ll show you how to use the law of attraction and manifest your ex back in your life.
In this article we will learn how you make an ex want you back and how to use law of assumption to get lost love back.
How to Manifest Your Ex Back Using Law of Attraction & Manifestation
The law of attraction isn’t a new idea. It’s been around for centuries and is a part of the universe’s laws.
The term was first used in the 19th century by Éliphas Lévi, a French occultist, but the concept existed long before then.
The main idea is that similar things attract each other. So, if you want something in your life, you should focus on sending out positive energy from your subconscious mind.
You can learn how to manifest your ex back in various ways, like through meditation, visualizing, and saying positive affirmations.
The law of attraction became popular in the early 2000s with the release of the book and movie “The Secret.”
Since then, it’s become a widely known self-help concept with many success stories about manifestation.
Manifesting your ex back with law of assumption
After a breakup, it’s hard to remember the love you had with your ex. Most of couple realize their mistake and want to reunite with their partner but getting then back by manifest your ex back is not so easy.
Sometime it’s too late and both of you decided to move on. Moving on might mean focusing on yourself and leaving the past behind.
But what if you want to bring your ex back into your life? You can bring them back in your life with 100% effective and working method of using Law of Attraction and Law of Assumption.
Here are 15 simple ways to learn how to Manifest Your Ex Back and make it happen.
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1. Let them go
I know this might not be what you want to hear, but here’s the truth: if you want to get back with your ex, you have to let them go first.
It might sound strange, but it’s the first step towards manifesting them back into your life.
Let’s face it – you can’t stop thinking about your ex. You’re obsessed with them.
You replay your relationship over and over in your mind, thinking about what could have been. And deep down, you’re scared they’ll never come back.
But these thoughts hold you back. They don’t help your efforts to manifest your ex back.
That’s why you need to learn to let go before you can bring them back into your life.
Try your best to forget about your ex. I know it’s tough, but try to stop thinking about them and stop expecting them to return.
Apply no contact rule
Letting go also means following the no-contact rule. This means you shouldn’t call, text, ask friends about, or stalk your ex on social media.
You’re not using this rule to make your ex chase you or realize they’ve lost you, even though that might happen.
Your main goal is to free your energy from them. That’s how basic thing of how to manifest your ex back works?
2. Let go off your ego
Another obstacle to manifesting your ex back is your ego. You need to let go of it as soon as possible.
Your insecurities are holding you back. Wanting your ex back doesn’t make you worth any less. So what if they ended things with you? That doesn’t define your worth.
Forget about trying to get revenge or prove something to them. Stop playing games to make them chase you. Your ego can play negative role to manifest your ex back in life.
Let go of any jealousy towards their new partner. Even if they’re with someone new, it’s just a part of their journey that might lead them back to you.
These negative beliefs are holding you back.
What really matters is both of you being happy in the end. Once you understand that, you’ll be able to let go of your ego and move forward.
3. The whisper method
If you want to manifest your ex back, try the whisper method. It’s a simple technique that can help you get them back.
Start by visualizing your ex. Picture them as they are now. Are they watching TV? Getting ready for bed? The specifics aren’t crucial; just imagine them exactly as they are.
Be detailed. How are they sitting? What are they wearing? What’s their expression?
Now, imagine quietly approaching them. They can’t see you, but they can feel your presence.
Whisper what you want them to do. Whether it’s “Text me,” “Call me,” or “Start thinking about me,” visualize yourself saying it softly in their ear. You can even say these things out loud if it helps.
4. Use Positive Affirmations to Manifest Your Ex Back
To make the law of attraction work, you need to let go of negative thoughts and emotions. Replace them with positivity.
Positive affirmations are great for this. Stand in front of a mirror, take a deep breath, and say what you want to happen.
- “I believe my ex wants me back.”
- “They still love me.”
- “Our relationship will be healthy.”
- “I am their soulmate.”
- “They think about me, even in their new relationship.”
- “I am still important to them.”
It might feel strange at first, but it works. You can also write these affirmations in a journal. Affirmation play important role to practice how to manifest your ex back.
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5. The power of Positive visualization
Another way to cultivate positive energy is through visualization. Imagine yourself back together with your ex.
Forget about the fights and time apart. Picture yourselves happier than ever.
Be realistic in your visualization. Picture scenarios where you’re together in real-life situations. This is the best part to practice manifest your ex back with power of visualization.
Imagine them sleeping beside you in bed while you’re there alone. Close your eyes and see their name on your phone screen. Visualize them asking for another chance.
If you need inspiration, look at successful relationships around you. Focus on stories of couples who reunited after being apart. See you and your ex in those stories.
