In this article we will discuss about most powerful Astaroth Summon Rituals of demon summoning.
Let’s explore How to Summon Astaroth for supernatural abilities like obtain knowledge and secrets, gain insight about past and future events and make you able to lead hidden treasure.
People believe Astaroth is grand duke and Treasurer of hell. If you summon him for good purpose you can gain insight to hidden treasure.
Astaroth is a demon who works for Hell and is considered an important figure there, along with Beelzebub and Lucifer.
He’s part of a trio of evil beings. Astaroth is a male demon, likely named after a goddess from the Near East called Astarte.
The name “Astaroth” as a male demon was first mentioned in The Book of Abramelin in 1458 and appeared in many other occult books over the centuries.
You can see Astaroth Summon Rituals in different cultures and perform them at home.
King Solomon reportedly summoned Astaroth as the 29th Goetic demon. According to Kabbalistic beliefs, Astaroth is under the authority of the angel Reiaiel.
We will share 2 powerful ritual to summon Astaroth for supernatural ability and you can practice both of them at home.
How to Summon Astaroth for Supernatural Abilities
Why you should do Astaroth Summon Rituals? Did you ever think why we look for Summon a Demon, Make a Pact or Deal with Devil or Join Occult Group?
Summon a demon is just another type of black magic and people look for Demon Summoning Rituals for getting fast and effective result no matter what they will pay for going to pay for it later.
There are lot of reason why people look for demon summoning rituals like
- Supernatural abilities.
- Hidden treasures.
- Fame and rich in less time.
- Solve your issue without much effort.
You can summon a demon for different purpose and fulfil desires. In this article we will discuss about How to Summon Astaroth for supernatural abilities through The Candlelight Invocation and The Seventh Circle Invocation rituals.
Astaroth Summon Rituals and Astaroth demon?
Astaroth is a demon believed to have originated from ancient Phoenician and Akkadian goddesses, Astarte and Ishtar.
In certain texts from the 18th century, like Grimoire Verum and Grand Grimoire, Astaroth is considered one of the top three evil demons, alongside Beelzebub and Lucifer.
Astaroth tends to complain to those who will listen, claiming unjust punishment by God along with other Fallen Angels.
Astaroth Summon Rituals might be a way to deceive magicians and drain their energy.
It’s important to maintain control when dealing with demons instead of letting them dominate you.
This rule applies regardless of the specific demon you’re trying to summon.
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Astaroth’s appearance he is male or female demon?
Astaroth can appear as a beautiful or ugly angel or prince, riding a dragon and holding a snake in his left hand.
Some magicians, however, have seen a beautiful demoness instead. Astaroth Summon Rituals and their appearance depend upon perspective of occultist and magicians.
The demon’s appearance is influenced by the summoner’s expectations, as Astaroth has various forms due to evolving from an ancient goddess.
Despite the appearance, the behavior, benefits, and dangers associated with Astaroth Summon Rituals are similar in every case.
When summoning Astaroth, it’s advised to hold a silver ring in front of your face to protect yourself from the demon’s foul breath, which can cause serious physical ailments.
Reason Why You Should Summon Astaroth?
Astaroth is known as a teacher in all sciences, especially excelling in the liberal sciences. There are some basic reason of Astaroth Summon Rituals.
This demon is also considered the keeper of secrets, possessing knowledge of the past, present, and future.
Astaroth can guide in different way like
- Gaining knowledge and uncovering secrets on any subject that requires study and research.
- Providing information about past or future events. Astaroth is often invoked in rituals related to necromancy and divination for this purpose.
- Making you invisible and guiding you to hidden treasures.
You can summon him through Astaroth Summon Rituals for insight about past and future events and hidden treasure knowledge.
Danger to avoid and best time to summon Astaroth
According to grimoires, the optimal time to do Astaroth Summon Rituals is on Wednesdays between 10 and 11 pm. This timeframe is considered ideal for seeking information about the past, present, and future.
Considering this, here are the two best rituals for summoning Astaroth:
- Health Precaution: There’s a health-related risk associated with summoning Astaroth. To protect yourself from his foul and corrosive breath, it is advised to keep a silver ring close to your face during the summoning.
