Demon Agares, sometimes referred to as Agreas in certain texts, is identified as the second spirit in the Ars Goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon.
He holds the title of Duke of Hell and commands 31 legions of infernal spirits.
In the realm of demonology, Agares is known and most popular for his diverse capabilities, which include inducing earthquakes, retrieving fugitives, and imparting knowledge of languages.
Agares is known for overthrowing both supernatural and temporal authorities and is capable of causing earthquakes.
He is said to have once belonged to the Order of Virtues and commands between thirty-one and thirty-three legions of spirits.
The Book of the Office of Spirits places Demon Agares under the authority of Oriens, describing him as an old man riding a cockatrice, but notably without a hawk.

In the Grand Grimoire, Agares is portrayed as a subordinate to Lucifuge Rofocale.
He is reputed to have been confined in a brass vessel and cast into a deep lake or exiled to “lower Egypt.” Additionally, he is depicted as a noble figure, often shown riding a crocodile and holding a Peregrine falcon.
Agares is attributed with compelling deserters to return, defeating enemies, and taking pleasure in teaching profane or immoral expressions.
It is suggested that his name may derive from the Greek figure Argus. This article will deep delve into more info about demon Agares and his appearance with unique powers and ability.
Who is demon Agares? Appearance in Ars Goetia
Agares (also known as Agarat, Agaros, or Agarus) is the second demon listed in the Ars Goetia, summoned by King Solomon, and holds the title of Great Duke of Hell.
Agares demon recognized as the First Duke of the East, he is typically depicted as either a distinguished elderly man or a handsome figure, riding a crocodile and holding a hawk on his fist.
Agares is renowned for his abilities to teach languages, retrieve those who flee, immobilize those who attempt to run, cause earthquakes, and bestow noble titles.
Demon Agares is portrayed in the Ars Goetia as an elderly man of fair complexion, seated upon a crocodile and holding a goshawk on his fist. This depiction is steeped in symbolism.
According to the Ars Goetia The crocodile, a timeless emblem of power, resilience, and the untamed forces of nature, represents Agares’ dominion over the earth, particularly his capacity to induce earthquakes.
The goshawk, a swift and precise bird of prey, symbolizes control, agility, and sharp focus, reflecting his abilities to track fugitives, manipulate situations effectively, and guide those seeking direction.
The complex appearance of an elderly man with these formidable creatures represent Agares’ dual nature.
This appearance represent a spirit embodying both gentleness and ferocity, wisdom and power.
Demon Agares and his aged appearance make a sense of potent knowledge and composed authority, while the crocodile and goshawk emphasize his potential to unleash chaos and enforce his will when circumstances demand.
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Historical Origins and Mythological Background
The name Agares comes from the Latin verb agare, meaning “to act” or “to do.” This origin highlights his active and dynamic nature, which makes this demon a popular choice in spells designed to invoke movement or change.
In various grimoires, Agares is depicted as a demon of action, capable of shifting circumstances, initiating events, and creating a sense of urgency.
In medieval demonology, Demon Agares was considered one of the fallen angels, originally part of the Order of Virtues.
The Virtues were celestial beings tasked with bestowing strength and courage—qualities that remain in Agares’ portrayal as a demon who can motivate the stagnant and help those who have lost their way.
His transformation from a divine being to a demon mirrors a common pattern in Christian texts, where ancient spiritual entities were often reinterpreted and demonized as part of a shifting theological narrative.
Unique Powers and Abilities of demon Agares
Agares is known for his ability to compel runaways or fugitives to return. No matter whether they are literal individuals or metaphorical entities such as lost opportunities or forgotten ambitions.
Such kind of capability makes demon Agares particularly effective in odd situations. Something valuable—be it a person, an object, or a mindset—needs to be retrieved or restored.
Another main attribute of Agares is his mastery over languages and communication.
He is said to teach all tongues, making him an invaluable ally for those seeking to enhance their linguistic skills, acquire new languages, or refine their ability to communicate.
Beyond basic language acquisition, Demon Agares aids practitioners in navigating the complexities of interpersonal relationships, diplomacy, and persuasion.
Agares demon also wields control over the earth, with the power to cause earthquakes and other seismic disturbances.
This dominion over the ground serves as a metaphor for his ability to provoke significant transformations in a person’s life or surroundings.