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6. Your spiritual journey
There’s a reason you and your twin flame aren’t together right now. If you’re going through a period of separation, it’s because the Universe has a lesson for both of you.
You need to grow and mature before reuniting with your soulmate. The first step is your spiritual awakening. Your spiritual journey can be a best step to practice how to manifest your ex back in spiritual way.
You have to complete your spiritual journey alone before getting your ex back. This is a personal journey that brings you back to your soul.
During this journey, you’ll rediscover yourself. You’ll connect with your spirit guides, guardian angels, and the Universe.
Once you find your spiritual path and experience spiritual growth, you’ll become better at manifestation. You’ll master the law of attraction and learn how to achieve what you want in life.
7. Practice self-love
Here’s a piece of relationship advice you might not want to hear but really need: If you want a healthy relationship with someone else, you must first build a healthy relationship with yourself.
Instead of dwelling on your flaws and trying to change to meet society’s expectations, focus on mastering self-love. Learn to embrace all aspects of yourself, including your imperfections.
It’s okay to work on improving yourself, but make sure it’s what YOU want, not what others expect from you. Self-love can be helpful to manifest your ex back quickly.
Now that you’re single, take this time to focus on yourself. Use it as an opportunity to become the best version of yourself and the person you were meant to be.
Once you learn to respect and love yourself, you’ll set high standards for anyone who enters your life. You’ll recognize your worth and refuse to settle for anything less.
8. Don’t be impatient
When you’re trying to manifest your ex back, you want it to happen quickly. You’ve been eager to reunite with them, and you’re impatient for it to happen.
You keep expecting your manifestation to work. You’ve followed all the steps, done everything right, so you wonder why it’s taking so long.
But here’s another lesson you need to learn: patience. As long as you’re anxious and nervous about their return, it won’t happen.
Remember what I said at the start: you have to learn to let go!
9. Trust the process and working of universe
Let me tell you something: manifesting a specific person takes time. It’s not a straightforward process. Universe play important role to make your dream into reality and help to manifest your ex back fast.
First off, it won’t happen instantly. They won’t come back when you want them to. Instead, they’ll return when you truly need them and when you’re ready for it.
You’ll have good and bad days along the way. Some days, you’ll feel their presence strongly and be confident you’re on the right path, even without tangible proof. Other days, you’ll doubt everything and feel like your efforts are futile.
The key is to keep going, even on the tough days. Your energy will fluctuate, but eventually, things will work out.
10. Have a deep faith in universe
There’s no use in asking how to manifest your ex back if you don’t trust the Universe to make it happen.
This journey isn’t just about getting back with your ex – as I mentioned before, your spiritual growth matters just as much.
So, whatever happens, you have to trust the Universe. Have a deep faith in universe that you had practice manifest your ex back successfully and soon get positive result.
Your guardian angels and the Universe will sense if you lose faith in them, and their help may dwindle.
This doesn’t mean you don’t have free will. But if you trust them wholeheartedly, they’ll support you and guide you through the process.
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11. Be certain that they will came back
Do you know who your biggest enemy is? Doubt. You can practice how to manifest your ex back if you are certain about what you are getting.
No matter what happens, always believe that your ex will come back. But don’t mistake this for waiting around and expecting them to return.
If you’re too eager for their return, it shows you’re still too focused on them, which isn’t healthy. Instead, train yourself to feel differently.
First, remember you won’t spend all your time practicing manifestation techniques. Don’t forget to focus on yourself too.
After visualizing, using positive affirmations, or trying the whisper method, tell yourself it worked.
Don’t dwell on doubts or worst-case scenarios.
Trust that your spiritual strength is so powerful that your manifestation will come true.
Feel their presence, imagine them returning to you, and then let it go.
Release your hopes and thoughts. Carry on with your day as usual, because why worry about something you know will happen?
12. Stay away from negative influences
Now that you’ve dealt with negative emotions within yourself, it’s time to clear your surroundings of external negativity too.
Start by cutting ties with toxic people. Stay away from those who bring you down, even if they pretend to have good intentions. Your emotion play important role in learning how to manifest your ex back and affect them directly.
You might have experienced this scenario: you confidently tell your friends you’re getting your ex back, that you feel their presence, and you’re not interested in a new relationship because you’re waiting for your soulmate’s return.
But instead of support, you face ridicule. They call you desperate, say you’re imagining things, and suggest you’re borderline crazy.
Their doubt can shake your confidence and faith in the Universe.
That’s why it’s crucial to distance yourself from negative influences or, at the very least, avoid sharing your plans with them.
