Occult magic for beginners. Mysticism and occult are also often mistaken to be the same. People think mysticism means that some magical acts have to be performed.
If you take the mystic on the planet, Adiyogi himself never once performed anything magical except to reach out and communicate with a few people who were dear to him.
He walked the planet like everyone else. Are you eager to start your occult practice but aren’t sure what it should look like exactly? We’ve all been there, wondering where to start and what to expect.
Occult magic for beginners and practicing occultism involves mastering your mind and emotions through various concentration and visualization methods.
This will allow you to perform more advanced rituals, like summoning entities from other dimensions, changing your mental state at will and easily influencing others to reach your goals.
Occult is the younger brother of mysticism, who jumps the gun and does things faster. It is like you are slogging through the books in a university, but your younger brother is full of money and is living his life already at the age of 18 because he joined the local gang.
But he is going to places where you do not wish to go, and may end up in a place where you definitely do not want to be – either in prison or dead.
Occult magic for beginners
Wicca is all about the worship of nature and witchcraft is all about manifesting the energy that you want in your life. The use of the two together is what can help you realize your purpose, your goals, visions, and dreams for the life you want to live and the person you aim to become.
Witchcraft for Beginners in your one-stop-shop for all of the helpful tools, tips, and step-by-step guidance that will bring you fully into your most magical life.
This ancient wisdom has been distilled down into an easy to read guide for all beginning witches and Wiccans. Join me for an exciting journey through the mysteries of occult magic and learn how to practice Occult magic for beginners.
It can open new doorways for you to explore your psychic abilities and communicate with the Universe in new ways. It can bridge the gap between the seen and the unseen if you are willing to go on that journey with yourself.
This book is everything you need to show you the path of witchcraft the Wiccan way. You don’t need any prior knowledge or experience of the craft in order to use this book.
Brief guide about Western occult tradition
The most well regarded paths in the Western occult tradition are:
- Hermeticism
- Neoplatonism
- Kabbalah
- Gnosticism
- Alchemy
- Thelema
- Wicca
- Chaos Magick
- Satanism
In reality of Occult magic for beginners, a magician will often create his own system drawing upon useful resources from different traditions.
Eastern occult tradition is just as interesting and vast. The most well-researched and popular practices fall under these two general categories:
- Yoga (originates in India)
- Qi Gong (originates in China)
The most popular types of yoga:
- Anusara Yoga
- Ashtanga Yoga
- Hatha Yoga
- Iyengar Yoga
- Jivamukti Yoga
- Kripalu Yoga
- Kundalini Yoga
Westerners often have the wrong impression of yoga, treating it (only) as a form of exercise. In India however, it’s considered to be the most sacred of all sciences.
Along with the Occult magic for beginners and physical benefits of doing yoga, it’s also practiced to reach the highest levels of personal development, mental superpowers (perfect memory, astral projection, even time travel according to Indian scriptures) and full spiritual enlightenment.
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Step 1: Choose your occult practice
Occultism is any hidden, mystical path that has self-development and self-actualization as its main purpose. Occult practices can be found in almost every culture in the world.
There is usually an exoteric religion that’s practiced by the majority of the population, while, esoteric, hidden knowledge is reserved only for those with greater interest in spirituality.
We can also make a distinction between the RHP (right-hand path) and LHP (left-hand path).
RHP are more orthodox forms of spirituality which have as the main purpose the perfect connection with God, while abolishing the ego, which is viewed as a flawed part of the human psyche which separates us from God. Occult magic for beginners.
The word God is a common term that’s used to depict the absolute, divine power which governs the universe, even though it can be depicted differently across religious traditions.
The outward appearance doesn’t concern the mystic who deals with the essence of spirituality, instead of the culturally-conditioned exoteric elements which are only the surface layer and are there primarily to appease the ignorant masses. Occult magic for beginners.
When it comes to morality, we can also distinguish between the white and black magic labels. White is used to depict magic used for benevolent purposes and the black as that which is used for achieving selfish and sometimes malevolent goals.
Some occultists prefer a magical practice that is built into their own culture and tradition while others don’t mind borrowing from other cultures. There’s nothing inherently wrong with either approach.
When choosing an occult practice, ask yourself these three fundamental questions:
- What is my goal? – If it was always your dream to invoke a succubus, you should explore ceremonial magick rather than yoga. While there are many overlapping attributes between all occult practices, and they can often be synthesized, summoning otherworldly entities is uniquely found in only some magical systems. Occult magic for beginners.