He is often invoked in rituals designed to break stagnation, catalyze change, or foster growth and renewal.
Additionally, Agares is credited with the ability to destroy spiritual and temporal dignities, enabling the dismantling of outdated power structures or oppressive hierarchies.
The main power of demon Agares is especially valuable for those seeking liberation from restrictive circumstances or the overthrow of unjust authorities.
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Connecting with demon Agares in Magic and Occult
Beyond basic language acquisition, Agares aids practitioners in navigating the complexities of interpersonal relationships, diplomacy, and persuasion.
Agares also wields control over the earth, with the power to cause earthquakes and other seismic disturbances.
This dominion over the ground serves as a metaphor for his ability to provoke significant transformations in a person’s life or surroundings.
Demon Agares is often summoned in various rituals that are specially designed to break stagnation, catalyze change, or foster growth and renewal.
Additionally, Agares is credited with the ability to destroy spiritual and temporal dignities, enabling the dismantling of outdated power structures or oppressive hierarchies.
This power is especially valuable for those occultist who seeking liberation from restrictive circumstances or the overthrow of unjust authorities.
How to summon Agares demon?
Summoning Agares, like any Goetic spirit, requires careful preparation and attention to basic detail and ritual guide. His sigil, which can be found in most versions of the Lesser Key of Solomon, serves as the central focal point of the summoning ritual of demon Agares.
Practitioners typically chant his enn—“Rean ganen ayar da Agares”—to invoke his presence into the ritual space and align themselves with his energies.
It is essential for practitioners to be clear and specific in their intentions when calling upon Agares, especially if they seek his assistance in returning lost people or opportunities.

Due to his expertise in teaching languages, summoning him in contexts where communication is key—such as negotiations, learning endeavors, or situations requiring persuasion—can be highly beneficial.
You need to be careful while Offerings to Agares as it reflect his symbolic associations like his sigil and inn.
There are different kind of offering to Demon Agares like as a bird of prey, the goshawk suggests offerings related to flight and precision, such as feathers, small animal bones, or even symbolic representations of birds.
Second thing to keep in mind that the crocodile’s ties to both the earth and water elements also guide potential offerings. Candles in earthy colors (greens and browns) or water-related items, such as seashells or salt, are fitting.
Additionally, offerings related to learning, such as books, parchment, or writing instruments, align well with Agares’ linguistic abilities and his role in teaching and communication.
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Warning and Precaution while connecting with demon
Demon Agares is mostly viewed as a kind and knowledgeable spirit, yet the power he holds over the earth and his capacity to provoke earthquakes warn of his possible danger.
Practitioners need to stay on the ground, focused, and intentional as his powerful energy becomes too overwhelming when approached loosely.
It should be avoided that one invokes Agares lightly or for no particular reason since he would rather serve people who really have a problem or have clearly defined objectives.
In similar fashion, the summoning for all spirits from Goetia requires respect as well as serious preparation.
Providing an adequate gift and ensuring crisp, respectful talk helps to ensure harmony and cooperation while working with Agares so his help will always be efficient, and of greater benefit to practitioner.
Demon Agares in Ars Goetia and Solomon king final Conclusion
Agares is the second spirit of the Ars Goetia, a very powerful and versatile demon with a wide range of abilities.
Agares turns out to be a very supportive ally for those practitioners who require movement, change, and knowledge in other forms From teaching of languages and enriching communication skills to retrieving lost people or lost opportunities,.
Demon Agares and his intense connection with earth, the practice with him about his wisdom on action matters makes him a potent being for change and success of the person, only if approached respectfully and with proper intent.
Agares is very linked with the planet Venus, which controls love, beauty, and love relationships.
But in his case, Venus’ influence focuses more on the harmony of communication and restoration of fractured relationships instead of romantic issues.
The capability to teach languages is also made stronger because he is linked to Venus as it encourages cooperation, understanding, and connection.
Elementally, Demon Agares is linked with Fire, which symbolizes his control over transformational forces and his ability to ignite action and passion. Fire is symbolic of transformation, energy, and creativity, which Agares can grant to those who call upon him.
His link with Fire also further enhances his role in communication and change, making him a strong ally for those who wish to manifest their ideas and aspirations into reality.