Do you believe is black magic real? People often ask me is there real magic or its just human mind tricks or work of art and illusion. There are so many doubt and confusion about working of magic and their workflow.
It’s safe to assume that everyone has had an interest in magic at some point in their lives. As children we’re more likely to think that a magic wand we got for our birthday is imbued with special powers. As we get older, believing in such magical possibilities becomes harder and harder.
Magic, sometimes spelled magick, is an ancient praxis rooted in sacred rituals, spiritual divinations, and/or cultural lineage with an intention to invoke, manipulate, or otherwise manifest supernatural forces, beings, or entities in the natural, incarnate world.
It is a categorical yet often ambiguous term which has been used to refer to a wide variety of beliefs and practices, frequently considered separate from both religion and science. We don’t believe is there real magic because there are some doubt that mark question on is black magic real.
Although connotations have varied from positive to negative at times throughout history, magic continues to have an important religious and medicinal role in many cultures today.
Within Western culture, magic has been linked to ideas of the other, foreignness, and primitivism; indicating that it is “a powerful marker of cultural difference” and likewise, a non-modern phenomenon.
During the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, Western intellectuals perceived the practice of magic to be a sign of a primitive mentality and also commonly attributed it to marginalised groups of people.
In modern occultism and neopagan religions, many self-described magicians and witches regularly practice ritual magic; defining magic as a technique for bringing about change in the physical world through the force of one’s will. You can ask so many question that can relate with is black magic real and
This definition was popularised by Aleister Crowley (1875–1947), an influential British occultist, and since that time other religions (e.g. Wicca and LaVeyan Satanism) and magical systems (e.g. chaos magick) have adopted it.
As cold reality crushes our dreams, it can seem as if there is no order in the Universe and no way to master its secrets. We become cynical to the possibility of otherworldly powers, especially those we can put under our direct control.
How could we possibly manipulate this cold, senseless reality through our own pitiful human faculties? Well, I’m about to show you that through magic doing so is quite possible, and I’ll tell you exactly what I mean by that.
Is black magic real? The Definition of Real Magic
To understand whether magic is real or not, we first have to define it. According to Oxford Dictionaries: Definition of magic – the power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.
So the term magic is not precisely defined, since many things can fall into the categories of “mysterious” and “supernatural”, as we’ll explain soon.
What we can claim with some assurance however is that casting fireballs and summoning skeleton warriors is unfortunately not possible in this plane of reality. So if that’s the sort of thing you consider as “real magic”,
I’m afraid to say that it doesn’t exist, at least not as far as I’m aware of it. And I’m yet to find a single occultist who thinks such things are possible or one that could offer any proof of such powers.
Having said that, let’s focus on the other part of the definition about is black magic real.
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White, gray and black how they work?
White magic, Gray magic, and Black magic define the hidden intention of practitioner. White magic has traditionally been understood as the use of magic for selfless or helpful purposes, while black magic was used for selfish, harmful or evil purposes.
Some question mark with is black magic real cannot be solved.
With respect to the left-hand path and right-hand path dichotomy, black magic is the malicious, left hand counterpart of the benevolent white magic.
There is no consensus as to what constitutes white, gray or black magic, as Phil Hine says, “like many other aspects of occultism, what is termed to be ‘black magic’ depends very much on who is doing the defining.” Gray magic, also called “neutral magic”, is magic that is not performed for specifically benevolent reasons, but is also not focused towards completely hostile practices.
High and low types of magic
Historians and anthropologists have distinguished between practitioners who engage in high magic, and those who engage in low magic.
High magic, also known as ceremonial magic or ritual magic, is more complex, involving lengthy and detailed rituals as well as sophisticated, sometimes expensive, paraphernalia. So many people don’t believe in magic and ask us is black magic real and if yes then prove.
Low magic, also called natural magic, is associated with peasants and folklore and with simpler rituals such as brief, spoken spells. Low magic is also closely associated with witchcraft.
