A lot of most popular and common myths about soulmate spread among people. The idea of having a soulmate is wonderful, but it can also be a fantasy leading to many problems in one’s life.
Some people think that their soulmate will be absolutely perfect.
The problem is that there is no such thing as perfection, and far too many people are setting themselves up to fail spectacularly.
Thinking that there is a soulmate out there somewhere who will solve all of one’s problems and give them a happily ever after fairy tale ending is a great way to be very disappointed.
Yes, we all have soulmates, but far too many people have unrealistic expectations of what a soulmate should be, and as an outcome, divorce rates are higher than they have ever been.
In this article we will discuss about 10 Common myths about soulmate and why you need to understand their hidden truth.
So many of us believe we know what we want in a person when we really don’t. And sometimes, when someone who fails to match our description comes along, we close ourselves off, missing the opportunity.
When we feel incomplete, lonely, and disconnected from ourselves, the ideal of soulmate love radiates brightly, promising to save us. Soon, we begin to sincerely believe that our beloved will “complete us,” making our lives meaningful once more.
Today, we’ll look at 10 most common myths about soulmates.
You’ll learn the myths and the truths, offering you a much better understanding of what a soulmate is.
Understand Common myths about soulmates
Many of us, at our core, believe that there is at least one person out there who can meet all of our needs and desires.
In fact, such a deformed belief is what leads to our societies’ high divorce rates and relationship dysfunction.
There are many negative rumors about soulmates that circulate in our cultural opinions.
These myths develop inflexible stories and ideals in our minds.
In fact, these ideals and beliefs are responsible for limiting our spiritual growth and capacity to mature as divine beings.
Believing that anything outside of yourself can complete or make you whole is not only misguided, but also extremely dangerous to your health.
So with this in mind, let’s explore 10 of the most common soulmate love myths out there:
What is the mythology behind soulmates?
According to Greek mythology, there was a time when humans were whole. Because each human had their soulmate, love was strong and humans were at peace.
They were two people fused together with four arms, four legs, and two faces. With time lot of myths about soulmate spread among people.
The gods began to fear humans’ power one day. They were terrified of the humans’ courage, hope, and strength.
Zeus, the king of the gods, devised a plan to divide humanity in half.
However, after the humans were separated, they were filled with despair, loneliness, and longing. They’d go days without eating, and sometimes even without moving.
They eventually learned to live with it, broken shells forever searching for their soulmate.
Everyone have only 1 soulmate and you can find too
For certain reasons, people are starting to believe that they can only have one soulmate.
This myth also perpetuates the idea that we must find this person before someone else does.
There are many different types of soulmates, and there could be many opportunities. This is a common myths about soulmate and you need to understand this is not true.
However, when we focus on the idea that there is only one true soulmate, we miss out on many opportunities for loving relationships.
We end up with excessive reality expectations and look for something that may or may not exist.
No one in this world can live up to these expectations, and we are disappointed when we do not find what we fantasize about.
Remember, not all soulmates are meant to be romantic partners. You can have soulmates who are friends, family members, co-workers, etc.
Just because you don’t share a romance with someone doesn’t mean they can’t be an important part of your life.
If you don’t know them now you will never know them
Many people think that if they fail to discover their soulmates by some age, they will never find them.
Remember that everyone is unique and does things differently and at different times in their lives.
There are no right or wrong answers when it comes to finding your soulmate. It will happen when it is meant to happen.
We must first work on ourselves before we can enjoy a true soulmate relationship. We need to grow spiritually and emotionally, and the time it takes varies from person to person.
This is one of popular but common myths about soulmate that you have to find your soulmate in a certain age and time else you will failed to find them.
We learn through relationships, and it is normal to have multiple relationships. In fact, every one of our relationships is a learning experience.
The more you take from each relationship, the more you are able to bring into the next one.
Enjoy all of these relationships, and know that everything happens for a reason.
You will attract the soulmate you want in your life
The universe does not send us soulmates because we are attracted to a particular type.
“You can’t always get what you want,” the Rolling Stones said in their famous song, “but if you try some times, you just might find you get what you need.”
There are far too many “experts” who suggest us to visualize what we want in a soulmate.
They say we can manifest our desires and attract our ideal soulmates. This myths about soulmate may be part of law of attraction like you attract what you like but, in reality you will find them.
This could not be more from the truth, and it is certainly not how the law of attraction operates.
One’s ideal soulmate may not be what they’ve imagined since childhood.
Indeed, one’s ideal soulmate is someone who can help them in spiritual and emotional growth.
Rather than focusing on what you want, take time to focus on what you need. When the time is right, you will find your soulmate.
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You don’t need to do any work for soulmate relationship
Many people think that soulmate relationships just happen and don’t require any extra work.
Actually, all relationships require effort to keep them on track. You have to break free from such kind of myths about soulmate and understand truth that you have to work for it.
Remember, if something is worthwhile, it is worth it to work for.
Any relationship will have problems, and it is essential to deal with them as they arise in order to avoid bigger problems later on.
Yes, your soulmate is a partner with whom you have a strong and powerful bond.
On the other hand, you will not always agree on everything.
If you believe otherwise, you will be deeply sorry.
There are going to be disagreements at times, but these disagreements can help you grow as an individual and as a couple. Learn from a common myths about soulmate and work on it so that you can get your true soulmate in life.
Rather than looking at your relationship as something out of a fairy tale, take advantage of the opportunity for personal growth.