- Avoid Slothfulness: Astaroth has a tendency to promote laziness, so it’s important to express gratitude and conclude the ritual properly. Avoid letting his presence linger longer than necessary.
As long as you approach the summoning respectfully, take the necessary precautions mentioned here, there’s nothing to fear.
Demons, including Astaroth through Astaroth Summon Rituals, generally do not have the primary intent to harm the summoner.
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1. The Candlelight Invocation to summon Astaroth
This candle ritual to do Astaroth Summon Rituals should done inside a dark room. Follow the below guide to summon Astaroth for supernatural abilities.
Light a candle and turn of all lights and prepare yourself for rituals.
Do a candle gazing meditation to calm your mind.
Now recite the below Astaroth invocation ritual
Hail Astaroth! Seeker of Wisdom and Keeper of Time! Mighty Duke,
I humbly invoke you from the depths of Hell into the Realm of Man.
Hear the prayer of your servant and friend!
Lend me your powers at this time!
Reveal yourself in the flames before me!
Hail Astaroth! Hail Astaroth! Hail Astaroth!
There is no fix chanting for this invocation rituals. You can chant as much as you can. You can do Astaroth Summon Rituals without any fix time of rituals.
Continue gazing into the candlelight and visualize energy flowing from the light into yourself.
Hold a silver ring under your nose with your hand. Close your eyes and allow the received energy to take the form of Astaroth in your mind, whether as a male or female demon.
Once Astaroth appears in your visualization, explain your situation to the demon and humbly request the answers or powers you seek and state the purpose for which you desire them.
When you’ve completed your request, conclude the ritual with these words:
“Thank you, mighty Astaroth, for sharing your powers and knowledge with me. I must bring this ritual to an end. May our connection transcend the limits of time and space. Hail Astaroth!”
Extinguish the candle and move to another room. Sit or lie down and reflect on the entire experience.
2. The Seventh Circle Invocation
Sit in a lotus meditation pose on the floor, carrying a silver ring on any finger. This is another Astaroth Summon Rituals you can do at home.
Meditate until your mind is empty and relaxed. Picture a large, dark citadel, monastery, or cathedral in your mind’s eye.
Walk around it seven times counter clockwise, focusing on the walls, windows, and main gate, silently repeating “Hail Astaroth.”
Upon reaching the main gate on your seventh circle, enter inside.
You’ll find yourself on a dark stairway spiraling downwards. Notice a fiery, infernal light emanating from below as you descend.
Go through the portal to discover a peaceful, green, endless field. Astaroth will be present; approach him with the silver ring under your nose and greet him humbly.
Take advantage of this moment to ask Astaroth any questions and receive his well-informed answers.
When ready to conclude the ritual, return through the portal, ascend the stairways, and walk around the dark citadel or cathedral CLOCKWISE seven times or as needed.
Slowly open your eyes and take time to reflect on your experience.
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Astaroth Summoning Rituals final Conclusion
Astaroth is a powerful demon with a notable historical impact. Various civilizations revered different aspects of this entity in centuries gone by. When summoning Astaroth, it’s crucial to be respectful and considerate, as doing so can lead to significant rewards.
Immense knowledge, power, protection from harm (including invisibility), and the discovery of hidden treasures are all attainable for those who establish a positive relationship with this distinct entity.
In August, the influence of the demon Astaroth is believed to be stronger.
According to Sebastien Michaelis, Astaroth is a demon of the First Hierarchy who tempts through laziness, self-doubt, and rationalized philosophies.
St. Bartholomew is considered his adversary and can protect against Astaroth, having resisted his temptations.
Astaroth is known for teaching mathematical sciences and handicrafts, granting the ability to become invisible, leading individuals to hidden treasures, and answering any questions posed to him.
Legend also attributes to him the power to control serpents.
Astaroth was involved in a diabolical pact with Urbain Grandier and was thought to be the demon responsible for possessing nuns in the convent of Loudun.
In the Black Mass ceremony led by the notorious French poisoner La Voisin, Astaroth was referred to as a “Prince of Friendship” alongside Asmoday.
This demon is considered a servant to those born between August 7 and 11. You can summon him with Astaroth Summon Rituals.