Anthropologist Susan Greenwood writes that “Since the Renaissance, high magic has been concerned with drawing down forces and energies from heaven” and achieving unity with divinity. High magic is usually performed indoors while witchcraft is often performed outdoors
Examples of Real, Everyday Magic
Many occultists will tell you that magic is all about planting strong impressions on your own mind or the minds of others. Is black magic real? Look Here are some examples of everyday magic:
Let’s say that you got a little chubby and want to lose weight. If you’re not motivated enough to go to the gym or eat a healthy and wholesome diet, you’re probably not going to accomplish that goal.
So how do you get that extra motivation? – By implanting strong suggestive thoughts and emotions into your mind, which will make you go to the gym and eat healthy, and as a result lose that extra weight. There are so many factor that affect working of magic.
This goal is usually accomplished by thinking about all the wonderful benefits of having a six pack, watching motivational videos on Youtube or listening to some heavy metal music to get pumped for a workout. People often still confuse is black magic real or just a tricks.
You’re essentially influencing your own mental state and performing magic while doing these activities.
Listening to and playing music was always seen as magical in a sense. It was used to procure extraordinary effects, even by well-known magicians such as the great Renaissance thinker Marsilio Ficino who used it for spiritual enlightenment and medicine.
We can also look at war drums and church choirs as having a profound psychological effect which was directed for a precise purpose of improved courage and piety.
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How to practice Black magical ritual?
Practical magic consists of two parts: cause and effect. In the previous case of everyday magic the desired effect was weight loss, and the cause or method of achieving this effect would be eating less calories, exercising and perhaps using some of the psychological aids mentioned before.
All of these causes related to is black magic real can be considered as parts of the magical recipe that if followed properly will lead to the desired effect of losing weight.
Likewise, studying even in its rudimentary form is a cause with the effect of obtaining new knowledge. Reading itself is a cause which can lead to many effects, and is therefore magical in a sense.
My point in saying this is to show you that magic doesn’t have to be creepy or complicated in order to be considered magic. It’s simply the case of finding a cause-and-effect relationship and using it for your own benefit. I’ll explain the significance of more occult forms of magic in the following paragraphs.
Now let’s see an example of everyday use of magic on other people. The clearest example is marketing. If you want to sell a product, you need to convince people that they need your product and that it’s the best choice on the market for them. Never doubt is black magic real, if you want to see magic accept them first.
To do so, you need to make an advertisement. What is the point of advertisement? It’s to manipulate people into buying a specific product! If they buy it, you can clearly say that your magic performed effectively! Never doubt about is black magic real just accept and see magic.
Religions operate in the same manner. Even if Christianity or Islam aren’t factually correct, they’ve managed to convince people that they’re the absolute Truth. As a result, they’ve become living realities and the ultimate Truth for millions of people for centuries.
It goes without saying that both can’t be true at the same time unless they fall into the line of reasoning we’re using here. Mainly that magic deals with the subjective part of human nature. As George Constanza says: It’s not a lie, if you believe it.
But it’s a good question to ask: why more mysterious and occult forms of magic even exists if they’re not necessary?
Oh but they are! There’s a very simple explanation for the dark and creepy forms of magic; more occult magic can provide a stronger and longer lasting impression on the mind than basic everyday motivation can. It can also be used for other purposes, which are mostly psychological.
Magic is Highly Psychological
I hope we can now come to terms with the idea that magic exists at least in a psychological form. The power of magic on this level depends on how powerful of an impression it can imprint in your mind or the mind of others.
To get up from bed in the morning, you probably don’t need a strong magic ritual. You just need to remind yourself you have to go to work or go to the toilet. Perhaps the only magical instrument you need is an alarm clock.
But if you have a really ambitious and difficult goal that requires a lot of work, strength, patience and faith in your abilities, you may need some extra assistance. That could be starting your own business, writing a book or conquering the world as a politician.
In that case, asking for help from a demon or an angel through a proper magic ritual can produce an effect powerful enough that it tangibly help you in achieving that goal.
It can provide assurance that there is a powerful otherworldly being assisting you on your journey which can give you the confidence to actually make your dream a reality. Still have question is black magic real?
A movie that provides an excellent exploration of both psychological and supernatural magic is “The Ninth Gate” by Roman Polanski.
