Shakti chakra meditation is the most powerful tool to enhance magnetic eyes and strengthen your eyesight. Practitioners relate this practice with Hypnotism and Psychic ability development.
It’s true because this practice is the top level of meditation that show result within a short period if done under instruction and guide.
Shakti Chakra tratak meditation is the most powerful gazing practice that should be done under the master guide or 100% genuine self-knowledge.
Most people listen and try to do this tratak just for hypnotic eye or attraction powers.
If this practice is done in the right manner you can get 100% effective results and benefit as shared here but, 95 out of 100 leave this in the middle because they were unable to focus their attention and stability during practice.
Shakti chakra gazing tratak creates a strong illusion of your brain’s memory and you are stuck in these memories. Sometimes scary vision or speed of experience can affect seeker mentality and they leave their practice as they can’t hold that unfamiliar experience.
In This post, we will discuss a Home base Guide of Shakti chakra tratak meditation.
This guide is basic and simple so that anyone can practice at home with effective results. Please be careful if you are starting for Hypnotic powers, psychic ability activation as they require a lot of Pranic energy and we don’t have it.
The biggest reason is instability, lack of concentration, and unwanted intrusive thoughts roaming in the mind.
You need some other required practice to get effective results. These practices include yoga and pranayama, meditation, and How to heal blockage chakra in the body.
Shakti chakra meditation
Shakti chakra gazing or Shakti chakra tratak both are the same practice. You can call it meditation or tratak practice as Shakti chakra is the most powerful object that enhances your psychic ability and spiritual experience.
Shakti chakra gazing meditation practice is the top-level practice to learn Hypnotism, Subconscious mind activation, Chakra healing and Psychic ability, spiritual experience.
Shakti chakra meditation practice can be done on either the American or Greek system. Two types of Shakti chakra images are popular among tratak practitioners. There is also a myth spread over people that to learn Practical hypnotism you have to practice the American style of Shakti chakra board.
I have done practice on both designs and found the same result. There is some difference depending upon your psychic ability or mental state. If you want to get 100% success carefully read all required instructions and guides. Now let’s start with Shakti chakra tratak benefits.
Shakti chakra tratak benefits
Shakti chakra meditation is the most powerful type of trataka meditation. It can develop psychic ability, used for personal development as well as Spiritual development and experience. You can get the following benefits from Shakti chakra tratak meditation like
- Personal development: A lot of benefits can be achieved like Self-confidence, Performance boosting and personality development, stability in Body Language, communication improvement.
- Psychic development: a boost in subconscious mind power, better memory power, improvement in the memory recall process, stability, calmness, Psychic ability Development, and many more.
- Spiritual Development: You can experience a lot of Spiritual development and journey.
- Eyesight improvement: if your eyesight is weak, you can try the basic practice of trataka gazing meditation.
- Third eye activation or sixth sense activation can be achieved with regular practice of Shakti chakra meditation.
- You can also improve your ability to experience future incidents before happening. This is part of subconscious mind activation, pineal gland strengthening, and much more. Read more about types of psychic abilities and powers here.
- You can improve your overall personality with Pranic energy. Everybody has this but due to blockage, energy can’t free flow throughout the body.
- Better control over Body mind and soul.
- You can feel an Attraction power and hypnotic ability with your body language.
All these benefits of tratak gazing meditation can be achieved under a tratak master guide or home-based practice. You can start with a basic practice of tratak and get an amazing result in a short time.
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Why you should do Shakti chakra gazing meditation
Practicing on Shakti Chakra image is very important for the seeker, Shakti chakra tratak meditation activates or enhance the magnetic powers in the eyes. You can easily practice basic hypnotism in your daily life routine.
This trataka enhances your attraction power, especially through your eyes.
A special kind of sharpness is born in his eyes, due to which he can defeat the person in front.
After practicing the Shakti chakra meditation for some time, the seeker will start seeing many types of visions in that Shakti. Many times the seeker will see mountains, rivers, ponds, forests, deserts, etc. in that Shakti Chakra board.
Sometimes these scenes will be familiar to him and sometimes these scenes will also be unfamiliar. In reality, these unfamiliar sights exist in this world, but that seeker has not yet seen them directly.