All soulmate are human not animal or nature
Most of the time, when we think of soulmates, we are thinking of other people. However, not all soulmates are humans.
Many people have strong emotional attachments to their pets. In fact, many people are more attached to their pets than to any other human, including their own family members.
The bond between humans and their pets is not to be ignored. This is a common myths about soulmate and you need to understand the actual meaning of soulmates.
Remember that there are many different types of soulmates out there, and your beloved pet could be one of your most true soulmates.
This is obviously not going to be a romantic soulmate relationship.
However, it is a very special relationship that should be encouraged, cultivated, and cherished.
Everything is common in soulmate
Some people believe that they and their soulmates will have everything in common and will have no differences.
Every person on this planet is unique, and no two people can ever be completely alike.
This isn’t to say you won’t have a lot in common with your soulmate. Beware from such kind of myths about soulmate.
However, there will be several differences. You might not like everything the same way.
You may or may not share the same goals in life. This is okay.
Soulmates should, indeed, complement one another. They do not, however, have to be exact clones.
In fact, this is almost impossible, and you are going to spend a lot of time and effort looking for someone who likes everything you like and dislikes everything you dislike.
True soulmates will appreciate and honor each other’s differences. They will have fun exploring new ideas and learning from one another.
Soulmate stay together forever
Unfortunately, not all relationships, including soulmate relationships, end happily ever after.
This is a common myths about soulmate that can cause a lot of pain for a lot of people because it is just that, a myth.
Sure, it’s wonderful to think that once we meet that special someone, we’ll have a long-lasting relationship.
However, just because someone is your soulmate does not guarantee that they will remain in your life indefinitely.
Any couple, including soulmates, can run into problems they can’t overcome and end up splitting up.
Some people are with their soulmates for the rest of their lives, while others may only be with them for a short time.
All we can say is that nothing is meant to last forever. If you find yourself in a soulmate relationship, cherish it for what it is right now.
No one can predict 100% accuracy of what’s going next on.
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Physical intimacy is such a great experience with soulmate
This is one of the most common myths about soulmates.
You might be surprised to learn that having an affair with your soulmate is no different than having an affair with anyone else. It could be good or bad.
Or it could be awesome some of the time and only so-so the rest of the time.
With so many books, movies, and other media misinforming us about love, romance, and sex, it’s no surprise that many people believe they will have the best sex of their lives once they meet their soulmates.
Remember that relationship is not only physical, but also spiritual and emotional.
For most of us, the desire for physical relationship is really a desire to share intimacy with someone. However, this is only one type of intimacy that we have with our partners.
When it comes to romance and affair, there are many factors that influence the quality. Sometimes one of you may be in a bad mood.
Other things that need to be done, such as taking care of kids or going to work. Understand these kind of myths about soulmate is not a true belief.
Instead of concentrating on having the best romantic relationship ever, focus on sharing intimacy with the one you love.
Your soulmate is always of opposite gender
We have been developed to believe that our ultimate perfect partner or soulmate will be someone of the opposite sex.
Most religions, in fact, teach that all soulmate relationships are heterosexual.
When it comes to love, there should be no limitations. You need to know such kind of myths about soulmate and how to learn a spiritual concept from such kind of myth.
We have no control over who we fall in love with, and we should never feel persecuted because the person we love does not fit into the conventional narrative.
It’s possible that your soulmate is of the same gender as you, and that’s perfectly fine. You should be able to love whomever you want.
Nobody has the right to tell you that this person is not your soulmate if they enrich your life.
Always remember that we have many soulmates in our lifetimes, and not all of them will be the same gender as us.
Your soulmate will complete you
One of the damaging myths about soulmates is that they will complete you.
This is not only misleading, but it can also lead you to believe that you cannot be a complete person without a soulmate in your life.
We often hear about soulmates being our other halves and how we can’t live a full life without them.
Unfortunately, this leads people to believe that they are not in control of their happiness.
You will not have the great life you believed for yourself if you wait for a soulmate to make you feel complete and happy. It is up to you to design your own happy life.
When your soulmate does arrive, they will enhance what you have already created.
You won’t need them to complete you, as they won’t need you to complete them.
What are the beliefs of soulmates?
The concept of soulmates is a spiritual belief that there is an ideally suited mate for each person in the world, with whom one is predestined for marriage.
The end result is a spiritually perfect, compatible “match made in heaven” by God.
Some religions believe that your soulmate is your spiritual complement (your soul’s “other half”), and that God has predestined you to meet this person during your earthly life.
People have lot of common myths about soulmate and don’t know why they don’t believe in spiritual concept of soulmates.
The biblical concept of a soulmate can be traced back to Adam and Eve, when God created only one mate who was compatible with Adam.
Some spiritual beliefs establish soulmates as a group of people whose souls were born at the same time and whose lives are connected, with each soul predestined to play a role in the lives of their soulmates – whether that role is as a parent, family member, friend, lover, partner, teacher, or someone we only speak to once in our lives.
Some beliefs also include reincarnation, or the idea that we have more than one life and, in some way, reconnect with the same souls over and over again.
Common myths about soulmate and truth behind them final conclusion
We all desire soulmate relationships. Most of us will have more than one soulmate relationship.
However, if you’re looking for something that only exists in myths, you’ll be sorely disappointed.
Remember that your soulmate is someone who will complement you and grow alongside you.
When your soulmate enters your life, you will most likely recognize it and want to work hard to nurture this relationship.
Ignore the myths about soulmates and simply allow things to unfold as they should.