- Can I practice efficiently? – Your occult practice should align well with your physical condition and environment, otherwise it will be difficult to advance. If you’re missing a limb or two, you’ll definitely struggle with doing most yoga, qi gong and tai chi movements. For ceremonial magick you’ll often need a quiet place and items like candles, incense, knife, dark robe etc., in order to create the right conditions.
- What occult practice interests me the most? – This is arguably the most important question. If you’re not sure yet, dabble into a few of them until you find the one that peaks your interest the most, then go full in.
Progress in the occult is based on trial-and-error just like every other endeavor. Occult magic for beginners. The more paths you try out, the more knowledgeable and wise you’ll become.
Especially because there are many overlapping features and requirements. For example, making progress in meditation will be helpful on any path you wish to follow, now or in the future.
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Step 2: Strengthen your mind and body
Many beginner occultists try to cast spells and achieve special effects immediately. But imagine playing a video game and trying to use a spell that’s reserved for a level 10 player when you’re level 1 of Occult magic for beginners.
Before you can successfully summon a succubus, conjure wealth or activate your third eye, you need to get the basics right, by improving your
- willpower
- mental clarity
- concentration
- mind-body connection
Flexibility and stamina (especially for movement-oriented practices like yoga) Now I will share with you a few ways you can improve these attributes:
The only way to improve willpower is to go beyond your comfort zone. When you feel like you no longer want to do something, but anyway, you’re building willpower in Occult magic for beginners.
Think of it as lifting weights in order to build strength. In order to build strength, you need to progressively lift a heavier load so that your muscles and nervous system have something to adapt to.
There’s no growth without challenge. When it comes to building willpower the same principle applies.
Luckily, there’s a lot of inherent freedom when it comes to building willpower. Common practices frequently used by occultists:
- Getting up earlier in the morning
- Strict diet
- Fasting
Why is willpower important?
To advance in anything in life you need willpower, otherwise you won’t have the strength required to progress when the task ahead gets more difficult.
Magic in general has a lot to do with directing Occult magic for beginners Will towards a specific goal. But it’s not enough to simply direct your Will, especially if it’s weak and dissipates quickly.
You need to have Power behind Will it order for it to manifest and produce tangible results. Building this power-potential is what we actively accomplish every time we decide not to take the easy way out, regardless of the specifics of the situation.
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Mental clarity
Mental clarity is a prerequisite for every occult practice because without it you can’t focus fully on your current action.
A foggy or racing mind is not centered and focused on the present moment, so it can significantly diminish the power of your spells and rituals, even if you’ve built up significant willpower that allows you to finish tasks DESPITE of not having perfect conditions. Occult magic for beginners.
Effective ways to increase mental clarity:
Mindfulness meditation: 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening is a great start. Progress slowly by doing a few minutes more every week
- Ask yourself often “What am I thinking about?” to short-circuit a racing mind.
- Workout routine: cardio, weightlifting, calisthenics, yoga, tai chi etc.
- Clean up your diet: eat light and smaller meals that require less energy to digest, remove any foods that cause digestive discomfort or allergic reactions like mucus
- Stop using recreational drugs, unless they’re part of a legitimate occult practice (highly unlikely at beginner stages)
- Reduce stressful factors in your life: people, habits, unrealistic goals etc.
- Use electronic devices responsibly
- Reduce multitasking such as having multiple tabs opened in your browser (I should heed my own advice on this one)
Reduce masturbation and ejaculation frequency in Occult magic for beginners.
What will you use your willpower and mental clarity for? Imagine yourself riding a powerful stallion (willpower) on an endless green field (mental clarity). You’ve replaced the donkey with a stallion and you’ve finally escaped the black forest of your foggy mind.
Now you can move about more easily AND you have a vehicle to reach your destination within a reasonable period of time. But without focus, none of this will matter because you could end up riding in circles forever, never quite reaching your destination. Occult magic for beginners.
This is what happens to many people who focus solely on mindfulness meditation. They empty their minds of thoughts, but all they’re left with is the void. It’s a very vegetative and passive way to experience reality, and most occultists would actually prefer to use mental clarity for a higher purpose than that.