Many times the seeker sees such a scene in real life, then he is surprised that this scene has been seen somewhere before. That sight was seen by that seeker only through that Shakti Chakra.
Gradually, when the seeker starts seeing such scenes, then he should understand that he is getting closer to success. After this, the seeker should try to establish control over those scenes, only those scenes he wants to see.
For example, through Shakti Chakra, he should try to see who is sitting on the bed in the room of his house or what his old mother is doing in the house, or what is his wife doing at this time?
The practitioner will be surprised to see that as soon as he contemplates, he will get a clear view of the house and the particular room in which his old mother is sitting.
He will even be able to see the clothes he is wearing and at the same time try to hear whatever his mother or wife is talking about at that time.
After practice all this is possible and gradually he will be able to see the desired scene.
You should keep in mind that not much effort and effort should be put into this type of exercise because it puts an extra load on the eyes. When the eyes get tired, the practice should be stopped and the practice should be started again on the next day.
How to practice on Shakti chakra meditation Board
Let’s start with a basic practice on the Shakti chakra meditation board. Follow these step-by-step guides as I shared here for better results.
- Sitting on the asana, you should leave your body completely relaxed and loose. You should give yourself the suggestion as if you are very light and are sitting on the waves of the sea. Simultaneously, with effort, all the thoughts here and there should be removed from your mind and your eyes should be focused on that Shakti chakra with full capacity.
- Sadhak should practice looking at this chakra continuously without blinking. In the beginning, the effort should be that you keep watching for as long as you can.
- This exercise should be increased gradually. In case of watery eyes, the practice should be stopped and tried again on the next day.
- While practicing, this impression should be inculcated in the heart that my eyes are getting brighter and at the same time my mind is becoming thoughtless.
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Shakti Chakra trataka experience
- If a seeker practices Shakti chakra meditation for a few days, such a special power will arise in his eyes that whoever you see for a few minutes will be hypnotized. Even in daily work, if you talk eye to eye with someone for a minute, then he will be defeated and will start feeling weak from you.
- At such a time, whatever you say to him, if it is not against his faith, then he will accept it.
- For some time when this Shakti Chakra is practiced, after some time this Shakti Chakra will be seen moving from its place and it will feel like moving up-down or left-right.
- When there is such an experience, the seeker should try to see with a steady vision and try to make such an effort with his eyes that that Shakti Chakra can be fixed at one place.
- Later on, the seeker starts seeing some other picture in this chakra. When this starts happening, then understand that concentration is improving. And whatever you are doing is right.
If you start seeing three chakras at one chakra place or three chakras while practicing, then it is a sign of success. Many times you start seeing beautiful or scary pictures or scenes in this chakra during the practice, you should keep practicing regularly and should not bring any kind of thoughts in the mind.
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Some other exercises for better control
When the Shakti chakra meditation practice is for a few days, then the seeker should do some more new exercises.
Look at the person’s neck while walking in front and wish that he turns to look at you. You will be surprised to know and see that as soon as you look at his neck and think like this, he turns to look at you and this happens 95 times out of 100.
Look behind the neck of a passing person and feel that he immediately turns to look at you, or a conference or a party, you can see a man or woman, whose attention is on the other side, on his neck. reveal that he immediately turns to look at you and you
You ask a friend to wrap his hand in a cloth or handkerchief or to hide it under the table, then you look at the other part of his hand and consider that the palm of his hand is getting hot and red and slowly feeling a burning sensation. Give the same feeling to your friend. You will be surprised to know that even a friend starts feeling his palm burning.
You ask your friend to put the opposite palm on the table and you look at his palm and give the feeling that his hand is rising automatically.
Tell your friend also that your hand is raising upwards even if you do not want to and you will be surprised to see that without your friend’s desire his hand is rising lifeless upwards.
Some such exercises should be done by the sadhaks regularly. If you do not get success once, then you should practice for the second or third time. In the end, they will surely get success
Meaning of light on Shakti chakra board
As you move with Shakti chakra meditation, after a few days of continuous practice you can experience a bright light that covers the edge of Shakti chakra and gradually cover the whole Shakti chakra as your practice go on.