13. Practice gratitude
One of the worst things you can do is focus solely on what you lack, even when trying to manifest someone who isn’t with you.
Instead of dwelling on your ex and what you’re missing, shift your attention to what you already have.
The Universe needs to see that you appreciate what’s already in your life. You can practice gratitude as a necessary part to learn how to manifest your ex back quickly.
Practicing gratitude attracts even more positivity. Eventually, this can lead to getting your ex back.
Start a gratitude journal. Write down what you’re thankful for every day, even the seemingly small things that are actually significant.
Be grateful for the roof over your head, enjoying your favourite meal, or having a good night’s sleep.
14. Become the ideal partner
When trying to manifest your ex back, you might focus on how they should change to fit into your life better. And you might think about needing relationship coaching once you’re back together.
But have you considered that maybe you’re separated because you need to work on your partnership skills?
What can you do to become a better partner?
As you evaluate your relationship, why not revaluate your own mistakes too? Set aside your ego and do what’s best for the relationship. This is the only way to hope your ex is also making progress.
Only when both of you improve and become better partners will the Universe allow you to reunite?
15. Stay away from hate
The only way to bring back a specific person is to send them positive energy and vibes. Even if you’re following the no-contact rule, you can still do this.
I’m not suggesting you should reach out to them. Simply thinking happy thoughts about them is enough. Send these thoughts out to the Universe, knowing they’ll receive them.
Most importantly, send them love. Let go of any hate, resentment, or grudges you may hold. This will be a great part to practice how to manifest your ex back with law of assumption.
It’s likely this person hurt you when they left. But what’s the point of wanting them back if you’re still holding onto negativity?
Instead of seeking revenge, find the strength to forgive them. You’ll need a clean slate when they return, won’t you?
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How Do You Know If Your Ex Is Manifesting You?
You have applied all these steps to bring your lost love back now what will happen? How do you know your ex is coming back? Well there are certain sign manifest Your Ex Back work and they are coming back in your life.
They appear in your dreams: the first sign your ex is manifesting you is if you keep dreaming about them. You may not think about them much during the day, but at night, they start appearing in your dreams.
This happens because they’re somewhere distant, awake, and thinking about you. They might not be intentionally or consciously trying to manifest you, but one thing is clear: you’re on their mind.
You keep seeing angel numbers: If you keep noticing repetitive numbers like 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, and so on, it’s not just by chance. Lately, you’ve been seeing these numbers everywhere – on phone numbers, the time, license plates, and more.
Even if you’re not spiritual, these are known as angel numbers. Your guardian angel is sending you a message: your reunion with your twin flame is drawing near. It’s a sign that your specific person is thinking about you.
You hear their name often: Another sign that your ex is manifesting you is that you keep hearing their name. You might be watching your favourite TV show and a new character has the same name as your ex. Or you meet a new co-worker who also shares their name.
No matter how much you try to forget about them, something always seems to remind you of this person.
You think you see them: Â You can’t recall the last time you saw your ex-partner, but everyone you encounter seems to resemble them. You catch whiffs of their cologne or perfume, hear echoes of their voice, notice someone wearing the same jacket they always wore, or observe someone who walks just like them.
This isn’t a coincidence either. It’s a sign that they’re trying to connect with you. Unfortunately, they’re not succeeding, so the Universe is ensuring that you at least feel their presence.
You feel drawn to certain places: You’re sitting at home, feeling peaceful, when suddenly you have a strong desire to go out. You know exactly where you want to go.
You feel drawn to drink coffee at a specific café, visit a particular club, or travel to a city you’ve never been to before. These are the sign you have done with manifest your ex back and getting them back work for you.
And when you finally arrive there, you unexpectedly run into your ex. No, it’s not a place you used to frequent together – I’m talking about the most random places imaginable, places you would never have thought you’d see them.
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Universal signs you’re manifesting your ex back final conclusion
After pondering how to manifest your ex back, the next burning question is whether these methods always work. Does the law of attraction guarantee you’ll get what you want?
The answer is quite straightforward: you’ll get them back if you have faith in the Universe. But that’s not the only requirement for success.
You also need to be completely certain that reuniting with your ex is what you truly want.
I understand if you’re thinking, “Well, obviously I want them back, or I wouldn’t be here.”
But sometimes, we only think we’re sure about what we want. This is all about how you manifest your ex back with law of attraction and law of assumption.
Later, when our desires don’t materialize, and we delve into our subconscious, we realize our own energy was blocking their return.
Why? Because deep down, we might not have genuinely wanted them back after all.