To build concentration, perform these exercises:
- Concentration meditation: focus on a candle light, a mantra, draw a small dot on the wall
- Visualization: begin with visualizing light and geometrical objects, advance to visualizing more complex forms like fully-formed entities
- Walking meditation: make every step consciously, instead of automatically like you normally would
- Reading: read for a longer stretch of time with concentration, improve by a) reading longer b) reading more complex literature
Mind-Body Connection (Intent)
Mind-body connection is required to feel the effects of subtle magical energies working on the material plane. It can drastically improve the effectiveness of your spells and rituals.
A comparison with weightlifting is warranted here as well. You will often hear personal trainers say that you need to “feel the muscle” while it’s working to get better results in Occult magic for beginners.
That’s entirely correct. An advanced gym goer will feel his working when he pulls down on the lat machine. A beginner will only feel his biceps working because he has negligible mind-muscle connection between his nervous system and his back muscles.
It can only improve through increased concentration on this under-developed muscle, rather than performing the movement while focusing on the cardio bunny bouncing up and down on the treadmill.
When it comes to occult practice, you also need to put more intent in your actions, instead of doing them automatically. If you’ve done a magic ritual according to a recipe and it created on results, Occult magic for beginners doesn’t necessarily mean that the recipe is bad.
Conversely just because you perform a Qi Gong movement for the first time based on a Youtube demonstration doesn’t mean you will get the equal benefits as the Qi Gong master who’s done the movement a thousand times already.
The difference is in the intent and the connection which builds up over time in a practitioner, between the spiritual and material plane. The stronger this connection is, the more Occult magic for beginners and magick potential you’re able to manifest in the physical realm.
I personally don’t believe it’s necessary to do any independent “intent building” practice. Simply keep in mind that performing any activity with more intent will create better results.
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Flexibility and stamina
Flexibility and stamina are especially important for yoga. But luckily they get developed through yoga as well, so it’s not necessary to do any extra methods if you’re already practicing yoga.
If you decide on a different occult practice and yoga is not your things, these are some alternatives:
- stretching
- running
- HIIT workouts
- circuit workouts
- swimming
Keep in mind that you’re not practicing for a marathon or a bodybuilding competition. Don’t spend all of your energy on physical betterment if it leaves you depleted for mental challenges. But it’s ridiculous to be an out-of-shape during Occult magic for beginners, wheezing occultist, trying to invoke supernatural powers in an overweight body (and there are many of them!).
So make sure to incorporate some form of physical exercise into your routine. Especially focus on flexibility because it will help you practice sitting meditation for longer periods of time without feeling back pain and other forms of discomfort.
This will naturally help your concentration training as well. After all, it’s hard to create clear visualizations and concentrate on them with tight hip flexors and lower back pain.
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Step 3: Gather materials
You might be encouraged to have different magical objects depending on your occult practice. These can be part of your daily apparel or used only for rituals:
- black robe
- candle
- incense
- grimoires
- ring
- necklace
- crystal ball
- skull
- dagger
- gemstones
Ceremonial rituals typically involve ritualistic objects which are used to create certain favorable conditions and alter your mental state in Occult magic for beginners. More minimalistic practices like yoga and chi gong don’t require much material if any.
Step 4: Create a progressive routine
Occultists are naturally drawn towards self-development. They’re also not satisfied with achieving ordinary results, seeking spiritual enlightenment instead. It’s these higher levels of ambition that differentiate occultists from the rest of humanity.
Often I see occult practitioners stagnate because they get comfortable with their identity as a magic user, which already elevates them to a higher status than ordinary folks that surround them. But this defeats the purpose of the practice.
So make sure that you’re constantly looking for ways to improve in Occult magic for beginners, adding more difficult tasks, reading and learning more about the occult and expanding your awareness.
Don’t settle for the introverted forms of development that are often emphasized such as performing strange rituals or meditating in silence.
Travel, taking on worldly challenges and engaging in exciting relationships can all fall into your occult practice if done with proper intent.
Invest in a journal (actual notebook) and regularly write down your thoughts, routines, rituals, spells, experiences, plans for the future etc.
How to Practice Occultism and Occult magic for beginners conclusion
The occult is a vast library of knowledge that could take hundreds of lifetimes to fully explore. In order to get tangible results focus on one occult practice at a time and become advanced in it.
As you gather more experience, you’ll be able to draw upon different spiritual traditions to create the system that works best for your individual goals and Occult magic for beginners.
I hope you’ll find this introductory article helpful in starting your journey, and feel free to check other content on the website. You can read Witchcraft for Beginners: A Complete Guide to Learn Wicca Mysteries and Occult Magic- A Book of Contemporary Paths and Traditional History for M.