Bright light is the symbol of your Pranic energy that converts into hypnotic or psychic powers while Blue light that mostly a seeker experience is the symbol of your self-confidence boost.
While practicing in this way, when some time passes, the seeker will get a new experience. At that time he will see a thin golden ray around the Shakti Chakra.
Gradually that golden color will increase on the Shakti Chakra and after some time of practice, that entire Shakti Chakra will appear golden in color.
Sadhak should keep doing this practice regularly. After the golden color is visible, the seeker will see that golden color changing into blue after some time.
This blue light will later change into green color and then this light will feel illuminated like the sun and the whole Shakti chakra image will start shining like the sun.
The radiance like the Sun is not in the Shakti Chakra, but the brightness has arisen in your eyes, and the same brightness, reflecting on the Shakti Chakra and changing from there, is being experienced by your eyes.
Your eyes have become so bright by this time that wherever your vision falls, there will be light as a torch. In a way, it is the practice of creating a special glow in the eyes. You can see your eyes with a little change after Shakti chakra meditation practice.
Precaution in Shakti chakra gazing meditation
There is no rule if you practice trataka meditation for personal development but, if your practice aims a hypnotic power, psychic ability, and spiritual experience then, you must take precautions and follow the below instruction as mentioned here.
To remain constant sharp eyes, the seeker must follow some rules, which are as follows:
- Sadhak should completely stop using sourness, excessive chili, alcohol, meat, etc.
- Efforts should be made to keep equal control over the mind. Anger, pride, untruth, etc. should not be used.
- One should never regret after doing the work but should take a lot of thought before starting the work.
- Never do any bad act or mischief.
- Never make unnecessary efforts, such as moving feet, fingers
- Cracking, biting nails, etc.
- Never apologize to anyone in vain.
- The body and mind should always be cleaned so that you can remain fresh.
- One should neither worry unnecessarily nor laugh unnecessarily. Always keep in mind that you have complete control over your mind, and you can control your mind in any way you want.
- Do not watch flashy scenes.
The practice of Shakti chakra meditation should be done regularly. Along with this exercise, you should do one more exercise that you imagine some beautiful deity in that Shakti Chakra and then try to create in your mind the feeling that your face is also beautiful, radiant, and impressive like that deity.
If you do this exercise slowly for a few days then you will feel a remarkable difference in yourself.
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Magnet power in eyes
When you do Shakti chakra meditation practice regularly, then a special kind of magnetic power will arise in your eyes and with the help of this magnet power you will become very popular and your familiar world will increase more than necessary.
Sometimes you, where a group of people is standing, take a quick look at the necks behind fifteen or twenty of them and give the feeling that they all turn to look at you. You will see after some time of practice that was earlier only one person used to look back, now as soon as he gives a feeling, a bunch of humans starts turning to look at you.
You should always talk to any person with eyes in his eyes, while shaking hands, you first hold his hand in your hand and press, do not allow him to suppress, create seriousness in the voice and there is a rhythm in your speaking A sweetness should come, practice like this.
Gradually, you will be able to achieve success in your aim and the magnetic power that has been created in you will be able to remain intact.
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Most powerful tratak meditation for hypnotism conclusion
Above all detail shared here is based on my experience and yes this is the most powerful tratak meditation for hypnotism. I had done this trataka practice after 21 days of Bindu tratak meditation.
It is a basic and required practice before any other tratak meditation practice.
Bindu tratak meditation help to prepare yourself for the effect and result of any other tratak gazing practice like shakti chakra gazing meditation, candle flame gazing trataka, mirror meditation, or any other practice.
You should start with step by step guide as it is easy to do and also you can track your overall progress. If any problem occurs during practice it can be easily handled and doesn’t affect your overall practice.
You should do meditation to get effective results. Your practice will move safe and you don’t feel any mental tiredness as most people do it forcefully which results in tiredness and change in behavior.
If you want to do any tratak meditation you can join our online tratak meditation course.
It starts from 6000 for 3 months that include a PDF Guide, video conference, and email chat, you will get your separate guide that fulfills your need and help to get the effective result without any side effect of tratak meditation.