This scene in particular is excellent, where the collector of literature on Lucifer performs a ritual convinced that he’ll become a god. Unfortunately the ritual involves burning himself alive, which he does to his own detriment:
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Is supernatural magic real?
Can magical practices like voodoo, telepathy and love spells of which the target individual is often not aware of work?
This is highly debatable even among magicians. Those who believe that such magic can produce desirable effects also view the world as being permeated with a single, unifying energy (in traditional societies known as anima, chi, prana etc.).
The concept of the Force in Star Wars is based on these ancient beliefs as well. If we’re all connected, it might be even scientifically speaking possible to influence other people in this manner. is black magic real or supernatural magic possible for human.
The discoveries of quantum physics have opened up these and many other strange possibilities which were too easily dismissed by previous generations of scientists.
Those who worshipped Newtonian physics which is based on strict and unflinching laws of Nature. Aleister Crowley, the famous English occultist had this to say about the relationship between science and magic:
It is also true that science and magic were treated as one and the same thing for the better part of human history. is black magic real
Famous European scientists such as Roger Bacon, Emanuel Swedenborg and Isaac Newton were all very interested in occult sciences. It’s mainly because until modern times, people thought that the world was organized according to certain divine principles.
If these principles were understood properly by the philosophically inclined individual, he could influence them through the proper magical methods.
But this worldview fell out of fashion as Enlightenment, Darwinism and materialism took over the minds of the European intellectuals from the 16th century onward.
Book of the Dead
Is black magic real this still bother you? Just have a look on the book of dead a book of necromancy. The interior walls of the pyramid of Unas, the final pharaoh of the Egyptian Fifth Dynasty, are covered in hundreds of magical spells and inscriptions, running from floor to ceiling in vertical columns.
These inscriptions are known as the Pyramid Texts, and they contain spells needed by the pharaoh in order to survive in the Afterlife. The Pyramid Texts were strictly for royalty only; the spells were kept secret from commoners and were written only inside royal tombs.
During the chaos and unrest of the First Intermediate Period, however, tomb robbers broke into the pyramids and saw the magical inscriptions. Commoners began learning the spells and, by the beginning of the Middle Kingdom, commoners began inscribing similar writings on the sides of their own coffins, hoping that doing so would ensure their own survival in the afterlife.
These writings are known as the Coffin Texts. I never ask myself is black magic real because I accept the concept of working magic.
After a person died, his or her corpse would be mummified and wrapped in linen bandages to ensure that the deceased’s body would survive for as long as possible because the Egyptians believed that a person’s soul could only survive in the afterlife for as long as his or her physical body survived here on earth.
The last ceremony before a person’s body was sealed away inside the tomb was known as the Opening of the Mouth.
In this ritual, the priests would touch various magical instruments to various parts of the deceased’s body, thereby giving the deceased the ability to see, hear, taste, and smell in the afterlife.
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Final Word: Is black magic real?
I hope this article has shed some light on the reality of magic. The main point I wanted to get across is that it’s impossible to say whether magic as such is real, because the term magic is used by different people to describe different things.
The essence of magic boils down to causal relations. If you need money, you get a job.
Having the job is a cause of which a paycheck is an effect. More occult forms of magic are employed to amplify the cause in order to produce a greater effect.
This amplification can be purely psychological or it can be supernatural, there’s no final verdict on this matter so far.
Within the magic community there have always been disagreements on the extent to which more occult forms of magic is real and at what point it becomes little more than blatant superstition. so do you still doubt whether is black magic real?
However, what all magicians and even the general public can agree upon is that our beliefs are very powerful, since they determine our actions. Our actions on the other hand shape the world.
Even as a purely psychological force it should never be underestimated. In fact it can be considered as the most powerful psychological tool we have at our disposal.
Furthermore, people literally yearn for magic, they swallow up fantasy and mystery in the forms of literature, movies and music every day. It’s a fine line between enjoying something in the form of pure entertainment and taking it a step further. Hope your question about is black magic real
Is solved.
As far as my personal beliefs go, I’ll end this piece with a general warning for aspiring magicians: Those who are aware of magical powers should use them with the full awareness that their efforts always have profound consequences, both positive and negative, on their own lives and the lives of others.